Can Someone Send Me Cubase Please?

What kind of musician am I?

Facing realities, a hobbyist. Someone who records his own songs for his own enjoyment. Someone who does this on a budget and pays for his software.

I don't know how many times I have to say this, I don't condone piracy. I too have generously given money so that the directors of Steinberg can drive around in flash cars and live in nice houses. BUT agree with most of what you say about piracy Bass master K.

I don't agree with the fact that companies like Steinberg invest the right level of their profits into aftersales support and/or job creation. It just isn't happening.

They appear to be the kind of company that takes the money, invest enough of it into new product development so that it can go out into the market and sell more. After sales is really an after thought... but this is not just Steinberg, their are many many companies out there doing this.

The directors line their pockets and they really don't give a stuff about us. Now this is fine if you're talking about a low cost product, but we are all paying a reasonable amount for this software. And their interest in providing us with a quality product has to be questioned too. I said earlier that this software has its shortcomings, with bugs etc. Someone else said that I shouldn't buy it - but that's not the point. I bought it in good faith - I get accustomed to using it and then I realise that it is not what I want, but I'm sucked in enough to want it to work so I spend a lot of time getting to work, downloading patches etc.

We all get sucked into this and then, like lemmings, we buy through the upgrade path, thinking that the problems will be sorted in the next version. And guess what, they are.... but we invariably get a whole new set of problems.

It's frustrating and leaves you feeling powerless against the big corporations who are lining their pockets at our expense.

Then I come to forums like this and see Steinberg being defended to the hilt by people who have maybe been turned over in the same way as I have.

I am really not looking for a heated argument about this. It's just a point of view and I just want people to think about the type of people they are defending.

If you have no problem with the capitalist philosophy, then fine, but even in a free market environment, shouldn't consumers be putting pressure on the manufacturers to provide the best possible product. Or should they just tow the line, buy what they're given, hand over their hard earned cash to make a few people rich and put up with substandard products and service?

And then publicly defend the company for all they're worth?

Are we real artists who believe in something, or have we just succumbed to the big corporations?

I know that from the tone of the replies there maybe quite a few of the people on this forum who are right behind consumerism and capitalism, so maybe I'm in the wrong place to be spouting this stuff.

I don't want to offend anyone, and hey, I bought the program too, so I've bought into it as much as anyone... it's just that I don't feel proud about it.
I don't understand your logic at all............ you buy the s/w you want use, if it works for you, what more do you want from the company?

I bought Cubase SX -- use it for digital editing - I have NO complaints about it at all... it's never failed in the capacity I needed it for - as a matter of fact, it's made my engineering life easier in many respects - so it's paid for itself in its value to me.........

I think this is a question of unwarranted expectations on your part...
No doubt. I use both 5.1 and SX. No probs here. If there's a glitch, it's usually my fault. With a little effort on my part, I figure it out. Also, the programmers do develop free patches and upgrades based on consumer feedback. Check it out at:

Rocky, I personally am not defending Steinberg or other big corporations in particular. In fact, I don't mind taking advantage of these corporations as long as it's legal and ethical. However, I have used Cakewalk extensively (more than Cubase) and a bit of Logic. I personally think Steinberg makes the best product out there for the price.
Rocky Racoon said:

. . . I too have generously given money so that the directors of Steinberg can drive around in flash cars and live in nice houses. . .

And why not - the directors of Steinberg deserve everything they've made. They don't get paid for the 10 hours a day they work now, but for the 20 years of experience they bring to the table, all the late nights and weekends they worked while on salary during those 20 years and the MBA's that they earned while working two lousy jobs for a few years. (Or maybe they stole those, too)


. . . The directors line their pockets and they really don't give a stuff about us . . .

Rule one in business "Take care of your customers or somebody else will" If Steinberg is successful it's because they provide a better product at the right price for the market(s) in which they operate - and if that's the case, then the marketing director just made his salary for the year.


. . . It's frustrating and leaves you feeling powerless against the big corporations who are lining their pockets at our expense. . .

If you feel you are being taken advantage of, then don't buy their product - buy their stock instead. Or better yet, write your own software!


. . . Then I come to forums like this and see Steinberg being defended to the hilt by people who have maybe been turned over in the same way as I have . . .

Except that I don't think of myself as having been turned over. I made a choice to buy a great product at a reasonable price. If that's not how you view their product, don't buy it!


. . . It's just a point of view and I just want people to think about the type of people they are defending . . .

The type of people I'm defending are guys like me (viz the guys at Steinberg) who work really hard at their business and are fortunate enough to be able to afford expensive toys. Which in my case includes SX.


Are we real artists who believe in something, or have we just succumbed to the big corporations?

I am a real artist in my chosen profession, and I get paid very well for it.
I believe in paying a guy for his labour - especially if it performs a function that I cannot reproduce or buy for less elsewhere.

Which is the way you grow a business and make it successful.

Grow up.

The Joys of Capitalism......
Steinberg charge this price because they can, and do deserve it.
How about we all get Cubase for free, and in return, we work for the guys at Steinberg for free.
Kinda sounds like Communism? I think so.
I thought I could keep away from going into it again, but you all know me :D BTW...awesome post foo and Neil

Rocky, serious questions (not attacks) that I would really appreciate it if you would take time to answer. If you read this you will see it's not that I am supporting steiny...I am supporting what is right:

1) Do you really know what kind of car the execs at Steinberg drive? Do you even know how many execs they have. Last I read they employ only about 140 people WORLDWIDE. Hardly a huge multinational corporation. Are you aware that the man who started Cubase still programs for them?

2) At what point (growth level) is it all right to steal from a company or corporation? And why do they deserve to be stolen from? Last I checked Chevrolet is a GIANT corporation hundreds of times bigger than you support stealing cars under this same logic?

3) You talk about lining the pockets of these "rich" execs. If they put out a crap product, do you think their pockets would still be lined? If they put out a product that there is demand for don't you think they and their investors and employees deserve to profit from their hard work and ingenuity?

4) You talk about overpriced products. Cubase is considered a "PRO" level system. The truth is for most home recorders they can get software for under $100 to do their job. Do you really think $600 is too expensive for a professional recording studio's main recording application? If the answer is "YES" then do you support stealing from ProTools which costs about 15x as much to get started.

5) I have noticed that frequently the ones griping about feeling ripped off are these home users. Why don't you think they would just save their money and get a cheaper application with the power they need but not all the extras they don't need. If I buy a product that is 6 times more than I needed to spend when I could have gotten something else for so much cheaper to do the work, isn't that my fault for my own stupidity and lack of research for my purchase, and not the fault of the manufacturer of more advanced product?

6) Would you address my question in my earlier post ( the one where you write the next greatest album) about how you would feel if all your hard work and dreams were wasted due to theft?

7) If it's okay to steal from rich executives, is it also okay to go and steal from their homes? I mean is taking money from them one way more acceptable than another?

8) Do you believe that a man, or group of men (and women) should be able to reap the benifits of all the years they spend scrimping and barely getting by, when a great product they make finally hits the big time?

9) Don't you think that the reason that people say "they charge too much and they don't deserve my money, I'm going to steal it" it a response because they want to try to justify their dishonest and immoral theft by trying to make it seem like their just doing something bad to someone who deserves it ('s okay if I punch him in the face...he's a bad person and no one will care).

And lastly (allright enough of the "THANK GOD!" comments :D ),

10) Do you really think people would steal Cubase products if they had to go to their local music/software store and physically walk out with it. This is the true test. If the answer is "no" then you must realise there is no true justification for stealing from Steinberg.

The truth is people do it because they know there is little chance they will get caught. They are cowards who try to wrap themselves up in a blanket of "I hate the greedy corporations" when the truth is, they know very little about these same corporations and their greed. They do it because they want to ease what little concience is left in them. They don't bother to find out what these corporations are really about. They don't know what cars these people drive. They don't even know how many people they employ. They don't care that most corporations in america do all sorts of charity work and set up programs to help students and the underprivilaged. They don't care that people would lose their jobs and livelihood if everyone had the same attitude as them. The simple fact is....

They don't care about anyone but themsleves and they don't care who they hurt in an effort to get what they want and/or think they deserve.

When the world is filled with more people like that than more people like me, we are in a heap of trouble. Remember a really poor man, you look like a rich corporation....think about that, seriously. ;)

Let me finish with this Rocky: I know you said you paid for your software and I am not coming down on you, as far as I know you, I have nothing but respect for ya. We have had this discussion many times before in this forum and each time I always respond with long winded comments, not in an effort to put people down, but in an effort to make people THINK.

It's not WHAT your stealing that counts.
It's fact your STEALING that counts.

No corporation can change this simple rule of life.

First off, I don't support stealing any kind of software. I think in each of my previous posts, I've stated this fact but it hasn't stopped people from assuming that I am advocating piracy. I'm not. The only point of view I am trying to convey is that some large companies do not care as much about their customers as they should. My personal point of view is that Steinberg is one of them. And so I wonder why people defend them so strongly. I think that maybe I am in the minority of people on this forum who believes that Steinberg are not fair to the customers. So be it. I can live with that and maybe that's my answer. Maybe they are a company that charge a fair price for a good product and everyone's happy with the level of aftersales service.

I'm happy to answer your questions Bass Master K... and good questions they are !

1. I've no idea what cars the Steinberg execs drive - I was guilty of assuming the worst - But that was through personal experience of large company directors - maybe the Steinberg execs drive second-hand VW Beetles, but I don't think it's likely do you? But you're right.. I was wrong to assume the worst. Hands held up... guilty as charged! I do know about the company, as it was the first thing I looked at when I sterted to feel they were treating me unfairly. There are four directors of Steinberg, including the two men who started it. I think they employ 200 employ people and have a turnover of around $25 million. Their own website says that they are planning to grow and create many new jobs in the areas of R&D, Sales & Marketing. They have offices in LA, Toronto, Tokyo, Paris and Hamburg and have more than 50 sales companies throughout the world. They are not the biggest company in the world admitedly, but they are growing at fair rate and like I say, if everyone's completely happy with them, then fine. I notice they have no plans to dramatically increase their spend on customer service.

2. At no point is it right to steal from a company. I don't advocate this.

3. I speak from my experience about this product and, once again, maybe I'm alone here (I'm certainly beginning to feeling increasing alone on this forum!!!) I bought the product because it was one of three possibles that I was told would do the jobs I wanted to do. Then I started to notice a few bugs, so I downloaded a patch or two, got help from a couple of forums and got myself sorted out eventually without any help from the company or the UK distributer, despite numerous requests. I went through the upgrade path and found more problems, bug fixes, etc... but I'm sure you know this feeling ... you get sucked in and yes it's my own fault, but after spending money, I feel left to sort things out myself. I was thinking of buying the Houston, then I came across a website which was very detailed in highlighting some of that products MAJOR failings - problems that Steinberg have known about since it was launched, and are still saying...'we're working on it!' ... I feel I have had a near escape! So yes, it's my own fault and maybe I'm stupid, but surely other people feel that Steinberg should offer a little more help to people? A little more care about their 'small' home customers (who they very actively aim their marketing at). But I must re-iterate that it's not just Steinberg... their are lots of software companies who do this... releasing products that are not ready and not helping the consumer enough. All I'm asking is that we question them more, demand more of them, and push them to provide the best service.

4. Yes, I do think $600 is too expensive for Cubase. No I don't support stealing it, or anything else.

5. Why did I buy Cubase and not something cheaper? Because I could afford Cubase and will often spend more in the hope that I will get a better quality product. While Cubase may be considered 'pro', they spend an awful lot of money marketing the program to home users. And so they should be ready to support those users.

6. I would feel gutted if someone stole my work. But I'm not advocating stealing anything. I'm questioning people's motives for defending a company which I feel doesn't care about them.

7. I don't think theft is acceptable, in any form.

8. No, I am happy for them to reap the benefits, providing they remember that many of their customers might be in the situation they were (scrimping and barely getting by) and while they take money of these people Steinberg should provide them with the support their customers have paid for.

9. I do. I completely agree with you. I'm running out of ways to say that I don't agree with theft here!

10. No I don't. I agree with you that software theft is a cowardly act. In fact, in many ways, and I don't know if I covered this previously or not, I don't agree with theft.

I'm sorry this has been a long post but Bass Master K, you had spent time thinking about this issue and putting questions, so I thought it was only polite to consider and answer them. Before reading your post I was simply going to walk away from this forum thinking that it wasn't the place for me. Actually I'm probably right about that! I feel like I'm in a room of people who all want to have a go at me and it doesn't feel very comfortable!!!

I really don't mean to offend anyone - it's just my point of view.

One final, serious question, which I would love answers to..... How much is Cubase worth? If the price were to rise further tomorrow and you had to buy it again, what is the price at which you would look at another piece of software to do what Cubase does? In short, how much are you prepared to pay for Cubase?

PS, Did I mention that I think stealing is wrong.
AS I said before - it's a question of expectations....

Many people buy s/w (of any type - not just recording) presuming features or ways of working.

The fact is the entire s/w is one big beta test -- it's impossible (from a cost point of view) to QA s/w until *ALL* bugs are removed -- it just isn't going to happen - no one would ever be able to get s/w out the door!

So it's become acceptable practice to release s/w *relatively* bug-free (say 80-90%) and catch the rest as they become reported by the users. Of course, it isn't quite so easy - because in future fixes, something else inavriably gets touched or broken and the cycle continues endlessly.

This is simply the way it is.... it is the only industry where this is acceptable practice (ie - you wouldn't buy a car where only some of the controls work, and the others'll be fixed next update! My brakes are buggy - is there a patch I can download???), but it isn't going to change unless people are willing to wait an extended period time for the s/w they need to perform their tasks.

Most people do find it an acceptable trade-off....... and so, they use what works, and wait for the updates for the patches to fix what doesn't......

If you don't like it, I suggest you find an alternative to DAW-based recording because no matter what the price of the s/w - the practice is the same.

Your first mistake was your presumption that cost equates to fewer bugs which is completely wrong.... Cost is usually tied to features available and "what the market will bear" -- fair business practice.

Buy yourself a fuckin' 4-track and you won't have to worry about it! ;)
Hey Rocky, this is the perfect place for you my friend. I appreciate you taking the time to really answer my questions.

First let me say that I did note at the end of my long winded post that you said you said you paid for your software and I don't think you support theft. I lot of people come here and say " I don't support it myself, but is it really a big deal given that Steiny is this big corporation and that they (insert offensive action towards customers here)?"

I think we both may have misinterpreted our questions. I was looking at if from the above statement and not your true question which is "Why defend Steinberg so much?"

I think you may have missed my deeper answer (which I admittedly did not make clear until the last few sentances) which is "It's not that we're defending Steiny, we are defending doing what's right regarding theft regardless of who the company is." I would have given the same anwers if it had been Sonic Foundry, Pro Tools, Cakewalk, ect....

If I remember right, I believe I have seen your name from over at You will not find the same degree of negativity here, because most of us seem to be more dedicated to getting our systems up and running (and have them up and running!) than to posting multiple negative threads about steinberg and feeling important when a handful of others respond with like statements. I would say at least half of the posts over there are nothing more than a "pity party" designed to make the authors feel more important in the cubase community. Kinda sad if you ask me. If you have a problem, post it, but to beat a dead horse over and over with the same complaints get's old.

Since the release of v1.05 however, I am becoming a bit more concerned about CR with Steinberg if this MIDI clock issue is really not fixed yet, as this is very important to a lot of it's users. I am still waiting for the smoke to clear a bit to get a better picture of how widespread it really is. Some say it fixed their problem, others say it didn't help at all. This issue does need to be addressed as it is affecting a large portion of their user base.

Personally, SX works perfectly for me and I have nothing bad to say about Steinberg. I think many here feel the same way so why should we want to be negative about Steinberg? When I had problems with Roxio CD creator I didn't get help from them personally, I had to go to their forum and rely on users just like Cubase does.

Had I bought the Houston (which I eyeballed as well...) I might be singing a different tune. I will say that at only 200 employee's (I thought I had heard around 150) spread amongst their international offices, it does seem that they may be a bit thin in the programming department. I am starting to get a bit uneasy that they are developing all these great products but not following through in a quicker timeframe with the bug fixes, and if you look at the forums at I would think that they are becoming painfully aware of this as well. I hope that they can work towards making all of their customer base as happy as I am with their products.

Again Rocky, I hope you hang out with us here. It's a great forum overall, not just in the Cubase section but all over. There are some really knowledgable people here and there is always room for more. The posts don't fly as fast and furious as over at, but people are always willing to help when they know how to help, and I think more of them don't post if they DON'T know your asnwer than over at .net where you can get 3 answers in 5 minutes and all of them are wrong :rolleyes:

Anyhow, welcome to and thanks for the discussion. I think our philosophies are not that far apart ;)
Hey Rocky,

I'm actually quite impressed with you sticking with this thread. IMHO, the Cubase forum here doesn't get a ton of traffic. Probably because of Also, probably because this is a "homerecording" site and Cakewalk tends to cater to the home market more than Cubase.

BTAIM, you last post was well taken and ditto Bass Master "K." Don't mind Bruce, he is usually pretty cool, but you probably know how bears can get. ;)

awww, shucks guys....

I feel a kind of group hug / let's agree to differ and move on vibe...

Forum discussions so often get agressive, but I do sense a bit of a difference here from some of the members, so maybe I will stick around a bit.

After all, with some of the problems I've had (as if you hadn't guessed already!), you guys are probably going to be able to help me out in the future.


And thanks for the welcome.
Lopp said:
Don't mind Bruce, he is usually pretty cool, but you probably know how bears can get. ;)
You say that like all I posted were snarky comments.... I was serious about what I said about s/w dev practices - most people aren't aware!!