~~~~ Home Recording Challenge 3 ~~~~

Originally ranted by chrisharris
Yeah, like pitch adjustment would help YOU...YOU TOTAL HACK!! YOU'RE A GAY HACK...FULL OF GAY GAYNESS...

(flame king, right?...lol)

I've seen you do much better! :D

This one is..........well.........kinda gay!

If you get stuck with me......
That Autotune thing of yours will be smokin'

:D :D :D
"Am I too late to enter!!??"

No, you're not too late. Neither am I.

Paired with someone? Paired? How about peared?

Pear me with someone who doesn't know too much.

Peach me with someone nice.

Gee... two fruit jokes and not a banana in sight...
Re: Huh?

HevyD47Ca said:
What the Hell is AutoTune anyway????????

It's something that chrisharris needs like a hole in his head!

And should I end up on his team it would be a great experience for me.

I wish I never brought up this autotune thing :(

Since there is alot of people joining up with their tail between their legs maybe we should consider one thing.

The difference in skills, be they musical or mixing, as well as available equipment may put some teams at a disadvantage in terms of what they are able to accomplish. I know this is a fun learning experience but imagine SLuiCe and B.SABBATH paired, or a hack like myself and some newb (no offense intended!) or even 2 newbs who have little or no gear being paired.
I'm not sure how to do this but is it possible to break the pot of people into groups where one group has experience/equipment, and another group may have less experience/equipment, and pair one from each group to maintain balance for all.

Even the gear question deserves thought.
Maybe I'm taking this too far..........or maybe this would bring more people in??

Any ideas people??
Well, here's my first idea:

"but imagine SLuiCe and B.SABBATH paired"

Yeah, I imagined that before your post, and that's why I offered up the prayer 'pear me with someone who doesn't know much'.

The last thing you want is a pair of people each of whom have really clear ideas about how to go about the project.
I'm In

I'm in...sounds cool. That is if anyone agrees to be teamed up with me...and if you don't you can eat my ass with a spoon...hehehehe, just kidding!!!!!!!
I'm In....

I'm also a little nervous.
This will either be a lot of fun or it will be...........errr.......ummmm.......interesting!

I've only posted 2 songs here so I'll try to get something else up so that my poor unlucky partner will at least have somme idea of what I might have to offer to a colab. Maybe I could play wood block or triangle.

please dear God, pair me with Macle! :D

Re: I'm In

Analytical Man said:
I'm in...sounds cool. That is if anyone agrees to be teamed up with me...and if you don't you can eat my ass with a spoon...hehehehe, just kidding!!!!!!!

Be careful what you wish for. Taking into consideration some of the comments in this thread someone around here just might be willing to take you up on that offer!:eek::p:D
Wastfield...Westfield i mean!!!

Westfield is located a bout an hour North of Madison,
Between madsion and Steven's Point. It is a little backwoods town of about 2000 people or under. Right of of I-39. This challenge is gonna be a blast. Many times people have more to offer up than what they usually do, or whats on the surface...it'll be interesting. It's cool as long as i don't get hooked up with a Polka master or sumpin. Later all...can't wait!!!
re: jcmm

The idea of a random draw from a hat is what appeals to people.
It was a sound idea.............
To put it in terms of the haves and the have-nots is

Hi guys...doesn't that emoticon smiley look more like a "tell it to the hand" face than an embarrassment face?

Yeah...I would fall into that newb, don't know much, would love to be paired with a person who DOES. But if not, we'll just have the funniest song ever posted on this BBS.

And to those of you who only have "2" songs posted...I got NONE. Hee hee. Are you all scared yet? I don't mean to take away from the thread, but, apparently, I'm the only one who hasn't done any postage.

Here is something that I just sat down and made up really quickly as I had the record button on(and it's only like one minute) one day here...listen if ya want to. I only have it up on nowhere as a test to see that I could actually upload somethin up there. I guess it worked.


I can't believe I just did that. But, at least you can hear my voice, as I try to play the keyboard and make this up all at the same time. I can't really sing and play together, but I tried. There's too much reverb, I'm sure you'll all tell me, and no knowledge about how to actually record, eq, apply effects, compress, mix, or anything else. The lyrics were on spot made up, so they're ultra dumb, and about being cheated on, which hasn't happened to me recently, but I was just messin around anyway. Along with the reverb, you'll add that the eq sucks, the piano sound is too quiet and the vocal too loud, etc...etc...

I've got about 14 songs about as good/far along as this one! Ha ha. Not really a lyric idea for any of them, except for gobbledy gook like this one has. And, I have no idea about theory, or how to write a song anyway. I can't write a hook, or a wildcard, and wouldn't begin to know how to start thinking about writing one. That's why I'm here, to learn something. I just have a slight ear in me, that's all. But, I CAN sing, and I can do it much more easily than any of this other crap, albeit fun other crap! :D

I hope I'm not being rude by putting this here and talking so much. I have problems with both those things at times. And I'm probably also WAY too apologetic, as are plenty of insecure newbies around here. No big ego in this little gal, just a little itty bitty one. :)

if we are going to get into equipment, let me know. It ain't great, but it also doesn't suck!

Tah tah for now!
Re: re: jcmm

HevyD47Ca said:
The idea of a random draw from a hat is what appeals to people.
It was a sound idea.............
To put it in terms of the haves and the have-nots is

Read my post.

I never said anything about not drawing names at random.
I merely suggested spreading out the resources as even as possible.

That way there wouldn't be 2 people together who don't know what autotune is.