DAW Users With ADD


Yes. or any kind of frozen alcoholic concoction. I've always had a blender with a hundred different speeds that couldn't chop the ice fine enough and it would get stuck in the straw. We were shopping Saturday and I saw a blender that was advertised as "heavy duty professional" on clearance so I bought it. It only has two speeds but it works. My hammock shows up on Thursday, so I'm ready for summer.

Inside out
My wife and daughter saw it last night, and strangely enough, my son wants to see it.

Yes. or any kind of frozen alcoholic concoction. I've always had a blender with a hundred different speeds that couldn't chop the ice fine enough and it would get stuck in the straw. We were shopping Saturday and I saw a blender that was advertised as "heavy duty professional" on clearance so I bought it. It only has two speeds but it works. My hammock shows up on Thursday, so I'm ready for summer.
Straw??? :confused: you drinking margaritas or slurpees?
Saw Spy yesterday. A bit over the top, as to be expected, but I enjoyed it. Worth going to see.

And who knew Jason Statham had comic chops.
Saw Spy yesterday. A bit over the top, as to be expected, but I enjoyed it. Worth going to see.

And who knew Jason Statham had comic chops.

I generally am not a comedy fan, but it was getting such good reviews that I wanted to go see it. Most of the reviews mentioned Statham's performance. I love when serious actors do comedy, I can't say I've ever seen it work the other way around.

It's been workity-work-work-work, I'm the anti-Paul. I have a four day weekend coming up and it's all devoted to my son's graduation party. My next days off will be in August to move my son to Madison.

I'm guessing that in two years when I send my daughter off to college I will probably have too much time on my hands.

The weather
Nice, good outdoor drinking weather. I'm finally getting around to building my hammock today, I'll see how well it compliments my new blender.

I generally am not a comedy fan, but it was getting such good reviews that I wanted to go see it. Most of the reviews mentioned Statham's performance. I love when serious actors do comedy, I can't say I've ever seen it work the other way around.
Actually comedians frequently make excellent dramatic actors. Jackie Gleason is one that comes to mind, or Robin Williams or Bill Murray.
acidrock said:
The weather
Nice, good outdoor drinking weather. I'm finally getting around to building my hammock today, I'll see how well it compliments my new blender.

make sure the hammock is up before you start the blender. :)
Our lead guitar player has a throat tumor. :( They're going to biopsy it next week. He's a smoker, so there's obviously some cause for concern.
And still going strong.

Had some milder weather today. Rain and wind storms. Lots of thunder and lightning, but it cooled down to the high 80s.

Rack of ribs with baked potatoes and corn. mmm mmm good.

Trying to get D J Bradley into the studio while he's in town (former gold ticket holder...whoop-ti-ding...but he's a pretty good guitarist and I'm hoping to track a few lines for my songs).
12,000 replies.. Oh gosh...

There would be more, but we had to wait for them to invent the internet before we started posting.

Last night
I drank a bottle of dinner wine but skipped the dinner part. Please don't call the wine police.

I'll be spending most of the day working in the garden.

Our lead guitar player has a throat tumor. :( They're going to biopsy it next week. He's a smoker, so there's obviously some cause for concern.

Well that sucks. If it wasn't time to quit before it is now. My dad quit at 70 and I know a guy who quit at 60 after having his second stroke.
Well that sucks. If it wasn't time to quit before it is now. My dad quit at 70 and I know a guy who quit at 60 after having his second stroke.
I was over 60 when I quit. It was one of the harder things to do in life. But if I ever get diagnosed with a terminal illness, I'm going to take it up again. ;)

Btw, I'm led to believe that this guy has had a lump in his throat for 4 or 5 years. Not sure what was going on in his head. I think he probably knew what it was, but didn't want to go see a doctor because that would confirm it.
Speaking of smoking, the guy I went to see Spy with had triple bypass surgery around last Christmas. After the movie we went to eat, and then on the way home he asked me to stop at a convenience store. Of course he goes in and buys a pack, and smokes one before going home. Seven months after heart surgery. He says don't tell his wife.

I hope she has a good insurance policy on him. :rolleyes:
Ever have to laugh at yourself? When I read the original set of posts, I missed a couple of words and thought we were talking about him (and others) quitting guitar playing...:laughings:
Ever have to laugh at yourself? When I read the original set of posts, I missed a couple of words and thought we were talking about him (and others) quitting guitar playing...:laughings:
I'm the one who should probably quit guitar playing. :o

But I look at it like the guy who dropped his drawers to reveal a rather small penis. The girl he was with looked at him with a smirk and said, "Who you planning to please with that?" And he replied, "Me!"
My brother from AZ is coming out today for the July 4th weekend. We won't have much to say to one another, but we do provide each other a good excuse for over drinking. :D