Can we be honest about the C19 Shot?

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I tried that approach yesterday. It didn't work. You have to out-conspiracy them and I'm not even sure that's going to work. There has to be a level of self awareness that I'm not sure we have that here.

The CDC and FDA are conspiracy theorists. umkay.
I'm a statistician. My wife's a nurse. My cousin's uncle from Trinidad is a Doctor who's nuts got swollen from a vax shot. My politically aligned ignorant ass politician says it's true! Look at this pie chart I found on TikTok!
I'm a statistician. My wife's a nurse. My cousin's uncle from Trinidad is a Doctor who's nuts got swollen from a vax shot. My politically aligned ignorant ass politician says it's true! Look at this pie chart I found on TikTok!
I have six sigma certification. I'll match math wits with anyone. I'm also a registered mechanical engineer. I've made a living with this.
I'm a statistician. That limitation is built into the testing protocol by design. You just don't get it.
Ah! all part of the evil plan to cull the overcrowded planet of pesky it (y)
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A all part of the evil plan to cull the overcrowded planet of pesky it (y)
c whut I mean you just don't get it. The data is what it is, no more and no less. It came from the CDC and the FDA. You haven't shown anything better.
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"Confused, check out the FAQs"
good one.
If we got the straight story to start with we wouldn't need factcheckers.
If we went straight to the factcheckers we wouldn't need facts. And if we had multiple sets of factcheckers they can just feed us all what we want to hear and we can avoid the truth altogether. Which is where we're at now anyways.
If we went straight to the factcheckers we wouldn't need facts. And if we had multiple sets of factcheckers they can just feed us all what we want to hear and we can avoid the truth altogether. Which is where we're at now anyways.
The factcheckers are paid shills.
analogies are the weakest form of debate, and yours is already broken: The shot made me sicker dog shit. No doubt about it. So jack off with your smoke detector.
The shot made you "numb on one side for a day". Same thing happens to me every time I have any dental work done. It goes away. I don't need to do my research and I don't need to cite bullshit websites to mislead others.
The shot made you "numb on one side for a day". Same thing happens to me every time I have any dental work done. It goes away. I don't need to do my research and I don't need to cite bullshit websites to mislead others.
Honestly, you're old as fuck, dude. Are you even sure it was the vaccine and not a stroke?
Honestly, you're old as fuck, dude. Are you even sure it was the vaccine and not a stroke?
Run this through your Smoke Detector Analogy:

1st Moderna shot no problem.

Fast forward 6 months.

I was feeling just fine when I got my second Moderna shot and I waited in the waiting area. Then I was cleared to go home after 1/2 hour. I was still doing okay.

When I got home I started feeling the chills like the flu. I went to bed almost immediately.

Then the area around my shot site on the left arm went numb. I'm like... what the hell is this?

Then after about an hour the numbness spread down my left side into my hip and into my left leg. I'm like ohhhhh shittttt!

I spent the rest of the day in bed feeling a like a dog pile.

The next day I was sore and shaken, but everything came back to normal. thank God.

It scared the hell out of me though.

Now go ahead and factcheck me into never-land like it didn't happen. (n)(n)(n)
c whut I mean you just don't get it. The data is what it is, no more and no less. It came from the CDC and the FDA. You haven't shown anything better.
That's because there isn't any. Likewise you've got nothing of value as evidence other than you got numb in the arm for a day after you got the death shot. Do you personally know ANYONE who died from the shot or was blinded or was mutated from the Vax? Do you know of anyone second or third hand that died or had a extremely adverse reaction? I don't and I'm certain no one going through this thread knows of a single person that they know personally that died from the Vax...there's some pretty good evidence that the hysteria and BS coming from the anti vaxers might be slightly blown out of proportion. I only got one of the Pfiser jabs and my arm was a little sore for a day or two...Having been a cancer survivor pin cushion for a few year I can tell you the Vax shot was nothing short of ho hum hmmm I'm a little sore for me...

Why only one jab...because I think it is enough ( Based upon this study On one dose of the Pfiser) and so far I haven't to my knowledge got the Covid. I'll have to get my second the next time I need to fly international but I'll hold until then.
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