DAW Users With ADD

Good thought. If I recall, they can be daisy-chained, so it probably does.

As for the XLRs, I can see that on the outputs (like the Rolls), but it doesn't make as much sense on the inputs. Most instruments use 1/4". And I'm not sure I would use these for mics, since the "boosted" signal would be completely dry.

The boost would be added to the mix, so it would be on top of a wet signal, the more you boost the dryer the signal. If it's a just a bit more it probably wouldn't be noticeable. I'm sure there are ways to address this too, but for the sake of saving time and money you would have to decide which is the lesser of two evils.

In any case, it different horses for different courses.
A great starter for the Fourth

My truck is stranded in the Little Ceasers parking lot and I'll be changing the starter tomorrow. Hopefully I'll make it in time for the parade. I guess my wrench turning days aren't quite over yet.
The deck is DONE!

And so is the trellis.

I now have a margarita in hand and am enjoying the perfect weather.

Tomorrow has the usual straightening of truck and gardening in store.
I am a LIAR!

I said I had all the software I needed and that's the truth. I said I wasn't going to buy anymore and that was a LIE!:D

I just bought the upgrade from Sampletank 2.5 to Sampletank 3 . I never installed it on my new computer because it wasn't 64 bit and I wanted to check out SONAR's included synths before I installed something I potentially wouldn't use. I got ST2 and a lot of other stuff on a group buy cheap when it was basically an older second tier sampler. It still isn't a heavyweight such as Kontakt, but it is a comprehensive bread and butter sampler with an easy to use layout.

My sampler history....

Gigasampler, it came with PA9 suite and it was the only worth having in the whole package, The problem was you couldn't use it real time in a project both because PA9 didn't support real time monitoring and the computer I had at the time was too wimpy. You could however play it standalone and the first time I heard it I knew my Roland synths days were numbered.

Kompakt, lots of promise, but NI pulled the rug out from under me and discontinued it before the ink on the packaging was even dry. Fuck you NI.

Garritans Personal orchestra. I bought it because it was on sale, I heard so much about it, I installed it and never used it. Asside from a couple of pianos most of the instruments were blah,set up more for layering and for somebody who knows something about orchestra music. This is on me, I should've known better.

Wusikstation, another group buy at a cheap price. It was a reasonable layout, sound and stability, but what really enticed me was the promise of GIGS worth of samples. I've heard great sounding samples that were just a few MBs, and I heard how good Gigapiano was at around 750mb, so these had to be good right? Wrong! While there were a few good sounds the majority were slow evolving hold one key down while you have a smoke electronica stuff. Add to that the developer seemed to be nuts and kept changing the format and schemes, I moved on from this like I did from my first wife.

Sampletank, again bought from a group buy. I went in to the buy for some drum loops and ST2 was an add on. I never ended up using the loops but I did however really like ST. It was the right product for me.

I am a LIAR!

I said I had all the software I needed and that's the truth. I said I wasn't going to buy anymore and that was a LIE!:D

I just bought the upgrade from Sampletank 2.5 to Sampletank 3 . I never installed it on my new computer because it wasn't 64 bit and I wanted to check out SONAR's included synths before I installed something I potentially wouldn't use. I got ST2 and a lot of other stuff on a group buy cheap when it was basically an older second tier sampler. It still isn't a heavyweight such as Kontakt, but it is a comprehensive bread and butter sampler with an easy to use layout.

My sampler history....

Gigasampler, it came with PA9 suite and it was the only worth having in the whole package, The problem was you couldn't use it real time in a project both because PA9 didn't support real time monitoring and the computer I had at the time was too wimpy. You could however play it standalone and the first time I heard it I knew my Roland synths days were numbered.

Kompakt, lots of promise, but NI pulled the rug out from under me and discontinued it before the ink on the packaging was even dry. Fuck you NI.

Garritans Personal orchestra. I bought it because it was on sale, I heard so much about it, I installed it and never used it. Asside from a couple of pianos most of the instruments were blah,set up more for layering and for somebody who knows something about orchestra music. This is on me, I should've known better.

Wusikstation, another group buy at a cheap price. It was a reasonable layout, sound and stability, but what really enticed me was the promise of GIGS worth of samples. I've heard great sounding samples that were just a few MBs, and I heard how good Gigapiano was at around 750mb, so these had to be good right? Wrong! While there were a few good sounds the majority were slow evolving hold one key down while you have a smoke electronica stuff. Add to that the developer seemed to be nuts and kept changing the format and schemes, I moved on from this like I did from my first wife.

Sampletank, again bought from a group buy. I went in to the buy for some drum loops and ST2 was an add on. I never ended up using the loops but I did however really like ST. It was the right product for me.

See what happens when you start drinking margaritas. :D

I don't advise drinking and driving, but drinking and computer shopping has its own bad repercussions.
See what happens when you start drinking margaritas. :D

I don't advise drinking and driving, but drinking and computer shopping has its own bad repercussions.

It's a good thing I ran out last night because they were going down too smooth.:drunk::drunk::drunk:

I can't blame the margaritas though, the offer is only good until the product comes out. I got the boxed set at the same price as the download, but I have to wait a couple more weeks. No big deal as it totals 33 gigs and it would probably take a week to DL it.

The funny things is that the minimum spec is four gigs of ram, how things have changed. I've got eight so I'm in the clear.
So I'm not a liar.....
After finding out my upgrade price would not be $99 but instead $149 I cancelled my order.

It was tempting, I love trying out all the sounds and stuff but other than drums I've probably used a synth maybe ten times.:rolleyes:

Is it just me?

Or does every company have someone who is totally incompetent and keeps their job by sucking up or for no reason at all? Or is it because the boss just doesn't know any better?

And no, I'm not talking about myself. :mad:

Any ways the warehouse is bursting at the seams, I should stay employed through the end of the year.:rolleyes:

I should've kept my mouth shut, I think I jinxed them.


I thought it was his job was to spend the company expense account, he should be the employee of the month!

I'm just riffing on a guy I work with who promises anything to anybody, but then it becomes someone else's problem to try and fulfill his promises.
I'm told that our new guitar player won't be coming tonight. He has car problems. With most people you would chalk it up to bad timing. They would get the car fixed and that would be the end of the story. With this guy, however, who knows.

I've been hearing about his car problems for about a month now. Not sure why he hasn't dealt with it. If I had to guess, he doesn't have the money. He lives on disability Social Security and still lives with his mother.

When all is said and done, I'd say there is about a 50-50 chance we won't see him again. :rolleyes:

Stay tuned.
I'm told that our new guitar player won't be coming tonight. He has car problems. With most people you would chalk it up to bad timing. They would get the car fixed and that would be the end of the story. With this guy, however, who knows.

I've been hearing about his car problems for about a month now. Not sure why he hasn't dealt with it. If I had to guess, he doesn't have the money. He lives on disability Social Security and still lives with his mother.

When all is said and done, I'd say there is about a 50-50 chance we won't see him again. :rolleyes:

Stay tuned.

Musicians, what a bunch of losers!:D

Sorry to say, but I think the majority of musicians I've gotten together with have had some kind of issue, either ego, work ethic or substance abuse. The ones who have got their act together don't seem to be as interested in getting something going.
Doing a small job for myself today and I'm thinking about taking on Saturdays at the company because we're so busy. I have no life but I do have two kids who need braces and a car payment. There's no guarantees in my line of work and you've got to make hay when the sun is shining.

WOW, they've just fallen apart in the space of two weeks. I'm already looking forward to football.

The weather
Luckily it's pretty mild for this time of year, it makes work easier, especially because I'm doing a barn job with the cows already moved in.....stinky!

What's that?

Things get dusty pretty fast in my neck of the woods. It also doesn't help that they weren't too dust-free to begin with. :o :(
I'm betting the booze bottles never need dusting off.

Big score

Someday I may actually record something and these may come in handy. Seeing as my computer is dedicated I don't have a problem putting these on my keyboard.

Of course I'll have to dust it off first.

Good Morning!
For the first time in the longest time IU have a weekend where my time is my own. I'm still going to be working, but on things I want to work on.

I'm definitely going to work on a bottle of something.:drunk:

The weather
It's prime summer weather right now. Warm, but not hot, a few mosquitoes but enough breeze to keep them down and no need to spray up.

A good time to have a drink outside.

After a long absence , it's time to bust out the ukulele.

I'll bet a pina colada would go great with uke music.

I find the thing that goes best with uke music is a bullet to the head. :D :D :spank:

Well I'm going to keep on disappointing you,

Yesterday I loaded up on fruity girlyman drinks, broke out my $99 Tascam and recorded an appropriate themed song using the built in mics. I mixed/mastered :rolleyes: it over my stereo and D/Led it into my laptop, completely avoiding all my recording equipment. There's lots of background noises and my voice still sucks, but it's a pretty cool $99 toy. :thumbs up:


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