Do you really buy that expensive recording software?

Do you buy that expensive recording software, or just download it?(Read authors post)

  • I buy it. I like to support the creator.

    Votes: 564 41.2%
  • I download it. To hell with the creator.

    Votes: 305 22.3%
  • I do both. I have mixed feelings on the subject.

    Votes: 501 36.6%

  • Total voters
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Just get a friend at the music store cause they are sent promotional copies of software all the time, and they're full versions.

I have heard it say that if the software is not the current version (ie. you cannot buy it in the store) it is legal since there is no way you could buy it even if you wanted to. Do you really think Microshaft will care if you are using a "pirated" version on windows 3.1? It's still technically wrong and illegal, but they probably don't care even if you told them.

This is different from music because you can almost always buy a cd that was made 10-20 years ago, therefore no excuse to download it.

Sorry to resurrect the tread :(
sae said:
It's still technically wrong and illegal, but they

A lot of debate between what is sharing and what is stealing comes into play. Software companies take precautions to make sure you are buying their software, not just installing it from a friends disc. Granted in small instances you can get away with it, but whenever you alter the companies security measures to allow people to install software they didn't purchase to me you are committing a crime.

When it comes to music.
That is a different story altogether.
If someone has purchased a CD with a song on it and wants to share it with someone else, they should be able to do so. This is not theft, this is sharing to a mass market. One person had to aquire the song legally somehow and as long as in their redistribution of the song they are not making money themselves, well.......I can't see it as anything other than sharing.
Lots of people will still call it stealing, even though it's not. If someone broke into the record companies computers and downloaded a bunch of tracks directly from it, then yes that would be stealing. Until they change the laws prohibiting anyone from making any copies of any music ever, then the law defends the right for people to make copies of things they own and (god forbid) share them with others.

Software piracy = no
File sharing = yes
As much as I agree with you, you are expressing a somewhat unpopular view here...

Oh yeah,,,
LOL!!! downloading software is like a crack pcp nicotine hybrid. but i have since seen the error of my ways and havent downloaded anymore software. it is tempting though when i see people talking about sonar 3 or nuendo or something. oh yeah DIE THREAD DIE!!!!!!! LOL
sorry if this question has been addressed already but...

What motivates a person to make a crack of software? I don't know an aweful lot about programming but it would seem pretty complicated and time consuming to do so. If the first person bought the software and cracked it, that means that they bought it and then gave it away. Why would you give away 500 bucks like that? Do you think that compies have a big conspiracy where people from company A have software geeks that crack software from company B? I'm not implying anyting. I'm just curious.
Re: sorry if this question has been addressed already but...

minofifa said:
What motivates a person to make a crack of software? I don't know an aweful lot about programming but it would seem pretty complicated and time consuming to do so. If the first person bought the software and cracked it, that means that they bought it and then gave it away. Why would you give away 500 bucks like that? Do you think that compies have a big conspiracy where people from company A have software geeks that crack software from company B? I'm not implying anyting. I'm just curious.
No i realy dont think that's what happens
complexprocess said:
You don't have to do any of the three. You can buy cheap software at best buy for ten bucks, or even cheap good software like n-track for like $30.

This is what I was going to say. I paid for n-track gladly given it's excellent price and useability for beginners like myself. If you can afford a PC and instruments, you can afford n-track.

As for piracy, the reason people are so easy-going about stealing software is because the likelihood of getting caught and punished is almost non-existent. This is why we can't compare it to stealing cars and suchlike. I'm not saying it's OK to do it but as long as it's easy, people will do it. When illegal downloaders start going to jail with "traditional" thieves, I suspect the mindset will change.
To my knowledge, software comes with an install file, that allows you to input your serial number, etc, these people merely give you that, and the serial, along with the demo version of the software, and after you install the demo, you then install the install file, and type in the serial.

This is how SWIM has done this on every program they have used.

SWIM - Someone Who Isnt Me
AllOrNothinEnt said:

This is how SWIM has done this on every program they have used.

SWIM - Someone Who Isnt Me

Ya, you would must rather prefer to download the crack right :D

Just Kidding!:D
What I don't understand is why people who wish a thread would quietly disappear, resurrect it from the depths by posting Die thread Die!!!!!!! and send it straight to the top of the forum.

Unless that's some kind of surreptitious underground bump technique, in which case ummm well done
It's pretty simple, the people who can't afford it, steal it, and like it. The people who do dish out the cash hate the people who steal it because they are pissed that they did pay for it. That being said, the people that paid for it probably also have the expensive mics and pres to actually make the software work to it's potential.
13th_Omen said:
The people who do dish out the cash hate the people who steal it because they are pissed that they did pay for it.
What a load of absolute shit.... do you honestly believe that tripe you just dished out?
Ok Blue Bear, let me reiterate. "I" HAD TO PAY FOR MY SOFTWARE AND IT PISSES "ME" OFF THAT OTHER PEOPLE JUST STOLE IT! CAN YOU HONESTLY SAY THAT THAT DOESN'T BOTHER YOU? God only knows how many people are using your password for their software! That doesn't piss you off?
It pisses me off, but not because I'm jealous. Pisses me off because they're driving the price up for me.
Another valid point.

I wasn't referring to jealousy, as anyone with the desire to steal software can do so. I was merely making the point that it is unfair. Kind of like the guys that collect unemployment (which my tax dollars pay for) and get a job under the table. It's clever, but it pisses me off. Get my point?
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