Does the world add noise?

actually, earth vibrates at about 4+ hrtz.
which is nearly the freq (5hrtz) found to cause nerve dammage in humans
the military tried to make a sonic wepon out of it for a while, but stoped when it became apparent thare was no way to direct such a wepon

oops guess i should check my sources
just read master's artical (what of it isn't a little "off")
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guhlenn said:
4th dimension bullshit? excuse me?
We're not talking spacetime here... did you read the article?

"6. The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes love and fear. Our INTENTION will be of utmost importance.
I intuitively know that we are awakening from the dream of only three dimensions so this statement is consistent with my beliefs. Intent is the focal point of any happening. "
Hahah. I hope mentioning this article was a joke.
Apparently this guy doesn't even know what a dimension is. Oh wait, he intuitively knows.
"6. The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. "

I understand that this includes love and fear, but does it also include vintage tube preamps and high-end microphones? Is free shipping part of the deal?
Forget desiring mics... all we need to do is desire a good recording, no work required!

I have a feeling though, that we won't be able to wish up a good drummer. That's the one unchangeable constant of the universe.

i read the first senrtences and couldn't go on. so Yeah i thought time was denied here LOL. A gffourth dimension that rearranges particles to produces sound ... wait a minute... I can just think the sound and you will hear it right?

Damn. After i spend all that money on guitars. I now know why people practice air guitar. they are waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of me!
and the wrold...goes, round and round

schulteboy said:
"6. The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. "

I understand that this includes love and fear, but does it also include vintage tube preamps and high-end microphones? Is free shipping part of the deal?

I bought a 5th Dimension CD. :)
The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest.

Well, I've always heard that clothes dryers randomly send half of a sock pair into the fourth dimension. Does that theory mean I'll suddenly get them all back? God, that's a lot of socks. Or am I misinterpreting?

If you use a cardioid mic, and position it so the null is facing the floor (surface of the earth) you will minimize problems with the SR and very likely experience 4th dimensional bliss into the bargain.

I know I did.
cardiroid dimensia

yeah, but if the mic points that way I'd have to sing upside down and
my words would be all backwards sounding.

how is that blissful?
yeah, but if the mic points that way I'd have to sing upside down and my words would be all backwards sounding.

Gotta be careful with that... Aren't there phrases that if recited backwards will call up a demon who'll destroy the earth?

What movie is that from?

And maybe it has to be in the old Aramaic.

Well I think you're putting us all at risk. I'd turn that damn thing around quick.

Silent noises

I think the movie was "Backward Talking Demon from the 4th Dimension"
Soundtrack was the by the 5th Dimension. I have the CD.

Strange thing happened today, I was doing laundry and i had a bunch of extra socks in the damn dryer!!!!they didn't MATCH UP!!!

If youo don't BELIEVE go pay attention to your laundry man!!!
count your socks! man do it NOW!!!!

you'll find out that like over a year or two you'll have extra socks
or not enough!!

i asked my wife about this...
she agrees over the last 15yrs we've had a bunch of
"funny" sock business going on!!!

damn this 4th dimension sht is FOR REAL!! freaking me out!!!
I thought you guys were joking!!!!!!!!!!
Put a line filter on the AC going into your dryer to filter out the SR. Otherwise you'll be buried in socks.
The best explanation I've heard as to why the dryer does the inter-dimensional transfer of socks has to do with speed and direction of rotation relating to that of the earth's, as well as the diameter of the drier's rotating drum. Apparently it's random and size related, so that's why only half pairs of socks are the usual items affected.

DB meter reads- Video Capture

get this..more freaky Inter-Dimensional sht going on!!

being curioous about all this "sock missing" Theory you guys mentioned.

I'm a bit skeptical still, kinda a "show me" mentality.

So I did this quick test, a Video Capture Test
but whooooaaaaa.....RESULTS WERE FHKNG CRAZY!!!

get this...
to try to "visually catch this Interdimensional phenomena theory".....
I'm still calling it theory, no offense.

I put my wifes brand new, Panasonic 345A-Z,
video camera in the dryer
(with an exact amount load of socks,
different colors and types. 12qty exactly matched. etc)

but when I took out the Video Camera...




go try it yourself if you don't BELIEVE!!! I'm starting to think FHKNG X-FILES not physics!!!??????? BTW All the socks were still there.

Its less than a 30day old camcorder so I'm taking it back to Frys, and will
get another one...thank goodness for that or my wife would have been

I also noticed my dog kept walking by during this test...he acted very, very strange??
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but when I took out the Video Camera...


So Coolcat, are you alluding to the theory that in the dryer inter-dimensional transfer the actual event coincides with an electrical pulse reaction - something similar, but on a smaller scale, to the electronics-disabling pulse of a nuclear device's detonation. Interesting...

I guess we could get the answer if the video camera's electronics were examined and found to be heat damaged from the pulse phenomenon.

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I think Timothy Lawler has nailed it. So is there a preponderance of missing left (or right) socks, depending on whether you're in the North or South hemisphere?

Oh, that's right. Socks are not made for left and right. OK. Try it with pairs of shoes, then (don't use your best dress shoes) and report back.
I put my wifes brand new, Panasonic 345A-Z,
video camera in the dryer
(with an exact amount load of socks,
different colors and types. 12qty exactly matched. etc)

but when I took out the Video Camera...


What you've just demonstarted is the Duzenberg Uncertainty Principle. Socks in the dryer exist in a superposition of states. By attempting to make an observation, you collapsed the sock function with adverse consequences on the equipment.
There are powerful laundromatic forces at work here
I was SO much happier before I heard about this! It's like premium cables: my mixes used to sound so much better before I found out the electrons were just running around in my cables any which way.