Do you read?


beep beep beep beep beep
There's a discount bookshop I go past on my way to work. I call it the "Sorry But Your Book's Not Selling" bookshop. It has a section on entertainment. It gets these in weird and wonderful books about artists and the industry that haven't sold and you can buy them for a pittance.

Currently I'm on this one..


Where Have all the Good Times Gone?: The Rise and Fall of the Record Industry by Louis Barfe.

Good read so far.

Havin' finished Mr Barfe's one, it's now on to this...


Anacaona: The Amazing Adventures of Cuba's First All-girl Dance Band by Alicia Castro.

From the title, maybe you can see why it might be on the discount shelves at the "Sorry But Your Book's Not Selling" Bookstore.

Actually, it's pretty good. The surviving members seem to be absolute hoots. I reckon they had a good time in that band.

Havin' finished Mr Barfe's one, it's now on to this...


Anacaona: The Amazing Adventures of Cuba's First All-girl Dance Band by Alicia Castro.

From the title, maybe you can see why it might be on the discount shelves at the "Sorry But Your Book's Not Selling" Bookstore.

Actually, it's pretty good. The surviving members seem to be absolute hoots. I reckon they had a good time in that band.


Seeing this reminds me of the local radio here amping up a 'very special' event of epic proportions. Basically teasing as all week with the announcemnet o be made sunday night!!

So everyone was thinkingwho could it be? ACDC? MOTORHEAD? U2?


The Phillipines version of the Beatles...

ticket prices TBA.

On a related note, Reading is cool if its ghost stories or challenges all major religions. Otherwise i don't bother.


Calvin and Hobbes.
I like to read. If I run out of books I read soup can labels. :p
An hour during lunch and then 2 hours at night.

Everything from Stephen King to Louis L'amour.
Not everyone that's smarter than you is a nerd...because well...that would mean that most of the world are nerds. And that's clearly not the case, because the human race would have died out long ago if it was.

oh is that so? does everyone of your "smartness" fail so completely to recognize sarcasm?
that being asked, i must now ask you to please kid, buzz off and LEAVE ME ALONE. sorry if this comes off as discourteous, but i don't want this to be a regular "thing", you following me from thread to thread nipping at my ankles like an overanxious chihuahua.
if ya don't like my posts, don't read em. it's that simple.

so anyways, yeah i like sci-fi and cookbooks.
So, now leaving the mostly now long departed Cuba ladies of Son, Rhumba and Salsa and move along to Vol 1. of Paul Williams's three volume work on...


Dunno what those three volumes are doing at the "Sorry But Your Books Not Selling" bookshop.

oh is that so? does everyone of your "smartness" fail so completely to recognize sarcasm?
that being asked, i must now ask you to please kid, buzz off and LEAVE ME ALONE. sorry if this comes off as discourteous, but i don't want this to be a regular "thing", you following me from thread to thread nipping at my ankles like an overanxious chihuahua.
if ya don't like my posts, don't read em. it's that simple.

so anyways, yeah i like sci-fi and cookbooks.

What? :confused:

EDIT: Ah yes. I remember. I expressed an opinion on the beatles that conflicts with yours. Yes, I can see how you might consider that a form of harrassment.


Grow up.

In addition, although I think you need to look up the word sarcasm in a dictionary, you should probably take a leaf out of your own book. My previous post was a joke. If you can't handle that, you're on the wrong site pal, because it gets a lot worse.
Not everyone that's smarter than you is a nerd...because well...that would mean that most of the world are nerds. And that's clearly not the case, because the human race would have died out long ago if it was.

Considering that an entire half of the world's population is of below-average intelligence, I'm not so sure you're right about that "dying out" thing.
I'm sorry, thank you for playing. Next contestant please.

Ed, tell the folks at home about the swell parting gifts we have for our loser...

You get your choice of the mystery booby-prize or a smack on the head with your choice of a wiffle-bat or a newspaper. Or, you can choose a new smart car provided that a)you drive it everywhere, and beep your horn and wave after every corner and b) you kiss this angry penguin that someone just slingshotted in the nuts.

The choice is yours! :D
Dang, Volume I was hard work. 'Thick' I think is the term my old Lingustics Prof used to describe that kind of text.

Unfortunately for me there's now Volume II to plow through...

I gave up on Paul William's three volumes on Dylan. They became unendurable a quarter way through volume II. This on the other hand, was good even if it is a decade and a half old and I found it out on the street the othe day..
