Can we be honest about the C19 Shot?

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Run this through your Smoke Detector Analogy:

1st Moderna shot no problem.

Fast forward 6 months.

I was feeling just fine when I got my second Moderna shot and I waited in the waiting area. Then I was cleared to go home after 1/2 hour. I was still doing okay.

When I got home I started feeling the chills like the flu. I went to bed almost immediately.

Then the area around my shot site on the left arm went numb. I'm like... what the hell is this?

Then after about an hour the numbness spread down my left side into my hip and into my left leg. I'm like ohhhhh shittttt!

I spent the rest of the day in bed feeling a like a dog pile.

The next day I was sore and shaken, but everything came back to normal. thank God.

It scared the hell out of me though.

Now go ahead and factcheck me into never-land like it didn't happen. (n)(n)(n)
Sounds like a stroke to me. You should get that checked out.
That's because there isn't any. Likewise you've got nothing of value as evidence other than you got numb in the arm for a day after you got the death shot. Do you personally know ANYONE who died from the shot or was blinded or was mutated from the Vax?
yes, my wife's hairdresser's uncle got a heart attack 3 days later and died -- and you'll call that coincidence. What is the freakin hurry for the next shot? From what I hear it isn't very effective for the delta variant anyways. Go ahead and take mine for me, since you're in such a hurry.

I'm sticking with the FDA's recommendations to look into the side effects. I never had anything like this before.
Sounds like a stroke to me. You should get that checked out.
Maybe so, Stroke is one of the concerns in the FDA's list. Thanks for pointing that out. A stroke killed one of my grandfathers. The numbness started at the shot site on my arm. There could be a blot clot involved. I need to start taking an aspirin every day.
I'm a statistician. My wife's a nurse. My cousin's uncle from Trinidad is a Doctor who's nuts got swollen from a vax shot. My politically aligned ignorant ass politician says it's true! Look at this pie chart I found on TikTok!

That sounds about like your speed. I'll follow the FDA's guidelines, and my doctor's advice. thank you. Will you sign a warranty of fitness statement for my next shot? The last one has hell. Put that one in your toaster oven.
That sounds about like your speed. I'll follow the FDA's guidelines, and my doctor's advice. thank you. Will you sign a warranty of fitness statement for my next shot? The last one has hell. Put that one in your toaster oven.

I don't care who or what you follow or what you do about your next shot. I just don't want you spreading false information on a Home Recording website of all places. Go back to your little inner circle of Facespace "friends" if you want reaffirmation about your beliefs.
I don't care who or what you follow or what you do about your next shot. I just don't want you spreading false information on a Home Recording website of all places. Go back to your little inner circle of Facespace "friends" if you want reaffirmation about your beliefs.

Where is the good stuff? Don't tell me where it IS NOT, until you have something better.

You need to be more specific about the "false information". According to who?

Who is "Facespace"?
Just be thankful that Hale-Bopp passed you by and move on with your life. Do you record music? Or do you just post made up pie charts to Home Recording websites?
I don't care who or what you follow or what you do about your next shot. I just don't want you spreading false information on a Home Recording website of all places. Go back to your little inner circle of Facespace "friends" if you want reaffirmation about your beliefs.
This. Thank you.
Just be thankful that Hale-Bopp passed you by and move on with your life. Do you record music? Or do you just post made up pie charts to Home Recording websites?

Good one. Time to loosen up. I'll take it. I apologize for the big fuss. PS: I think the vax is a good idea most of the time, but there are some real exceptions, which I won't go into.

and yes I record music. I took Protools training a couple of weeks ago. I wrote 3 songs in the last 3 weeks. Two rockers, and one blues. Here is the intro to "Ballad of Led Zeppelin". Amy Winehouse's production engineer helped me with it:

I hope it rocks your world. The song is kick-ass. 😉 8-)
There you go. It rocked my world. Go finish the rest of that track and the rest of the 3 songs. Spend less time looking for things to get you riled up. You'll be better off, and the world will have more music, and less hate.
There you go. It rocked my world. Go finish the rest of that track and the rest of the 3 songs. Spend less time looking for things to get you riled up. You'll be better off, and the world will have more music, and less hate.
okay. I got it out of my system now. You might not like one of my songs. I call it "The Great Texas Flood". It's about the border. It's a Neil Young kind of thing.

My tip for the day: Anger is a Thief. I might write a song about that too.

Have you noticed how the Trump-haters are kind of blowing in the wind now -- that their new music is no good anymore? It's like a curse. Neil Young, Joe Walsh, Madonna, and others got it. Just look at them. Maybe I'm wrong. Help me out. Trump took their songs and gave them a sour face.
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LOL reminded of this song one of the old local bands here in LA used to play....... If the queen had balls...she'd be king. They also had another catchy sing along called "I want some head tonight"...the crowd interaction was always fun with a battle between the boys n girls and who was louder...screaming I want some head tonight...the girls always won

.Having been a cancer survivor pin cushion for a few year I can tell you the Vax shot was nothing short of ho hum hmmm I'm a little sore for me...

Why only one jab...because I think it is enough ( Based upon this study On one dose of the Pfiser) and so far I haven't to my knowledge got the Covid. I'll have to get my second the next time I need to fly international but I'll hold until then.

I'm with you on this one. After 60 shots of radiation, I can tell you there were some SEVERE AEs to that one. A bit of soreness, or even a bit of tingling from a vax is nothing. I've had toothaches that were worse.

BTW, I'm 10 years clean as of 2 weeks from today! How 'bout you TAE?
I'm with you on this one. After 60 shots of radiation, I can tell you there were some SEVERE AEs to that one. A bit of soreness, or even a bit of tingling from a vax is nothing. I've had toothaches that were worse.

BTW, I'm 10 years clean as of 2 weeks from today! How 'bout you TAE?

wow, Talisman. I feel for ya. I think the worst pain I ever had was a roto-rooter job on the prostate. You don't want to know what they have to do for that one. If you could imagine what it's like to pee boiling water. That's what I tell the wife anyways. I can't imagine how bad it would be without the codeine based narcotic to take off the edge. I guess it would feel like peeing lava.
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I don't care who or what you follow or what you do about your next shot. I just don't want you spreading false information on a Home Recording website of all places. Go back to your little inner circle of Facespace "friends" if you want reaffirmation about your beliefs.

That there's the rub, innit? "I". Are we going to respect the concept and the reality of "I", or not? I mean, toleration is part of the foundation and bedrock of freedom, and you can't spell freedom without an "I".
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That there's the rub, innit? "I". Are we going to respect the concept and the reality of "I", or not? I mean, toleration is part of the foundation and bedrock of freedom, and you can't spell freedom without an "I".

"I". It's kind of hard to express yourself in art without it.
I did not report it. I've been talking it over with wife, who is an RN, and it may be a coincidence that I was sleeping on that side of my body, and the nerve "went to sleep". That was my thinking at the time, but the VAERS list gave me 2nd thoughts. It did kind scare me at the time. It never happened like that before, pinched nerve or not. I will try to give the shot the benefit of the doubt after I talk it over with my doc. I should have taken it to him first instead of here. I do apologize.

I'm sorry if I may have sounded a false alarm. I took the 2nd Moderna, and I'm preparing myself for the booster. At some point we will need a new vaccine, if not already, as the new variants evade the original formulation. sigh.
I'm with you on this one. After 60 shots of radiation, I can tell you there were some SEVERE AEs to that one. A bit of soreness, or even a bit of tingling from a vax is nothing. I've had toothaches that were worse.

BTW, I'm 10 years clean as of 2 weeks from today! How 'bout you TAE?
Congrats sir! Thats awesome....34 for me on the 19th. What a long strange / happy, joyous and free trip it has been.
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