Defining your Artist Purpose Statement


New member
This may seem strange to most of you, but defining and writing down my Artist Purpose Statement and reading it frequently was something that helped me transform my life and enabled me to cross over from the land of frustration, procrastination and excuses into the land of achieving things and being joyful.

Here’s how to define your Artist Purpose Statement and put it to good use in 3 steps:

1) Make a list of the talents you have, the artist work that you do and the general impact it could have on your life or the world, or said differently, what’s the outcome your hoping to achieve. For example:
a. Talents: writing songs, playing the guitar
b. Artist work: albums, live performances
c. Impact/outcome: Connect with people, share human emotions

2) Now craft a purpose statement using the three sets of elements from above into a sentence that is 10-25 words long, starting with “My purpose is…”. Write it and rewrite it until it makes you feel inspired and proud about your purpose; there’s no right and wrong but it must resonate deeply with who you are. Beware that the outcome or impact you’re expecting shouldn’t be something that’s vain or selfish, such as “…so that I become the most famous” or “so I become the richest artist in…”.

Here’s a good example of an Artist Purpose Statement using what we’ve been working on:

• My purpose is to write songs on my guitar and perform them live to connect with people and share raw human emotions that we all feel.

3) Print out your Artist Purpose Statement or write it down on a note card. Read it first thing after you wake up and last thing before going to bed. You can post it on your bathroom mirror and other places around your house. It is mainly for your personal use so you don’t necessarily have to share it with anyone but feel free to do so with people close to you such as family and/or significant others.

I admit that just having your Artist Purpose Statement written down isn’t going to change your life on its own. You need to live it and use it from that point on as a guiding light when making decisions that may impact your artist life. It will help keep you on track. Also as you do your artist work, you’ll very easily connect how the actions you are doing directly impact and contribute to your purpose, which will make you more joyful.
An "artist purpose statement" sounds like a "mission statement" that businesses sometimes adopt.

I'm not a fan of them. The reason why is that if 3M had adopted one, we would never have experienced Scotch recording tape.

If I had adopted a purpose statement such as "My purpose is to write songs on my guitar and perform them live to connect with people and share raw human emotions that we all feel" when I was younger and performing, I may not have ventured into doing recording and live sound, two activities that I enjoy way more than performing.

A purpose statement presumes that you are confident you know what to do with your life. You may get this wrong, and the statement may block off byways that you might like to explore, and which may in turn bear their own fruit.
So far your entire contribution to this site has been a thread about music related goals and now this one... Are you trying to be our spirit guide or something?

Most of us just play and record music. What do you do?
So far your entire contribution to this site has been a thread about music related goals and now this one... Are you trying to be our spirit guide or something?

Most of us just play and record music. What do you do?

He writes meaningless threads about goals and mission statements instead of playing and/or recording music.
I don't play or record music. I just yell at scarecrows and drink whiskey all day.

I can see a folk song about a guy who yells at scarecrows and drinks whiskey all day.
If only there were some literary device that would enable me to set this out on paper, to help me achieve this goal.
I can see a folk song about a guy who yells at scarecrows and drinks whiskey all day.
If only there were some literary device that would enable me to set this out on paper, to help me achieve this goal.

Would an Amazon Kindle qualify as a literary device?
My Artist Purpose Statement

My goal is to play guitar, drink beer, meet other like minded people and have a good time.

Purpose accomplished! :guitar::drunk::laughings:
I just do my job - mission statements are an annoying example of the things management do to look busy.
An "artist purpose statement" sounds like a "mission statement" that businesses sometimes adopt.

I'm not a fan of them. The reason why is that if 3M had adopted one, we would never have experienced Scotch recording tape.

If I had adopted a purpose statement such as "My purpose is to write songs on my guitar and perform them live to connect with people and share raw human emotions that we all feel" when I was younger and performing, I may not have ventured into doing recording and live sound, two activities that I enjoy way more than performing.

A purpose statement presumes that you are confident you know what to do with your life. You may get this wrong, and the statement may block off byways that you might like to explore, and which may in turn bear their own fruit.

If Xerox hadn't had such a rigid purpose statement, they would have dominated the computer industry. (After literally inventing Ethernet, the GUI, WYSIWIG printing, then walking away from it because they were a copier company)

Purpose statement for art? Isn't there enough out there sucking the life out of music already?