Dimebag Darrel slain....

Aside from his stage antics and crazy behavior as portrayed in the media..

Darrel Abbott was a kind hearted, friendly, and warm soul who was extremely caring and generous to everyone. He was an honorable human being who always thought of others before himself.
I can't think of any better way to describe The Iconoclast as anything more than the world's most alarmist website. While I would love to see more great musicians in the classical style, I don't see what is harmful about pop music other than the people that potentially listen to it. I mean to say that just as guns don't kill people, simple music dosen't make people stupid. If people are already stupid it may not help, but listening to say, some of Velvet Underground's more adventurous material won't lower your IQ. I love pop music and write and record it and listen to it avidly and I'm a smart, well read conservative young person. Stereotypes are just dumb, when they aren't amusing. Metal is awesome just for being what it is. Leave it alone. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't trust mainstream pop culture, as filthy as it is, to raise your children for you.

God sometimes social conservatives piss me off.