DAW Users With ADD

FWIW, the NY Times gave it a pretty good review. Essentially saying that while it is stereotypical, blockbuster action film stuff, it manages to rise above it at times.

Over 90% of the reviews are good, it's just that there always has to be a contrarian to let us know how much smarter they are, the modern art crowd.

They noted the landscapes and creature designs

While I gravitate towards those kinds of films,I think we've reached the point where that in itself isn't enough to put a film over the top. I know Avatar was supposed to be ground breaking, but I found it ordinary. The Lord of the Rings stuff bored me to tears. A lot more CGI dependent movies are flopping nowadays.

and gave a nod to the actors, particularly Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel ("in his best role since The Iron Giant").

I might actually have to go see it. :)

Surprisingly, Dave Bautista really made the best impression on me, maybe it's because I expected the least from him.

The movie is really more of a comedy set against an action backdrop.

Do you think it suitable for my 6-year old granddaughter? I could kill two birds that way.

No,but if you had a fourteen year old grandson you would be in the double bonus round.
Over 90% of the reviews are good, it's just that there always has to be a contrarian to let us know how much smarter they are, the modern art crowd.

Guardians of the Galaxy got a 92% score from Rotten Tomatoes.

A Most Wanted Man got a 90%.

---------- Update ----------

No,but if you had a fourteen year old grandson you would be in the double bonus round.
Not that I know of. :(
I can not tell a lie
My brother cut down the cherry tree.

It wasn't doing well so I called in a hit on it. I could've got the stump ground up for $50, but I'm going to dig/saw it out myself.

I have another cherry tree that's much bigger, but it probably doesn't have much longer to go either, so I'm going to plant a tree in hopes it will be a decent size by the time I cut the next one down.

And yet another year of not having my garden the way I want it. I guess that goes for life in general.

The weather
It's been perfect.

Of course I've been working my ass off so I haven't been able to enjoy it, but I guess I'm just lucky to have a job.:rolleyes:

I've got a four day weekend coming up, hopefully the weather holds out.

Brewers clinging to first place by their fingernails and the meaningless Packers preseason game was played in the pouring rain making it a bit more interesting.

I as always have been watching the ads, but nothing has been worth biting on. MF has had a couple of electrics that were good deals worth snapping up...... if I didn't already have a half dozen I never ever play.:o

I won't lie either
I guess they found all the wireless cams I stuck in the girls bathroom at work. :o

The WX
Yuck! 70's & 80's with just enough rain to make it fell like a sauna. I'll hang out in the house today and watch...

The rest of the PGA event at Vahala, being played here in Louisville. Go Phil! :thumbs up:

Weird...it's like a mild bit of depression from gettin' laid off has got me not really caring to play anything. I got my Strat and Taki sittin' on stands down in my bar should the mood strike. :guitar:

This little 3 foot tall goober has just been a God-Send for me these last couple weeks. Can't buy him the electric 4-wheeler if I don't get back to work quick. Excellent motivation! :D

Some Guy I know up in Wis-cansin
Hey Guy, hope all is well. :drunk:
Weird...it's like a mild bit of depression from gettin' laid off has got me not really caring to play anything. I got my Strat and Taki sittin' on stands down in my bar should the mood strike. :guitar:

I was FIRED years back and I was the same way. I thought I was going to get things done and all that, but not having a job was always in the back of my mind. My kids were young and there was much uncertainty but everything worked out in the end.

Now I'm too tired to be inspired.

This little 3 foot tall goober has just been a God-Send for me these last couple weeks. Can't buy him the electric 4-wheeler if I don't get back to work quick. Excellent motivation! :D

Get on it Grandpa Goober! A good Cheeseburger will get you through till the money ship comes in brother!
Four day weekend time!

Lots of work to do and beer to drink too!

Digging out a stump, burning twigs and scrapping steel.

After a hard day in the yard and garage I'm taking my wife out for dinner, it's her birthday Saturday but we're staying home grilling and drinking.

Life is good, it doesn't take much to make me happy.
Four day weekend time!

Lots of work to do and beer to drink too!

Digging out a stump, burning twigs and scrapping steel.

After a hard day in the yard and garage I'm taking my wife out for dinner, it's her birthday Saturday but we're staying home grilling and drinking.

Life is good, it doesn't take much to make me happy.

That all sounds like a good plan, bruddah! :thumbs up:

Tell 'er I said howdy-doody! :drunk:

And if she doesn't remember who I am, just tell her, "Remember that pussy from KY that froze his ass off (22°) in the car on the way back to his hotel! :o
That all sounds like a good plan, bruddah! :thumbs up:

Tell 'er I said howdy-doody! :drunk:

And if she doesn't remember who I am, just tell her, "Remember that pussy from KY that froze his ass off (22°) in the car on the way back to his hotel! :o

She says hi back!

I'm pretty sure we'll be getting drunk tomorrow, we'll raise a glass to you along with all the other lushes that inhabit this thread.
we'll raise a glass to you along with all the other lushes that inhabit this thread.

He's talking about YOU, Paul. I wouldn't take that. :spank:

Dachay night tonight. Surprisingly our "new" guitar player has made almost all our practices. Of course, it's one step forward and two steps back - since now we are spending most of our time having him learn the songs we already know.

Finally finished my bedroom project (the one with the wainscoting). It only took about 3 months. :o Of course, there was an Italy trip in the middle, and then the readjustment to reality period that followed that. I ended up painting the wainscoting. Then replacing all the base molding in the room, and repainting the ceiling and walls. The final step is new carpet, but fortunately all I had to do for that was pick it out and pay for it. The guy was here to measure yesterday, and I'm waiting on the final price to pull the trigger. He had a pretty neat laser measuring device instead of a tape measure. Put it on one wall and it shoots a beam to the opposite wall and gives you the exact measurement. He measured the entire upstairs of my house and was probably in and out in 5 minutes.
He had a pretty neat laser measuring device instead of a tape measure. Put it on one wall and it shoots a beam to the opposite wall and gives you the exact measurement. He measured the entire upstairs of my house and was probably in and out in 5 minutes.

And because he's a salesman he'll sill find a way to screw it up.

Guitar player
So does he have any input on the songs or is he not a full member of the group yet?

Laziness, followed by gluttony and drunkenness.

Definitely NO PROJECTS!

Guitar player
So does he have any input on the songs or is he not a full member of the group yet?
Sort of a moot point at this time as the band broke up last night. Irreconcilable differences, or artistic differences, or whatever differences. Mostly between me and the drummer.

Not sure exactly how to put my finger on it, but it's sort of like he wants to be in Led Zeppelin and I want to be in the Eagles or America. Also, I like our songs to be structured and well rehearsed, and he seems to prefer to just wing it. He's played in bar bands most of his life, and I've always felt he was trying to turn us into one. Slap together 50 songs regardless of what they sound like or whether the personnel can actually handle them, and play them for a bunch of drunk people who couldn't tell a key from a lock. I, otoh, always felt we should go for quality over quantity - particularly since we only had ourselves to please.

I told them they should try and keep the group together without me. The problem, of course, is that rehearsal was always at my house. Several of the other guys don't have basements available, and those who do have wives to deal with. I guess they could use someone's garage, but that would most likely require setting up and tearing down each week. And then there's the winter issues as well.

That said, maybe they'll pull it off. Of course since I was always the one figuring out the songs, I'm not sure how they are going to get new material. Maybe they'll just become a blues band. :)

I'm still going to try and piece something together myself, but it won't be easy. The one advantage I have is that I could do something as just a duo with a bass or guitar player who sings. Not sure where the other guitar player we had stands on all this. Supposedly he sings, but we hadn't used him in that role to date. Ergo, I don't really know how well he can sing or harmonize. And he's also a mental case. So being trapped all night with just me and him could be an adventure. :rolleyes:

Stay tuned. In the meantime, I might have to actually dust off the recording equipment. Assuming, of course, they don't form another band and claim dibs on it. :(
Raining here this morning. And a bit on the cool side. Feels very fall-like. Odd for the middle of August. But it's been that way most of the summer. To date we have only had three days where the temperature reached 90 or higher - and they weren't consecutive, so essentially we have not had a single heat wave. I like it this way, but the people with pools and shore house rentals are a little pissed. :)

Nothing much further on the band front. I spoke to the other guitar player, and he is interested in trying to keep something together. Claims he knows a drummer, too. I also e-mailed our lead singer to gauge his interest, but he is a bit of a pansy-ass. I think he feels if he does something with me it's like choosing sides. He wants to let the "dust settle" first. :rolleyes: This is starting to feel like a divorce and choosing who gets which friends.

Bass player is definitely out. He basically said Friday night that without the drummer he was gone. But here is a real puzzling event. Before this all took place on Friday, I was looking at the bass player's bass guitar. It's an Ibanez solid body, and it has 5 knobs on it. I assumed two of the knobs were volume knobs for each pickup, and two were tone controls for each pickup (similar to the setup on my Les Paul). But I asked him what the 5th knob was for. He said he didn't know. So then I asked him what the other knobs were for. He said he didn't know. I ended up going online and found that there was only 1 volume knob. There was another knob which controlled which pickups you were using (clockwise = bridge pickup, counter-clockwise = neck pickup, and middle = both). The other three knobs were essentially eq controls. Low, mid, and high cut/boost. Not rocket science, but how does someone play an instrument for years and not even know what the control knobs do? It completely floored me. :confused:
Sort of a moot point at this time as the band broke up last night. Irreconcilable differences, or artistic differences, or whatever differences. Mostly between me and the drummer.

Not sure exactly how to put my finger on it, but it's sort of like he wants to be in Led Zeppelin and I want to be in the Eagles or America.

So you want to wear jeans and he wants to wear leather pants.;)

I can somewhat relate to your plight, years ago when my acoustic partner and I tried to start a band the first thing the drummer and bass player wanted to do was dump our set list.

No matter what you do the singer has to be able to sing it and the guitar player has got to be able to play it. I've ran in to lots of people over the years who wanted to play songs that weren't suited to their talents.

I guess I'm mildly shocked.
Bass player is definitely out. He basically said Friday night that without the drummer he was gone. But here is a real puzzling event. Before this all took place on Friday, I was looking at the bass player's bass guitar. It's an Ibanez solid body, and it has 5 knobs on it. I assumed two of the knobs were volume knobs for each pickup, and two were tone controls for each pickup (similar to the setup on my Les Paul). But I asked him what the 5th knob was for. He said he didn't know. So then I asked him what the other knobs were for. He said he didn't know. I ended up going online and found that there was only 1 volume knob. There was another knob which controlled which pickups you were using (clockwise = bridge pickup, counter-clockwise = neck pickup, and middle = both). The other three knobs were essentially eq controls. Low, mid, and high cut/boost. Not rocket science, but how does someone play an instrument for years and not even know what the control knobs do? It completely floored me. :confused:

I could've told you that!

The guy I used to play with called every solid body guitar that wasn't a Strat or a Tele a Les Paul. He refused to use an electronic tuner and he once asked me to buy something off the internet because he was afraid to.

Just think of how much time you probably wasted over the years trying to get the sound right when it was right there at his fingertips.
Just think of how much time you probably wasted over the years trying to get the sound right when it was right there at his fingertips.

Right on the money there, AR. He used to bring an effects pedal with all these settings, and he always sounded like crap. So I told to try going straight into the board. It was better (since there was less knobs for him to fuck-up that way), but we still had issues. I eq'd him on the board a couple of times. Meanwhile, I assumed he had set the axe right in the first place. Now it's all very clear. Only took the very last practice in the band's history to get there. :D
No matter what you do the singer has to be able to sing it and the guitar player has got to be able to play it. I've ran in to lots of people over the years who wanted to play songs that weren't suited to their talents.
Again right on the money. The drummer claims he's bored. My thinking is take up a "real" instrument and you wouldn't be. I mean 90% of rock is in 4/4 time, so it's gonna get a bit monotonous if you don't have to worry about chord changes, keys, or notes.

I'm not trying to minimize the agility it takes to get all your limbs moving in different directions. But let's be honest, drums really aren't a musical instrument.