Rape = death.
How many innocent men are in prison falsely accused of rape? I think one was just released two or three days ago after spending twenty eight years in prison. This is why I don't support the death penalty. If there is a death penalty, innocent people will be put to death. I wouldn't want to see that happen to anyone here. You really need to think this one through. With your proposal, any psycho witch could randomly be the cause of your demise.
How many innocent men are in prison falsely accused of rape? I think one was just released two or three days ago after spending twenty eight years in prison. This is why I don't support the death penalty. If there is a death penalty, innocent people will be put to death. I wouldn't want to see that happen to anyone here. You really need to think this one through. With your proposal, any psycho witch could randomly be the cause of your demise.
I was speaking in absolutes. Our judicial system is pretty fucked.
Hey BP to be clear zero religious zeal because we're all wrong IMO but plenty of belief in the FACT that not a one of us breathing air have a clue of how we got here, how life comes to be, or what happens when life ends here...The most brilliant minds expound both ways but the truth is we don't know what we don't know. Based upon what I have seen, heard and experienced I believe it is not something we get to know. What our physical beings are able to perceive. You want to say that a glob of cells that contain the exact amount of DNA as a fully developed human are different so be it. I believe it is a human being in the process of experiencing this thing that we call life. Almost at death with itself yet on the stair case of we all are...IMO. You will not deny it is alive but want to imply though it is alive it is not a human...The DNA says differently. IMO it's a fricking unexplainable miracle that we can not duplicate as mere humans.
In biology, abiogenesis or the origin of life is the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds.
Nope we can't explain it or produce it. Even more crazy where did the simple organic compounds come from? Something from nothing?

For me in life I try to surround myself with people smarter than myself. I have never met or heard of any human convincingly explain how this all came to be. Einstein we can agree was a pretty bright shining light. He did not follow any particular religion and did not believe in a God of any of them. He did believe as I do that we don't know what we don't know. Below is a quote of his

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”​

I believe we are all unexplainable miracles in motion, it is not because of religion or belief in is from the deepest parts of my being that I see abortion as societal approval for murdering defenseless living beings that have no voice to defend themselves. No different than the 6 million Jews murdered in the holocaust. Sadly so many more than 6 million in fact over 70 million annually world wide...pretty sickening when you think of them as holocaust victims being marched off to the gas chambers. No we do it very sophistically behind closed doors no drama just brush n flush,,,sickening.

With regard to the idea that all aborted children are as you put it " a cell or clump of cells isn't a person". That gets into the dicey part of when do we say it is a life ( which I call bullshit on ) but the truth is in some states fully formed fetus's with all body parts are allowed to be aborted.

I wrote this fight song as a voice for the unborn years ago

Don't kill me comes I'm alive
Don't kill me I want to survive
Don't kill cause it's not right
Don't kill me for me please fight
You say you have the right
The right to choose
Well you chose what you chose
YOU chose to do
I'm the product of you " mistake"
That gives you no right
For my life to take
Don't kill me
Cause I'm alive
Don't kill me
I want to survive
Don't kill me cause
Cause I've got rights ...and lefts too!

My anti abortion argument has nothing to do with religious beliefs...It has to do with human rights....and lefts.
Uh yeah - that's exactly what I said.
Actually yes.
Makes sense to me because she's a mother who *didn't* choose to terminate the pregnancy.
If the mother doesn't choose to terminate the pregnancy, then it's a double homicide, e.g., the killing of two homo sapiens.

Rape and incest victims required to carry a fetus that was forced on them? No. Period. "Jesus loves you" arguments fail in most spectacular fashion.

It boils down to this, right?
FYI, I disapprove of arguing this from a Christian point of view with people who aren't Christian. That would be rather lame. Scientifically, the "clump of cells" has different DNA from its mother.

egg and sperm.jpg
To the Christian crowd, you might say it's not. At least the Roman Catholic Church teaches that contraception / protected s*x is wrong. But I am not aware of a scientific angle to that argument.
But I am not aware of a scientific angle to that argument.
The church has it's stance and I get what they are trying to say...that we don't have the right to interfere in the process of a potential human being made. I disagree but that's just me. They are hung up on the sex or not having sex thing...If you have sacred sex then you have to play russian roulette with the sperm and the egg. I see no difference from abstaining from sex or using a rubber...they both stop the miracle from happening so having no sex is equally a form a contraception. That's my perspective.

The egg and the sperm cell are of no use in of themselves. Until they together become one they are incapable of becoming a human. In that instant that they do, they meld together into one living being resulting in a 50/50 split of the male and female contributors. The two together become a new and unique living entity and begin the life experience as a human being with it's own blended dna of the two. Human being, being all starts when the two become one.
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I'm certainly no expert on the matter, it is my understanding that through menstruation eggs are expelled from the body. It is a natural process, as is fertilization should the egg(s) come into contact and be fertilized by sperm while still in the body. Men experience what is sometimes referred to as "morning wood", nocturnal erections, it is in a way a form of exercise for men(and boys) reproductive organs, system, or whatever, in preparation to procreate and reproduce. Men may even ejaculate. It is all natural, as it was meant to be. It is what it is.

When sperm comes into contact with egg, and the egg is fertilized, isn't that something, fascinating, though natural a down right near miracle. But make no mistake, it is not by mere happenstance that this occurs. Through prior to fertilization no inclination of its own the embryo begins the journey towards its potential, its self determination, and its right thereto. The possessor of that sperm, the possessor of that egg, they have exercised their own right to self determination, the result being the consequence in the form of a sovereign. With rights come responsibilities, consequences. It's as natural as the day is long. No man(or woman) possesses the right as a result of a wish, or so called right, to deny the rights of others to life, liberty, and the pursuit know, as endowed by their creater. At least I do believe that is what is written in our very own Declaration of Independence. Independence.
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I see no difference from abstaining from sex or using a rubber...they both stop the miracle from happening so having no sex is equally a form a contraception.
Should we all be having s*x if we are physically capable of doing so? Serious question fyi.
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Should we all be having s*x if we are physically capable of doing so? Serious question fyi.
If you're an adult and have a willing partner and enjoy it I see no reason not to as often as it fits into your life style. There are those unfortunates that don't have a partner and are left to self satisfaction, again that's their business. It's OK if it provides them with some sexual drive tension release. Then there are those that for what ever reason don't especially like sex and so if they don't it's no problem either. Sex drive is a part of the "nature" of our design to keep the species going. As we became "civilized" creatures we created rules and protocols that if not followed constituted " bad form" ..Unlike most other animal species that follow the Nike slogan "just do it!" Arf!
The Miricle! Donkeys fucking! A Donkey is born! The Miricle! Hellaluja MFers!
Polination, procreation are all part of the grand design and all an unexplainable "how de do dat?" miracle. Be it a Donkey, a Fish, a frog or duck...Lets face it we're all filthy animals that like to.......
I can't think of a reason not to. Can you?

I can.

Think real hard, you might find reasons why some might want to suppress sex drive.

I'll start you off. Contrary to what some claim to believe these days(they dont really believe it, they are lying to themselves), Men are physically more capable than women. Some men can't or don't care to go through the trouble of getting some of the sex the good ol' fashion way, so they take advantage of superior capabilities to take what they want. Just because they are physically capable of doing so, they should not.

Your turn.
Well, I guess that goes to prove life comes at you quickly when you engage your mouth before engaging your brain. Live and learn, as the saying goes.
Learn what Mick? Did you think that SR had "rape" in mind when he asked:

Should we all be having s*x if we are physically capable of doing so? Serious question fyi.

I don't think he had "rape" in mind. Are you a fuckin dick because you can't help it? Or is it deliberate?
Learn what Mick? Did you think that SR had "rape" in mind when he asked:

I don't think he had "rape" in mind. Are you a fuckin dick because you can't help it? Or is it deliberate?

Hey, you made a statement, now you want to point to someone else because you were too dumb to think before speaking.

Well, I take that back, revisiting your post you did say you "think".

Damn it, I done done it again. Correction, you said "I don't think". Fair enough.
A whole lot of effort put forth there, seems you're pretty invested.

I don't know, dude....the slicing and dicing of the concept that "all lives are precious" certainly cannot be determined while still in the womb, can it. Could be a potential serial killer, could be a potential inventer, heart surgeon, or the potential mother/father, or potential grand mother/father of a potential heart surgeon. It's kind of like a box of chocolates, you never know what you might get. Except much more complicated. Using serial killers to support pro abortion is a lazy argument.

Speaking of grand mothers/fathers, it wasn't that long ago that folks had quite a few children born to a family, survival rate to adulthood being a factor. In fact it was because of that factor people would often bear many children, even or perhaps especially the poor. The station or perceived worth children are born into is irrelevant to potential. Perhaps potential is at the heart of the miracle. It is the miracle, beginning at conception. Who holds dominion over that potential, that miracle, other than the miracle itself. If we remove emotionalism and religious zeal, so be it. I don't think it is going out on a limb to suggest a parallel to the concept of self determination.

Cold calculation, we are below replacement rate in the US, 1.6, or so. Nations who follow such a course are not busy being born, but busy dying.
I'm showing examples that the "God is watching over" notion doesn't hold water. I've pointed out realities you're uncomfortable with so you dismiss my doing so as "lazy".

I take it as a given that your stance is primarily based on religious beliefs.

I had a much longer response but concluded it's just going to bounce off. You're dedicated to embracing a blindered version of reality - there's a large portion of humanity including the devoutly religious that doesn't in any way embrace the notion that "life is precious" - with accompanying misery and bloodshed and this has been reality for a very long time.

Ultimately you're convinced you're entitled to impose your religious views on others as is the traditional habit of the religious.