DAW Users With ADD

You know I'm not a Mets fan, but one of my most favorite sports moments of ALL TIME was game 6 of the 1986 World Series. Watching that ball go through Buckner's legs, was almost as good as if my Yanks had won.

Of course I got my payback in 2004. :(

Hey D', as a lifetime Met fan, "celebrations" for Met accomplishments are rare (this upcoming season as well as the future <did you know the Mets were mathematically eliminated from the 2012 playoffs:D> look catastrophic!).:( '69, '73 (lost to A's) & of course, the magic of '86! I remember my hand twitchin' so bad during the bottom of the 9th in Game 6 (not painful but just annoying) that I attributed it to some strange "revelation" the Mets would win the WS which they did!!!:D When that same "twitching" started in '08, I bet a co-worker $50 "Big Blue" will beat the Pats (nuff said ;))! Yesterday, I bet a Slacker-fan co-worker $100 the G's will win which they will!!!

The next time I get the "*SIGN*" , I'm goin' to either Atlantic City or Las Vegas!!!:D
You're only as good as your last game. Believe me, I know. :(

Yet all the Giants fans can't stop talking about '07:p

This weekend
Nothing scheduled for the first time in who knows how long.It'll be strange.

The weather
Winter finally came about a month and a half late,luckily we're through the big push at work so life won't be as miserable.

After football season I may actually try to remember what all that crap in my basement is for.

Yet all the Giants fans can't stop talking about '07........:p

Really can u blame 'em!!??

Dude that had to be the greatest SuperBowl ever played featuring Eli's "Great Escape" followed by singularly the most amazing catch in SB history!!!:eek:

Good as thier last game....?

The G's shut-out the Atlanta Gal-cons with a ferocious defense that bordered on INSANITY!!!:eek: Dude they destroyed a 4th&1 not once, but did it TWICE!!! That's some sick-@ss sh#t!!!:spank:

My hand is still "twitchin' "...more than ever b-4 (the wif-ee is attributing it to carpal tunnel syndrome:); I know better)!

Greenbay is doomed!

Look what happened to Brew Trees & the so-called, "nuclear-powered" 'Aints today!

Tellin' you bruh', respect the "*SIGN*" !!!:cool:
I'll be going into hibernation now. I will either emerge tomorrow night... or sometime in March.

I'm respecting the sign DoubleQ!!!!!!! Go G-Men!! :D
THE "*SIGN*" !!!!!:cool:
I never doubted you for a minute, Mr. Q. :D :D :D

And still, Aaron Rodgers almost beat us single-handedly with his feet. Fortunately, he didn't get much help from his running game or his receivers.

And that non-fumble call in the first half was bogus. How do you review a play like that and STILL get it wrong?

Anyways... on to San Francisco. Shades of 2008!!!!!!
Well I don't know what to say,we may just be the worst 15-1 team ever.:facepalm:

Well I guess I was right about that.:(

That was downright embarrassing,to go 15-1 and have that pathetic of a performance probably would kill this team if it weren't for the fact they won everything the year before.Still it really taints the season.
I'm still not giving the Giants a lot of credit,most teams would've beat the Packers the way they played yesterday.

I'll be over it in a day or two,I'm still going to watch the rest of the games and GO NINERS!:D

most teams would've beat the Packers the way they played yesterday.
Yeah, the Giants had absolutely nothing to do with that. :rolleyes:

I'll give you several of the dropped passes, but most of the turnovers were caused.

And the game wouldn't have even been that close were it not for two of the worst calls ever. If I recall correctly, that ridiculous roughing the passer call kept one of the Packers scoring drives alive.

So much for 9-7 teams, huh? ;)

I will, at least, give you credit for showing your face less than 24 hours later. I figured you'd be hiding out until at least Friday. :)
I realize this is a NY paper, but this guy seems to feel the Giants defense made at least a "small" contribution to making the Packers look bad on Sunday:


Obviously this was not the equal of what they did to Brady in SB42, but as the game wore on you could see Rodgers was frustrated and off his game. Had this been earlier in the game, I would have attributed it to rust. But not late in the game. That was the result of not being comfortable in the pocket.
I realize this is a NY paper, but this guy seems to feel the Giants defense made at least a "small" contribution to making the Packers look bad on Sunday:


Obviously this was not the equal of what they did to Brady in SB42, but as the game wore on you could see Rodgers was frustrated and off his game. Had this been earlier in the game, I would have attributed it to rust. But not late in the game. That was the result of not being comfortable in the pocket.

Of course your defense had something to do with it,but the Packers made it easy for them.There were a lot of dropped passes that would've extended drives and Rodgers flat out missed on guys a couple of times.A few plays the other way and it's a guy in Green Bay writing the reverse article.

I'm not saying the Giants are bad,I'm just saying they didn't get much of a contest.
Well, the "twitching" stopped last night! I'll check in Friday & let you know!!!!! ;)
I'm counting on you.

I'm not sure if it's your "signs" or the new Bradshaw jersey my daughter got me for my birthday, but either way I'm not taking any chances.

I also have a #80 Shockey jersey which I was thinking of removing the name and telling everyone it's a Cruz jersey. But so far the Bradshaw jersey seems to be doing the trick. :D
I promise this is the last of it:
CBS' Simms: Packers-Giants a lot closer than 37-20 - JSOnline

And now it's time to move on from enjoying last week, to worrying about this week. The 49's are somewhat better than I have been giving them credit for. However, this is a game I much prefer to meeting the Saints in the Superdome.

I'm blocked from that,we have a twenty article limit before you pay for it.

Here's my favorite football site's take....

Discount double choke for another regular-season king | Cold Hard Football Facts

It's been a rough stretch,I haven't been able to take a day off in four months,other than holidays.I had vacation days coming but had to take the pay instead of the days off,and on top of that I've either been working Saturdays for the company or myself.The last two weeks I asked for a day off both of my bosses responded by saying"You've had enough days off already" and each time I took took them to task.The son reacted by looking stunned and pretending nothing ever happened,his dad saw things my way.I'm still not getting a day off.:rolleyes:

But what really put things in perspective is that one of the guys tore his thumb off today.The first thing the son said was"He was probably going to fast",the irony is the question we always get asked is "What's taking so long?":rolleyes:


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I'm counting on you.

I'm not sure if it's your "signs" or the new Bradshaw jersey my daughter got me for my birthday, but either way I'm not taking any chances.

I also have a #80 Shockey jersey which I was thinking of removing the name and telling everyone it's a Cruz jersey. But so far the Bradshaw jersey seems to be doing the trick. :D

No "*SIGN*" yet but I did bet a San Gay-cisco fan co-worker of mine $200 the G's will wax that 69-er @ss!!!!