Do you really buy that expensive recording software?

Do you buy that expensive recording software, or just download it?(Read authors post)

  • I buy it. I like to support the creator.

    Votes: 564 41.2%
  • I download it. To hell with the creator.

    Votes: 305 22.3%
  • I do both. I have mixed feelings on the subject.

    Votes: 501 36.6%

  • Total voters
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wes480 said:
Well, the reason I like Pro Tools LE is because it lets you learn Pro Tools for the most when you step up with the big boys on the real are good and ready.

I really don't care what I have downstairs now I just want to get the the next level...low life dreamer baby :)

I have Windows XP and I downloaded Protools free version, but when I double click on it to execute it it never loads up. Is this software not compatible with XP?
greed goes both ways least we forget, and sheity soft/w thats over priced is pushed hard also, being there's no refund on software i can see people trying it before buying it, but like a few here have said, if you find it works well, then pay for it, given you have the finances of course, there's just dicks on both sides of the fence and there always will be, if its criminal to priate software its just as criminal to sell sheity software without refund or charge for updates to fix it... IMHO

there's many newer cheaper programs being released that do the same as the expensive stuff nowadays so why bother....
as a retort to the crack issue. i know several people that actually OWN and paid for some of these programs but used cracked versions because they are MORE stable and less likely to have weird dongle issues. my 2 cents
For all you moral guru's ;)

To pir8 or not to pir8. If you need a reason to justify, follow what happens in piracy cases in court. Did the defendant make money with the software or sell it? Yes - Guilty. Did the defendant use it for personal use, not sell it or a make money on a product created with pirated software? Most of the time they're not even taken to court. Hmmmm.

Piracy is a mechanism for a free market (arbitrage)... the only reason not to pirate is protectionism. Just ask all the buddies in the music industry that blame mp3's for "lost vapor revenue"... Profits went up, CD prices went up, and they "claim" they are losing... the mis-informed consumer is losing. In the case of expensive software suites, there is demand (obviously)... but suppliers are greedy, and trying to utilize profit maximization at "supplier optimum" levels, not consumer levels or satisfaction. Creating short supply through price elevation is only a substitute for lack of innovation and solid business growth. In otherwords, bunnnnng. ;) Ethically yadda yadda yadda, im going with the lesser of two evils, piracy instead of slapstick biz models and corporate strings. Ya can't blame the consumer for outsmarting the supplier.

Now come the flames! (hee hee -- just provoking thought and hopefully making you the reader question who is REALLY losing)

P.S. For me personally, I ride the fence. If it is for business, buy it... if it is to try out, don't.
Here's my flame :)

wyosteven said:

Piracy is a mechanism for a free market (arbitrage)... the only reason not to pirate is protectionism.
What a load of bullshit! I knows its been a couple of years since I've dont economincs but thats just plain wrong

Just ask all the buddies in the music industry that blame mp3's for "lost vapor revenue"... Profits went up, CD prices went up, and they "claim" they are losing... the mis-informed consumer is losing.

In Australia sales have dropped by about 5 million i think. They ARE loosing!

In the case of expensive software suites, there is demand (obviously)... but suppliers are greedy, and trying to utilize profit maximization at "supplier optimum" levels, not consumer levels or satisfaction. Creating short supply through price elevation is only a substitute for lack of innovation and solid business growth. In otherwords, bunnnnng. ;) Ethically yadda yadda yadda, im going with the lesser of two evils, piracy instead of slapstick biz models and corporate strings. Ya can't blame the consumer for outsmarting the supplier.

Software producers rely heavily on R&D which greatly increases costs. It's basic supply and demand, they increase the the price demand goes down. Now that's part of the mechanismns for the free market. You cant just say that companies should charge the price that some customers want. Sure there would be a greater demand if prices were greatly decreased but that doesnt make it economicaly viable.
PS if i were to outsmart a supplier (my supermarket) by stealying thier stock that they paid for would you consider that ethical?

ColdAsh! I am glad that you said it, because it IS bullshit (i got that off of a post elsewhere where some dude was trying to cut at the industry), but thats how the p2p industry is trying to make it out to be -- legal because it can be done, and that's about it (The arbitrage in () can be called theft depending on what the def of theft is ... is stealing a loaf of bread to feed a starving family theft and what are you going to go after as a grocier?). Economically it creates consumer loss AND producer loss and results in market ineffeciency by the dead weight loss produced. In my opinion that amount of DWL is what the controvery is about... consumers want everything for free, producers want everything to maximize their returns... simple clash.

As to MP3 and label's losing, I don't know the first thing about Austrailian labels whatsoever. Check out Wired Magazine Feb 2003 for a couple good articles on interesting MP3 problems... One is Sony who has half of the music industry in one hand and the inability to sell MP3 hardware because of deadlock in its own company.

One thing I can't figure out (as a consumer) is how come the music industry isn't producing better albums for cheaper using technology.

Rock and roll!
ahh... i've figured it out

the answer to this debate is this:

older people buy software
younger people steal software


because we younguns, have grown up on stealing things on the internet. kazaa, audio sattelite, bearshare, morpheus, and the originator, napster.

i feel nothing when i burn something illegal. my friend burned me copies of CUbase SX and CEP, sound forge, and all this junk. i realized as we were driving, and i was holding the CD, that i had around $3000 dollars in my hand. i never understood it until then. but i really can't help it. the copy of Windows 2000 pro i'm using right now is from a friend. illegal. the CEP i'm using right now... illegal. my brain just doesn't comprehend it is stealing.
it seems so ... normal to burn things and use cracked software.
it's because i grew up with it.

we kids just don't understand. the future of the human race will be subject to our stealing, grubby fingers.

be afraid for the future. :(
just a question:

do any of you "NO PIRACY" guys have a mix cd(no singles) that a friend made you? or any music that isn't retail?

you know that's illegal, right?
Jotosuds said:
just a question:

do any of you "NO PIRACY" guys have a mix cd(no singles) that a friend made you? or any music that isn't retail?

you know that's illegal, right?

Or taped something off TV?
I once kicked over my neigbour's mailbox and I used to hide my vegetables in the dog's bowl when I was a kid. I just thought I'd come clean while everyone is letting out their 'illegal' habits.

Oh yeah and I pick my nose too.
Jotosuds said:
just a question:

do any of you "NO PIRACY" guys have a mix cd(no singles) that a friend made you? or any music that isn't retail?

you know that's illegal, right?

Actually, that's a different law. If I copy a CD and sell it to a friend, I'm breaking the law. If I copy that same CD but don't sell it, I'm not breking the law, it's already paid for. If I tape a movie from HBO, I already paid for it in my cable bill. If I sell that tape to my neighbor who can't afford HBO, I'm beaking the law (even if I am being a good neighbor). If I simply put it on the shelf for my kids to watch some other day, I'm not breaking the law, it's already paid for.

Software is different. If I buy Wondoze 2000 and install it to 2 computers in my house, it's not like watching HBO on 2 TVs. You are not allowed to copy software at all except for the purpose of backups (in the US), unless otherwise stated in the license agreement.

Software manufacturers have made a big deal about piracy because of how easy it is to do. They raise the prices to pay for the lawyers that prosecute offenders in court. For the most part however, they don't bother with the average Joe Schmoe. It's just too expensive.

I believe it's wrong. I have no problem with people who download a cracked copy of something to test it out, expecially if the demo is lacking in some major aspect. That doesn't mean that I would do the same thing though.
Jotosuds said:
just a question:

do any of you "NO PIRACY" guys have a mix cd(no singles) that a friend made you? or any music that isn't retail?

you know that's illegal, right?

only if you're making money off of selling it. I can give my friend a copy of a disc i bought or mixed and its completely legal, until the $ comes out.
Hawking said:
Actually, that's a different law. If I copy a CD and sell it to a friend, I'm breaking the law. If I copy that same CD but don't sell it, I'm not breking the law, it's already paid for. If I tape a movie from HBO, I already paid for it in my cable bill. If I sell that tape to my neighbor who can't afford HBO, I'm beaking the law (even if I am being a good neighbor). If I simply put it on the shelf for my kids to watch some other day, I'm not breaking the law, it's already paid for.

Software is different. If I buy Wondoze 2000 and install it to 2 computers in my house, it's not like watching HBO on 2 TVs. You are not allowed to copy software at all except for the purpose of backups (in the US), unless otherwise stated in the license agreement.

Software manufacturers have made a big deal about piracy because of how easy it is to do. They raise the prices to pay for the lawyers that prosecute offenders in court. For the most part however, they don't bother with the average Joe Schmoe. It's just too expensive.

I believe it's wrong. I have no problem with people who download a cracked copy of something to test it out, expecially if the demo is lacking in some major aspect. That doesn't mean that I would do the same thing though.

ya. what this dude said, sorry didn't see this post till i wrote the above. Media Law 101 people....................................take it
subtractor said:
This thread will never die.

we're building 'empires" today :)

just like Gov policy tactic's today, monkey see, monkey do, absolute, period...

Gov/States pays $400 for a hammer or toilet seat, whatever... and make law's that profit themselves weekly, big biz follows there rules in excess also... etc etc... on and on....

why ask why... it isn't brain surgery...

are wasting our tax dollars not criminal? whats the difference? are they not stealing from the public? is "no refund" not criminal? i think so... by the millions...

unless your part of the whole scam/reseller/dealer/Gov/etc...

now some software is very well worth it's cost IMHO, some are bloated uselessly beyond beliefe, some do basicly the same thing at half or a third there price, and some are just crap, config/interface nightmare... take your pick and judge your own justifaction...

besides, none of it will work correctly if at all on longhone or newer M$ OS when released, so you pay again in $$$$ time and trouble, over and over... look at XP and older soft...

it's greed, and it goes both ways, it's now, it's here, and baby, it's today... corruption, isn't it great
so any cd's i have that are burned are ok as long as no one made money off of them?

sweet. that's good to know.

thanks guys
I would think so, but not in the industries view, for now, tomorrow may be a different story... who knows, the Law today is a profit game, there not here to protect us or our rights, it's the bottom line there mainly interested in like everyone else involved in IT....

just share to be safe, no matter how much work you have in finding and compiling the data...

it's all old non compatible application crap in a year or two anyway... app wise, tunes are forever :)

Hmmm... well if burning a CD for a friend is not illegal if you don't get money for it...

Then how is peer-to-peer file sharing piracy?

It's literally the same thing.

I lend my friend my new CD to copy it = I lend my friend my hard drive with my music files to copy them = I copy files from some dude on Kazaa...


I think the bottom line is, it's only piracy if the Big Boys (Bill gates, Sony, etc.) think they'll lose plenty money.

Hmmm in the case of the Sonys and Aristas of the world, maybe if they'd put out whole albums of good materials and artists that are worth a shit instead of having one single and 14 fillers tracks by over-hyped playboy/girl pinups, maybe people would actually be interested in buying ALBUMS again and then mp3 sharing would only be useful to occassionally check out a song (like the radio or MTV) and see if the album is worth getting.

For the record before anyone starts cussing... I do download mp3s... but if the artist seems worth it i'll plonk down money to get the album and tell everyone I know to buy it too cause I think the artist deserves it.

And to think - this post is coming from a MUSICIAN and RECORDING ARTIST/SONGWRITER and aspiring producer (and NO, I DON'T have a day job!).

Dr. Dre (as much as I admire his work) and Metallica (kiss my ass Lars!) need to go renegotaiate their deals so that they make more money of their records (which they deserve to) and thus don't need to hassle those of us who loved Napster. :P

Haven't they learned ANYTHING from Prince? ;)

That's my two cents...
Re: Hmmm....

CaribbeanBadBoy said:
Hmmm in the case of the Sonys and Aristas of the world, maybe if they'd put out whole albums of good materials and artists that are worth a shit instead of having one single and 14 fillers tracks by over-hyped playboy/girl pinups, maybe people would actually be interested in buying ALBUMS again and then mp3 sharing would only be useful to occassionally check out a song (like the radio or MTV) and see if the album is worth getting.
Firstly im sure that would not stop people downloading songs, probably the opposite.
Secondly just because top 40 pop music is crap i hardly thinks its fair for you to accuse all artits in general of not putting out good material. Thats just stupid.
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