Dimebag Darrel slain....

ahuimanu said:
You know, I don't care if you love the NRA and eat, sleep and breathe the 2nd ammendment, but it is just WAAAAAAYYYY too easy for unstable mofos to get guns and do whatever the hell they please.

While it is telling that you don't care, please take into consideration the violent crime rate in countries where anti gun laws are on the books. Hint: It's not lower than the US. It's not fashionable to report that, however. Instead of knee-jerk measures, let's just enforce the laws on the books, mkay?
Supercreep: Please post some facts to back yourself up. I'd be especially curious about homicide rates in countries like Britain and France--as compared to a city like Gary, Indiana.

Some countries have anti-gun laws that are ignored: Mexico, Iraq. I don't think those count.

I don't know where I stand on the gun issue. But your bald assertions of fact without backing yourself up isn't helpful.

"It's way too easy for unstable mofo's to get guns and do whatever the hell they want".

I agree. It really has nothing to do with national violent crime rates.

An innocent person was murdered. Regardless of what country they're in, that's fucked.
Here we go again. Somebody of prominence gets killed with a gun, and all of self-righteous, "I know how to fix the world" doogooders stir from their slumber.
Jtt said:
Supercreep: Please post some facts to back yourself up. I'd be especially curious about homicide rates in countries like Britain and France--as compared to a city like Gary, Indiana.

Some countries have anti-gun laws that are ignored: Mexico, Iraq. I don't think those count.

I don't know where I stand on the gun issue. But your bald assertions of fact without backing yourself up isn't helpful.


me to the rescue

America: The most violent nation?
Just listened to Peter Jennings say, and I QUOTE: "The murders at the night-club, a window into the violent world of Heavy Metal Music". How friggin ignorant is that. I guess all the metal heads are bunch of violent, murdering freaks. Sorry, but if this guy went into a bar in nashville and killed some country legend, you can bet your bottom dollar a statement like that would not have been made on national television. Kind of reminds me of the old Witch-Hunts against the likes of Ozzy, Judas Priest, and Iron Maiden. In the report on ABC they actually went as far as to suggest it was the fault of heavy metal bars for spending tens of thousands of dollars on lights and sound systems, and only a couple of thousand on security. Am I the only one who believes that, that point of view is a load of crap.

Like that deranged lunatic couldn't have walked into any other bar in this country, be it heavy metal, country, or an irish pub, and killed just as many people. But because it was heavy metal bar, and Metalheads are violent sinners it was they're fault.

(I have edited this message for content, due to the fact that I completely flamed on Peter Jennings. He deserves it, and for those that are interested in what I really think of him, I have moved the original post to the Dimebag thread in the Dragon Cave http://www.homerecording.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=139964&page=2 )
Sorry about the flaming publicly Dragon. Won't happen again.
Last edited:

well i must say that i am not a fan of metal music and i would also have to say that its not the guns fault that dimebag got killed from what i was just reading this guy was a solder and a nutt so therefore he was a trained nutt :rolleyes: any way i am a stage hand for a sound company in the state of ohio. although we do more classic rock and motown and country i can tell you this.... its going to be a bitch now to work on a stage we will have more crap to go through and more people to have to pay to keep us safe its going to get to the point where we will all have some weird crap to deal with as a crew and as a show. :mad:
as if the band did not bug us enough :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: well next summer will be a very rough job if this goes on...... we already have conflicts on lights and special effects :mad:
The way the government is cracking down on things lately, and the way the private sector is in such an uproar, we won't even be able to go the grocery store to buy toilet paper without having to be subjected to metal detectors and body searches. Anybody read Brave New World? I can't help but think we're moving in that direction everyday.
Atterion said:
Just listened to Peter Jennings say, and I QUOTE: "The murders at the night-club, a window into the violent world of Heavy Metal Music". How friggin ignorant is that.


Geeeeze... How can you even respond to such an assinine statement...
I remember once hearing a church sermon when the preacher was trying to protect the flock from the evils of rock and roll... As an example, he quoted the title of Pat Bentar's 'Hell is for Children'...
The clueless knob had never even listened to the content of the song, but figured he had all the evidence he needed in that example...
Atterion said:
Just listened to Peter Jennings say, and I QUOTE: "The murders at the night-club, a window into the violent world of Heavy Metal Music".

Time for that ignorant fucker to retire too.
Glad I'm not the only who feels this way.
I had some diehard religious people (I won't mention denomination), knock on my door a couple of years ago telling me I was gonna burn in hell because I was listening to heavy metal as they came up to my house. They proceeded to try and give me literature, which clearly stated Heavy Metal was the devils music. I told them to get lost because we were getting ready to sacrifice some lambs and chickens (Hey mess with me, I'm gone mess with you). As they walked away I remembered to remind them that "Satan still loved them". You should have seen there faces. PRICELESS!!! (And no I don't worship the devil for real. I'm a firm believer that we all die and become fertilizer).
I don't understand why these superstitious wackos think the imagery in music is any more real than the imagry in a horror movie.
It would've been interesting if that wacko would've just got half his face blown off by the policeman, but lived. Then, be subjected to the fans who want revenge.
Well folks, I've read through this thread and I have had my emotions pulled a couple of different ways. When I heard about this last night my first thought was "I hope it wasn't some religious fanatic killing Dimebag for God." I am very religious, maybe even a holy roller. Let's face it, I love Jesus. But he ain't telling me to kill metal heads. Heck, I listen to some DC Talk AND Deep Purple. Both rock pretty hard in their own ways. One's message fills me with hope, the other's remind me there is a lot a weird crap in this world. Both remind me I need God to get me to the end of my day. But nothing makes me think "I gotta go shoot a heavy metal guitar god."

Oh, I love hunting to. I own a gun and I'm glad I can go hunt in this country. But go ahead and make it harder to get a gun. If I never hunt again, oh well. And as long as I can hunt I don't ever foresee the day I will need to run out and buy a gun the night before my hunting trip. I can live with stricter laws is what I'm saying, especially if it truly saves lives.

As for the news reports. Well, I'm ashamed to say the metal band-violence connection went through my mind. Funny, when there were shootings at McDonalds I never thought "Geez, what did you expect, the dude eats at McDonalds. Of course he's a violent asshole." Yeah, my head was in the wrong place initially.

The fact is, this is a tragedy. Dimebag had a weird name (heard that many friends never saw him smoke pot--go figure), weird looking guitar which is supposed to be great, and he looked like a character. But from those on this board who were fans, it sounds like he was quite the character, a great guitarist and somebody who tried to spread the love for the instrument. Peace, Dimebag--I hope somebody picks up your legacy and carries it on.

Peace, all, JIM
Farview said:
I don't understand why these superstitious wackos think the imagery in music is any more real than the imagry in a horror movie.
Exactly my point. People stereotype Heavy Metal as violent, But yet it's socially exceptable to make a movie of blood, guts, gore, and murder, and neither the writers, directors, or actors, are getting the same stereotypes. That's why I love Chrisitian Heavy Metal bands like Believer (Not because I subscribe to the point of view, but its pretty hard to call them devil worshippers if they're quoting scripture).

And to Jim Marquard: That's cool that you thought that. Your being honest to your belief system, and that's fine. But you accept that it was emotion that drove that thought initially, and your entitled that right. I just think it's bogus, that reporters who's job it is to report events in an unbiased manner, twist things around at the cost of other peoples values, just to create a "Grabbing Headline".
ahuimanu said:
You know, I don't care if you love the NRA and eat, sleep and breathe the 2nd ammendment, but it is just WAAAAAAYYYY too easy for unstable mofos to get guns and do whatever the hell they please.

A tragedy shouldn't allow you to talk politics.

Bottom line if it wasn't a gun - it would have been a knife, or a fire. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Pens don't mispell, people mispell.

11% of crimes with firearms are committed by law abiding gun owners. Thats 89% of crimes committed with a firearm are done so by illegally obtained firearms. Thats a real stat from the BATF.

A tragedy is a tragedy. So please don't complain about fellow 2nd Ammend. Supporters and NRA members. Should I use this tragedy to talk about long haired hippy pot smokers? Nope...each to thier own!
Jim Marquard said:
Oh, I love hunting to. I own a gun and I'm glad I can go hunt in this country. But go ahead and make it harder to get a gun. If I never hunt again, oh well. And as long as I can hunt I don't ever foresee the day I will need to run out and buy a gun the night before my hunting trip. I can live with stricter laws is what I'm saying, especially if it truly saves lives.
theres a line to be drawn as well. i agree with handgun waiting periods. but just because something saves lives doesnt mean we should make it happen.

having metal detectors and pat-downs at the entrance of every school, office, store or mall would sure cut down on crime and murder... but, is it worth it?

what if we had DUI checkpoints every mile to make sure nobody could go anywhere without being subject to a breathalyzer test? what if nobody could start their car without a brethalyzer test?

we can do a lot more to save lives in this country... the real question is, will our quality of life, freedom of choice, and privacy suffer because of it?
Fury said:
11% of crimes with firearms are committed by law abiding gun owners.

Sorry man, but I couldn't let that go....how exactly do "law abiding gun owners" acount for 11% of "crimes with firearms"? Incase you didn't know, the term "law abiding" means they haven't commited any crimes.

Please, next time you make up a statistic to defend your case, think about it for a few seconds before you post it, thanks
