DAW Users With ADD

BTW, my son got out of rehab yesterday. He's been there six months, so I guess that is an accomplishment. Now we move into phase two. He's now staying at sort of a halfway house. It's a group home of 7 ex-addicts - essentially like a dorm. It's in a private house, in a housing development, and they share expenses and help to support each other. It's located about an hour south of me.

It's going to be tough for him, as he has no job, no car, and no money. However, he thinks he's eligible for unemployment, as he had an open claim when he went into rehab. And, if he has learned his lesson, he'll do whatever he needs to do - even if that means working the night shift at 7-11. (

Well this is good news,but you're not out of the woods yet.

Drugs can be a place of comfort for some people.I had a problem once,but over a period of time I just got turned off by it.I looked at the people around me and I didn't like them,I also realized that I was one of them,it made it easier for me.

One part of me gets a lump in my throat when I think of his situation, and the other part of me wants to wring his neck.

You should tell him this.

My dad is the nicest guy you'll ever meet,but he's an enabler.I saw one brother die and now have a 51 year old addict brother living with him,I know in his heart he thinks he's doing the right thing.:(
I never saw a double-cutaway LP. Are you sure it's an LP? I thought the single-cutaway style was one of the things that made it an LP.

When I started this search, one of the things I wanted was a double-cutaway. And one of the things I didn't want was an Epiphone. But, as you said, there are only so many guitars out there.

les paul dc - Google Search

http://www.rocknrollvintage.com/prodimages/1959_gibson_les_paul_special_dc_guitar s.jpg


Les Paul DC,yeah there's lots of them,and you can get them with Humbuckers too.
I learned something new. :)

According to Wikipedia, all the DC models are discontinued. But MF seems to still have them available.

You've seen them countless times,you just didn't know that's what they were.

I wouldn't mind having a classic Les Paul,but as Paul alluded to,I like to stray from the beaten path,the DC LP was right up my alley.
I'm on it,or something like it.
My wife has another week of training in Green Bay and I have to get the kids off to school all week.My son walks to school,it's four blocks away,but my daughter goes to the middle school which is quite a bit away and also take a couple of other kids to school.I could of made other arrangements but I'm going to take the time to tie up some loose ends around the house.

One of these days I'm going to take a vacation where I don't have to work.:mad:

We're supposed to have a week at a timeshare in the Dells this year,but even that is up in the air.In fact for the second year in a row we canceled our Fourth of July party.The party really is a three day event for me,one day of getting ready,the day of,and the day of clean up.A lot of dissapointed people though,as we have the ideal location as we're right off Lake drive where the parade and the park where the fireworks and festivities are held.

I'm going to see The Avengers,Hulk is going to smash!

Maybe just a wee bit premature on the avatar there Mike?If this one doesn't pan out MF is going to block your phone and email.

Maybe just a wee bit premature on the avatar there Mike?If this one doesn't pan out MF is going to block your phone and email.
Actually I ordered this one from Guitar Center. Even though GC and MF are essentially the same company, I'm hoping they don't share computers. :)

The problem with ordering from GC is that I have to pay sales tax. The upside? I can return it to any of their stores and won't have to pay return freight. :D :D

On that note, I was at GC yesterday and played a Schecter Solo 6 Custom. The neck had the best feel of any electric I've played recently. It also had coil-tapping. I didn't plug it in, so I don't know what I sounds like, but if the LP doesn't work out, this could get on the list. :o

I also saw an Ibanez that was literally less than 1/2" thick. It looked really weird - which of course made me think of Acidrock. ;)
I think this was it:
Ibanez.com | Electric Guitars | S770PB
You can kind of see the thickness in the first thumbnail photo. It also has two humbuckers, plus a single coil pup.
Actually I ordered this one from Guitar Center. Even though GC and MF are essentially the same company, I'm hoping they don't share computers. :)

The problem with ordering from GC is that I have to pay sales tax. The upside? I can return it to any of their stores and won't have to pay return freight. :D :D

On that note, I was at GC yesterday and played a Schecter Solo 6 Custom. The neck had the best feel of any electric I've played recently. It also had coil-tapping. I didn't plug it in, so I don't know what I sounds like, but if the LP doesn't work out, this could get on the list. :o

I also saw an Ibanez that was literally less than 1/2" thick. It looked really weird - which of course made me think of Acidrock. ;)
I think this was it:
Ibanez.com | Electric Guitars | S770PB
You can kind of see the thickness in the first thumbnail photo. It also has two humbuckers, plus a single coil pup.

Schecters are nice,they have a model with a JB and a 59 pickups on it that I keep ogling.
Ibanez does have some ridiculously thin necks on some of their guitars.
I consider both brands to be high value for the $$$.

I'm not a whammy bar guy though.
I see that Schecter you're looking at comes with SD pickups,I'm not a fan of the shape though,the headstock either.
In fact for the second year in a row we canceled our Fourth of July party.The party really is a three day event for me,one day of getting ready,the day of,and the day of clean up.A lot of dissapointed people though,as we have the ideal location as we're right off Lake drive where the parade and the park where the fireworks and festivities are held.

Do I have to cancel my plans again? I guess now I'll have to find some other place to drink for free. :mad: :mad:
Do I have to cancel my plans again? I guess now I'll have to find some other place to drink for free. :mad: :mad:
Well you wouldn't have to drink for free if you didn't spend all of your money on guitars.:rolleyes:

I'm disappointed because it's one of the few times I can have an adult beverage and an adult conversation.All of our other social events seem to just involve me as being a chaperone of some sort.
I really got to get a life someday.:(

Take the kids to school,take in some scrap steel,change a faucet and if I have enough time,weed and feed my in laws lawn.After that it's supper then puppy class,man do I know how to vaction or what?

Now I need help spending money

I'm probably going to buy a laptop this Sunday,for my wife and I only,so she can do homework on it and we can alleviate the wait to get on the main computer.
We don't need much power or a gigantic drive,as we will be mainly using it for text related stuff and browsing.The main concern is a decent keyboard for long periods of typing.I'm not even too worried about the display,I'm assuming they are all passable in 2012.It seems as though I can get something for around $500 that will fit the bill,is that wishful thinking?

I'll have to get a new router with wireless,and I'm assuming laptops have a receiver built in?
I'm also assuming I'll need a seperate antivirus subscription too?

I don't know anything about any of this,my cell phone still has a cord.:rolleyes:

Once I figured out how to record noise with a computer I gave up learning about them.Things change so fast and not because of usefulness,more because of trendiness and marketing.

Oh and btw...
The Avengers totally rocked,it will be the biggest movie of the year,the Dark Knight doesn't stand a chance.
Now I need help spending money

I'm probably going to buy a laptop this Sunday,for my wife and I only,so she can do homework on it and we can alleviate the wait to get on the main computer.
We don't need much power or a gigantic drive,as we will be mainly using it for text related stuff and browsing.The main concern is a decent keyboard for long periods of typing.I'm not even too worried about the display,I'm assuming they are all passable in 2012.It seems as though I can get something for around $500 that will fit the bill,is that wishful thinking?

I'll have to get a new router with wireless,and I'm assuming laptops have a receiver built in?
I'm also assuming I'll need a seperate antivirus subscription too?

I can't help you much with any recommendations. I haven't been following the computer market that closely lately. As you noted, it finally got to a point where "newest, latest, greatest" didn't mean all that much. The most taxing things I do on a computer these days are spreadsheets or photo editing, and my 6 year old computer handles those chores just fine.

In fact, one of my friends bought a new laptop for his wife. She was complaining her old one was too slow (despite the fact that she does nothing on it but e-mail and Facebook). I told him he probably only needed to reformat the hard drive and clean it up a little, but he decided to spring for a new one. I told him I would gladly take the old one. I reformatted the hard drive, loaded back only those programs I actually needed (as opposed to all the crap the mfgs load on it), and replaced the keyboard for $14 (the letters had worn off several of the keys), and now I have a fully functional laptop that works quite fine thank you. :rolleyes:

Most laptops have built in wireless these days. However, confirm before you buy. And you probably want something with 802.11n (as opposed to "b" or "g"). N is the latest version and is backward compatible, so it should work with older devices that only conform to the b or g protocol.

As for virus protection, there are several very good FREE programs out there. I certainly wouldn't pay for a subscription. I am using Microsoft Security Essentials.

However, AVG and Avast are also pretty good ones that have free versions available.

Les Paul
... is due tomorrow. I sure hope the fifth time is a charm. It would be a pain to have to change my avatar again. :o
I posted a thread at A&A and got a few recommendations,but it does seem we really can't go wrong for our needs.I just didn't want to buy something and then have ten people tell me what I should've done after the fact.

I must have been sleeping when they passed the threshold of CPUs not being a problem,or perhaps it never was.It seems the desktop is dead,we have two guys at work who don't have computers,a smartphone covers all their needs.I don't think desks will ever go out of stlye but the idea of a computer/desk/station is done.
The thing I'm either totally or totally not getting is this "Cloud" thing,isn't just an online backup for people who are too lazy to backup themselves?Does it do something else?

Puppy class
I had the only mutt.

I'm betting this is the one,I'm just not betting a lot.

You still need something better for a DI,but one thing at a time,that could take months(years).

Working in the yard,a little landscaping,and making a block foundation for a dog house.

The thing I'm either totally or totally not getting is this "Cloud" thing,isn't just an online backup for people who are too lazy to backup themselves?Does it do something else?
Cloud computers are more than just an online backup. Not only your data, but also your apps reside in the "cloud," and therefore the internet device (i.e., the computer) does not have be very powerful. As a result, they can boot up in like less than 10 seconds; virus protection is not a major concern; and they theoretically have many less glitches, blue screens, and the like. I guess you can say they become more "tv-like." Turn it on and do your stuff.

I don't know a lot about them, and since they are fairly new, and I would be worried that they might not be ready for prime-time. They also seem to be expensive for what they do. However, they do seem to make sense for many, many people who simply want to check e-mail, update facebook, surf the web, write an occasional letter, and not be bothered with knowing how a computer works or how to fix it when something goes wrong (which probably describes 90% of computer users).

But you're right, the trend today appears to be away from computers and toward smart phones and tablets. While I get the idea behind a smart phone, I just can't see myself dealing with the web on a 4" screen. It might be OK to occasionally look something up, or check e-mail, but I couldn't see having that as my main internet connection.