Dimebag Darrel slain....

Jtt said:
Supercreep: Please post some facts to back yourself up. I'd be especially curious about homicide rates in countries like Britain and France--as compared to a city like Gary, Indiana.

Some countries have anti-gun laws that are ignored: Mexico, Iraq. I don't think those count.

I don't know where I stand on the gun issue. But your bald assertions of fact without backing yourself up isn't helpful.

Here you are, sir:


and another:


and some more:


and one more:

krs said:
Well in fairness, you are the only nation ever to have dropped an atomic bomb on civilians costing 140,000 lives instantly, and many more over the years to come. That link you posted sucks.

And I'm sorry for Darrell Abbott. That's brutal.

Well, you probably know your history well enough to remember that the poor helpless Japanese murdered 300,000 and raped 200,000:


And it wasn't an attack to forestall greater death and destruction, such as the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was an aggressive attempt to annex land since 1931.

Please have some sense of history and proportion before you slag Americans and call it fairness.

And I'm sorry for Darryl Abbot too, but that dosen't mean I want more and more restrictive f*&5ing government and more taxes to pay for more laws that won't get enforced and wouldn't have made any difference to somebody who is of a mind to murder someone.
i agree there are a ton of gun laws on the books now that never get enforced ...i have a couple comments

first i want to disagree a lil (this will make me sound bad) but i don't know if the guy had a knife he would have killed Darrel, i think they would have wrestled him down before,BUT i do think he would have been more strategic in the manner he would have tried after the show trying to catch him alone ...

second lets say we banned all guns and the only people who had them were police, there will still be criminals , do you think they would hesitate at all to try and steal guns from police forces by any means,(all you drug proponents can i hear a blackmarket amen) i think a policeman's job just got extremely dangerous and more stressful, most criminals are for gun control that way they're least likely to be shot by someone who wants to defend themselves...

and third i don't claim to know everything about the patriot act but what i gather from it is they want people to call the police when they see suspicious behavior, i read an article yesterday where all these people are saying how this guy always acted crazy (they called him crazy nate) and how they started avoiding him, kinda reminds me of columbine all this strange activity and nobody said anything til after the tragedy ....

but then again it's so easy to blame an inanimate object that is totally useless without human involvement
krs said:
Well in fairness, you are the only nation ever to have dropped an atomic bomb on civilians costing 140,000 lives instantly, and many more over the years to come. That link you posted sucks.

And I'm sorry for Darrell Abbott. That's brutal.
if the japanese had the a-bomb, they would have used it first as well. we just happened to be the first to have it. we were the only ones to have it at that time. we also warned them. dropped one, got no response and had to drop another for them to finally surrender.

it was estimated that an invasion of mainland japan would have cost more than a million american lives alone.

as soon as others got the ability to use nukes, nuclear war became history IMO. nobody would use them these days (large countries anyways) because they know they would be pummelled equally as badly.

america is far from the most voilent nation on the planet. but it also isnt the safest. but, i feel safe here. i am more likely to die from cancer or heart disease or a car accident than anything else. i dont fear being shot and killed here, i dont fear terrorism (i fear being shot and killed 10x more than i fear terrorism, even right after 9/11)

dropping the atomic bomb was something that was necessary to scare them into a surrender, but i think dropping it on civillian targets was the wrong move. had i made the decision, i wouldnt have done the same thing.

so... dimebag... yeah...
lesterpaul said:
second lets say we banned all guns and the only people who had them were police, there will still be criminals , do you think they would hesitate at all to try and steal guns from police forces by any means,(all you drug proponents can i hear a blackmarket amen) i think a policeman's job just got extremely dangerous and more stressful, most criminals are for gun control that way they're least likely to be shot by someone who wants to defend themselves...
hell... i would almost go into blackmarket firearm production myself. :)

imagine how much money you could make creating and selling illegal firearms.

the blueprints and designs are already well known. it doesnt take a genius to make a firearm.

if we outlaw handguns, handguns will only be made within the US and sold illegally. then you will have to enforce the laws against the blackmarket gun industry... and we can see how well this has worked with the war on drugs. :rolleyes:
I lost a good friend last week, and you guys using his death as a springboard to light into a political discussion is horrifying. It was this kind of single minded thought pattern that leads to people doing stupid shit like this.
All of you should go fuck yourself.
I lost a good friend last week, and you...

Farview, did you know Darrell personally? If so, my condolences to you as well...
I've given up on trying to make any sense of it. I wasn't previously a fan, (I come from the 80's metal scene), but I have been watching the tributes on FUSE, etc, and have to say, not only did he have serious chops, he seemed like a hell of a nice human being...

It's a senseless tragic loss... no doubt...
Farview said:
I lost a good friend last week, and you guys using his death as a springboard to light into a political discussion is horrifying. It was this kind of single minded thought pattern that leads to people doing stupid shit like this.
All of you should go fuck yourself.

No, we are responding with valid criticism to comments made here that strike us as important for one reason or another. As part of a discussion. In a discussion forum. A "single minded thought pattern", if it means what I think you intend it to mean, is what you would prefer us to display here for you, by your own admission. What we are exercising here, sir, is a free exchange of ideas.

I'm terribly sorry you lost a good freind. I didn't know the man, and when I read the news I was shocked and saddened. I've been a performing musician for many years, and have seen this happen only once before, to a drummer in Sacramento who got shot to death by some asshole while he was loading out his kit.

That said, I think your post was adolescent and vacuous. I won't be fucking myself any time soon, but I'm happy to agree or disagree with you if you can muster anything to say with merit.
ibanezrocks said:
I agree with this, most people don't need guns. For every person there is in the U.S. theres more than 5 guns. That's sickening. I'm not saying that no one should be allowed to buy guns, but there should be more serious psychological profiling done before you can buy one. When something like this happens it should make it obvious, but i guess politicians won't pay attention until it affects them.

Spoken like someone who never went to buy a handgun! I like it when this country becomes a place where other people decide what is right for me or someone else.
BentRabbit said:
Politicians won't pay attention until $$$$ isn't the primary leverage point.
The 2nd amendment reads:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

So unless these psycho's are forming a militia to protect their state...

So sad... and also on the 24th anniversary of John Lennon getting gunned down...


Constitutional experts disagree. Taking away someone's freedom is nothing shy of Nazism. How about we go after those who drive big SUVs...or someone who drives a car that can do 140mph?
Jtt said:
Supercreep: Please post some facts to back yourself up. I'd be especially curious about homicide rates in countries like Britain and France--as compared to a city like Gary, Indiana.

Some countries have anti-gun laws that are ignored: Mexico, Iraq. I don't think those count.

I don't know where I stand on the gun issue. But your bald assertions of fact without backing yourself up isn't helpful.


Supercreep is correct. Violent crime in the UK and Australia have gone up considerably since they "banned" guns.
OneRoomStudios said:
Sorry man, but I couldn't let that go....how exactly do "law abiding gun owners" acount for 11% of "crimes with firearms"? Incase you didn't know, the term "law abiding" means they haven't commited any crimes.

Please, next time you make up a statistic to defend your case, think about it for a few seconds before you post it, thanks


Peter - though you might be a smart philisophical person in your part of the world - think about it yourself.

It means that the handguns used in crimes are illegal handguns 89 percent of the time. How will MORE laws make that better?
I apologize for my previous comments. It's been a tough week. I was checking out the thread and it just blew my mind when I realized Darrel's deaths was being used as an excuse to argue about politics. It overloaded my brain just long enough for me to type something stupid.
Fury said:
Spoken like someone who never went to buy a handgun! I like it when this country becomes a place where other people decide what is right for me or someone else.
dont even get me started on the whole gay marriage thing. thats for another thread alltogether.
R.I.P. Dime

He was one of my favorite guitarist. One of the few guys out there keeping heavy metal guitar alive. I want to thank him for the great tunes and memories his music has gave me and my friends.
Farview said:
I apologize for my previous comments. It's been a tough week. I was checking out the thread and it just blew my mind when I realized Darrel's deaths was being used as an excuse to argue about politics. It overloaded my brain just long enough for me to type something stupid.

Fairview, you have my respect. Sorry for thread crashing- I am passionate about certain subjects.. I didn't mean disrespect to you or Dime or anyone else here who may agree or disagree with me. This is a home recording bbs, not GenMay. Also, I would like to apologize in advance for my many potential future displays of opinion. ;)