DAW Users With ADD

Happy Saturday
Tonight it's Christmas at the in-laws,then I'm done.

I got a Favre Jets Jersey(just in time for his last game) and an Aaron rodgers Jersey.Other than that it's been pretty ho-hum.
After getting buried in snow we're having a warm up that will hopefully melt the majority of the white stuff.

Hard to believe there's only one year left to this decade,it's a sure sign that you guys are getting old(er).I have to say that 2008 pretty much sucked on a stick overall,but there were some bright spots.

Nice new Avatar Mike; I bet at your age you have as many hairs in your ears as any chimp :p :D

2008 will go down for me as a mixed year; I have a feeling that it is a transition time but transition to what is the BIG question. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I have now had some hands on experience of Macs, Logic, audio interface and getting a USB piano to work on OS X. Well for a start, the MAC is one handsome beast, let me tell you. Sexy as hell and designed to look stunning. If you like that sort of thing:rolleyes:

It booted up out of the box fine and loading the Yamaha driver was a doddle. Also connected to the Internet straight away and no glitches.

Once we had restarted Logic, it saw the piano straight away and worked with midi notes being displayed as we played.

The Apogee interface was a disappointment, because in spite of its high cost, it didn't have a F/wire 400 to 800 connector so we have had to order one.:mad:

But apart from that the thing that completely threw me was the difference in operating paradigm between XP and OS X and Logic vs Sonar. I expected differences but until you come to use the two, you just don't realise how back to basics you have to go:( For me to change from one to another would be a huge investment in my time and I'm not sure I want to go there.:(

But I was impressed with the glitch free operation of the MAC.:) Oh well, decisions, decisions.:)
I have hair in places that most people don't even have places. :o :o :o

Not one of my issues I'm afraid.:( Wifey was excited to find a single hair on my chest last year but that's about it.:o

Both my daughters boyfriends are hirsute like chimps as as well.:cool:
Yeah, apparently the hair on the top of my head has chosen to grow inward and has started popping out in lots of other places.

You have to be very vigilant. :rolleyes:

I once had lunch with a guy who had a hair growing out of his nose that must have been 3 or 4 inches long. :eek: I kept wondering if maybe it allowed him to get free satellite radio. :D
Yeah, apparently the hair on the top of my head has chosen to grow inward and has started popping out in lots of other places.

You have to be very vigilant. :rolleyes:

I once had lunch with a guy who had a hair growing out of his nose that must have been 3 or 4 inches long. :eek: I kept wondering if maybe it allowed him to get free satellite radio. :D
My nose is where I get most of my old age hairs. But I have a grooming clipper for just such growths.
AR is going to come on here soon and give us the benefit of his wisdom relating to the sexual attractiveness of bald heads and a hairy body ;)

My nose is where I get most of my old age hairs. But I have a grooming clipper for just such growths.
AR is going to come on here soon and give us the benefit of his wisdom relating to the sexual attractiveness of bald heads and a hairy body ;)


Sorry to dissapoint you,but I'm a hairless ape,grass doesn't grow on a playground you know.:D

But I was impressed with the glitch free operation of the MAC.
I'm totally unimpressed by Vista,I swear XP was better.:mad:

Sorry to dissapoint you,but I'm a hairless ape,grass doesn't grow on a playground you know.:D

Well said - I will remember to quote you on that :)

I'm totally unimpressed by Vista,I swear XP was better.:mad:

You and millions of others. Not many corporates have taken it up either; the cost is prohibitive and they aren't impressed with the security lapses and bugs either. The cost of overall support is immense.
Well said - I will remember to quote you on that :)

You and millions of others. Not many corporates have taken it up either; the cost is prohibitive and they aren't impressed with the security lapses and bugs either. The cost of overall support is immense.

The cost of replacing all your machines is higher. My sister bought an Acer laptop with 2gb of ram and a decent Core2Duo and it still takes TEN MINUTES from when you hit the power button to when it will start to respond to your clicks and keystrokes, just with the software that was on it out of the box.

And no, it wasn't dodgy, she had it replaced because even a computer ignoramus like her thought something was wrong with that.

My brother just got a quad core Dell desktop with 4gb of ram and that seems to be a bit more like it. Much less responsive than my entry-level Macbook though. :rolleyes:
And even when you get a fast machine, you then have to slow it down by installing so much anti virus and spyware software it renders the whole shabang slower than a sloth with migraine.:mad:
My sister bought an Acer laptop with 2gb of ram and a decent Core2Duo and it still takes TEN MINUTES from when you hit the power button to when it will start to respond to your clicks and keystrokes, just with the software that was on it out of the box.

And no, it wasn't dodgy, she had it replaced because even a computer ignoramus like her thought something was wrong with that.

Something is not quite right there. My daughters laptop (pre MacBook Pro) is an ACER Aspire with dual core and 2gig Ram and it boots up in less than two minutes. In fact, less than one minute despite all the crap she has in her startup sequence!
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I have an Acer also and it came loaded with bloatware.

Oh and btw.......

2008 sucked on a stick.:(
I cant believe how close the 10's are.:eek:

I wish you guys all the best in the coming year and thank you for your continued friendship and putting up with me over the last few years.There are not a lot of sure things in life but this thread has been a rock for going on seven years and I think that's good thing.


I wish you guys all the best in the coming year and thank you for your continued friendship and putting up with me over the last few years.There are not a lot of sure things in life but this thread has been a rock for going on seven years and I think that's good thing.
Ditto, dude!! :D :D

I'm hoping 2009 will be an improvement. Since it marks when I can start collecting SS, it's got some promise... assuming the stock market doesn't tank again and wipe me out before I get there. :( December was the first month since May that my IRA actually went up in value... however, it's still got a long way to go to make up the past 6 months.
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Something is not quite right there. My daughters laptop (pre MacBook Pro) is an ACER Aspire with dual core and 2gig Ram and it boots up in less than two minutes. In fact, less than one minute despite all the crap she has in her startup sequence!

Well that's what I thought but she's had two the same that way now. I was going to do a clean install but she opts to never reboot and just use sleep instead.

Unless Jobs dies and Linux becomes well supported I think I'm Mac all the way now.
Well that's what I thought but she's had two the same that way now. I was going to do a clean install but she opts to never reboot and just use sleep instead.

Unless Jobs dies and Linux becomes well supported I think I'm Mac all the way now.

Yo, ND! By my clock (and estimating the approx. time difference), by my reckoning you should be hugging a porcelain toilet bowl about this time - not posting to this worthless thread. :D

Happy New Year, man.
Happy New Year !!!

I don't think I have ever drank so much and eat so much in all my life on a constant basis. Over Christmas and NY and all over the holiday period, I have grazed and drank at the well of plenty. But yesterday, in spite of being invited to an "at home" drinks and food party at "The Big House" (our eldest daughters partners mothers house which was built in 1620 and stands in 80 acres of rolling countryside ;)) my body finally said enough and so I remained sober and refrained from eating too much.:cool: I might make up for it today though:rolleyes:

Shopping at the new local city mall with my mom and dad is on the agenda today, an event which my dad and I are doing under extreme sufferance. Its only the prospect of a fine lunch which has enticed us out.;)

My wife's idea of "mooching" and mine are two very different things. She feels she has to go into every shop, see everything and touch every item, whereas I only touch what I want to buy. She complains I don't show an interest in shopping for her stuff and I retort that she dies of boredom after 10 seconds in guitar shops.

I do however show an interest when she shops for lingerie and I tell her that there is no limit to what she can buy in such places ;) No credit limit:D

Anyway, hope you all had a great NYE and I wish you all a very prosperous and peaceful 2009!

Onwards and upwards!!!
I wish you guys all the best in the coming year and thank you for your continued friendship and putting up with me over the last few years.There are not a lot of sure things in life but this thread has been a rock for going on seven years and I think that's good thing.


Well said AR; I feel the same way, my kids constantly take the p**s out of me for only having "virtual" friends but I don't care.:)
Well said AR; I feel the same way, my kids constantly take the p**s out of me for only having "virtual" friends but I don't care.:)
Paul the only friends I have these days are from the kids schools or online.:(My best friends I've talked to but haven't seen in months.Between my wife working nights,school functions and my side work,when I finally do get some me time I just want to relax.
Better days a coming though,in a few years my kids will take care of themselves,no doubt loathe me and do their best to leave me alone,then I shall have a life again!:D

Job security
I was bracing for a slowdown come February but
the #2 man(I'm #3!) is going out for 2-3 months for shoulder surgery.Last year it was#1 with knee surgery.My boss is freaking out,we lost our workmens comp insurance last year and already the new company has a major claim on it's hands.I have guys dropping like flies all around me and I've been pretty lucky to stay intact.:cool:

December was the first month since May that my IRA actually went up in value... however, it's still got a long way to go to make up the past 6 months
I'm not looking forward to seeing that statement.:eek:Last year was going to be the year mine started contributing a significant sum to itself but it went into reverse instead.:(I've got 16-21 years or more to think about it.:rolleyes:
