Freestyle Rapper looking for help.

I'll try and get it fixed, your the second person to make a comment about that. I'll try and figure out why its not working.
FYI, I doubt any of us are "haters" of your "spitting". We saw some your colorful "spitting" from your earlier posts, and of you saying about how your going to "sue the bleep out of anyone who takes your lyrics" and how boasting about how great your rapping is. And your looking for a big time record deal from a Home Recording forum.

Still interested in watching one of your videos when you fix the link, it's not like you have anything to hide, right? :D
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I'm his here to get connected with other people who rap. This is not the only community I'm apart of. I have the right to say whatever I want, I can go to any forum I want, I can go to any studio I want. It's my basic rights as an American. Chew on that.
I'm his here to get connected with other people who rap. This is not the only community I'm apart of. I have the right to say whatever I want, I can go to any forum I want, I can go to any studio I want. It's my basic rights as an American. Chew on that.

Well, not on all forums can you go and say what you want. And not all studios can you go into if you want.
With all due respect, I'm an American too, but we all have to remember there are rules almost everywhere we go.

If you even acted like you knew what the Hell I was talking about I'd be suprised. Don't sit there and try and downgrade what I say in my own thread. Therefore you wanting to make a smart remark any time i say something makes you a hater if you want me to get technical with you.
If you even acted like you knew what the Hell I was talking about I'd be suprised. Don't sit there and try and downgrade what I say in my own thread. Therefore you wanting to make a smart remark any time i say something makes you a hated if you want me to get technical with you.

are you still rapping??
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself

Me just freestyle rapping, just spittin it doing what I love.

The tragedy here is that being the best rapper in Oklahomoass won't buy you shit. One of my daughters has a brother in law who's a great guitar player. He sits on his ass and dreams of making it big, and he's only eighty miles south of L.A.!

The OP doesn't have Clue One how many thousands upon thousands of amazingly talented kids are out there all sharing his dream. Talent is important, but sacrifice, busting your ass, and pure blind shithouse luck is far far more important.