Can Someone Send Me Cubase Please?

This has got to be a joke right.............

By the way, I'm only 17 too but I still got a legit copy of Cubase. I don't have a car though....... Just get your priorities right and then you'll be able to afford a real copy.
. . . and where exactly on the Isle of Wight would you go if you did have a car?

I love the I of W, BTW.
My grandparents used to live there.

Candy Floss in Ventnor - what could be better.

foo said:
. . . and where exactly on the Isle of Wight would you go if you did have a car?

I love the I of W, BTW.
My grandparents used to live there.

Candy Floss in Ventnor - what could be better.


Someone knows the Isle of Wight!
I live on the North side of the island - Northwood (Ventnor is South side), and it's a hour and a half bus journey to Colwell where my band practices, so a car would be nice.
Kinda off the point of this thread, but, you know......
Sir SCI, just ask yourself, would you steal the microphones you rap on? Would you steal the the mixer you mix through? Just because something is software and digital doesn't make it nothing. If you're rapping you probably don't need all the features of Cubase, maybe N-tracks or cubasis or CEP, they are much cheaper and can probably do everything you will need them for.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

......[sigh]..... not ANOTHER one??!!

Did you know that you don't get the manual with cracked versions? Who's gonna help you learn the program? I've had it for over two years, WITH a manual, and I'm STILL learning stuff!!


.... wake me when this one goes away.... I've read other posts by this SCI guy, and it sounds like he's got some growing up to do too.
Krakit said:
While everyone is giving away free shit (the line forms behind me) can someone fix me up with a brand new car? I'm not greedy, I'll take a 2003 Hyundai GLS (fully loaded of coarse). Hey, it's not a BMW or Mercedes or anything.


Damn. I came late to this party. And my exact thoughts were posted at the begining.

SCI, Pick up a cheaper recording program like Cubasis or one of the others. That should tide you over until you can afford Cubase.

Man! rap is more than saying 'f' this or 'f' that! dang bro...hone your skillz a got the guts to ask the questions and brag that you're dope, now its time to back this stuff up bro...

and my link is

I'm not the best, thats for sure...but im working on it.
One thing to add about Steinberg.

I bought a copy of Cubase 3.7 on ebay. All above board - got the serial number, authorization codes, manual, dongle, the whole deal. Guy owned a small studio and was upgrading.

At the time I had Win 98 and life was good. When I upgraded to XP, 3.7 wasn't compatible, so I called Steinberg and they told me that as I hadn't bought my Cubase from a licensed dealer, they wouldn't sell me the upgrade to SX (which costs $159) even tho I had all the goodies.

But they would sell me the Logic Audio upgrade to SX for $299.

On the one hand I was unhappy because I do own a copy of Cubase that I bought legitimately and they shoudl upgrade it - on the other hand I was happy because I didn't have to go and pay the $600 for a new copy of SX.

Is stuff bought from ebay considered legit?
I thought it was, but now I'm not so sure.
Now I'm thinking about selling the 3.7 version on ebay (with all the 'can't be upgraded' caveats of course). But would this be considered a legit copy?

Legally, yes it is a legit copy.

However, Steinberg can draft their own shrink wrap license agreements. Thus, they can stipulate that they will only recognize the first to register as the owner with the ability to upgrade.

If they didn't do this, one person could buy e.g., 5.1, get the SX upgrade, then sell 5.1 to the next person, who could then get the SX upgrade, etc. This probably didn't matter as much when they required the dongle to be sent back to get the upgrade. However, the SX upgrade doesn't require returning the dongle, but it does require you to be a registered user.

Not returning the dongle is nice for the registered owners because they can still use 5.1 while learning SX.
One of the moderators at posted that you COULD transfer ownership and registration ONCE and only once per licenced product. But they don't advertise this much and it is a bit prohibitive to transactions done on ebay because it requires the seller to go the extra mile for you.

In a nutshell, it requires the original registration owner to write a letter of lincence and registration transferrence basically stating that he is selling the software (with the S# listed) to you and is authorizing it to be registered in your name and will no longer be registered in his name. He is giving up all rights to uprades and service regarding this product. Then (preferrably) he should send a copy of this letter to Steinberg and send you a copy with the product. Then, you contact Steinberg and tell them what is up. They will ask you to FAX them a copy of your copy of the registration transferrence letter from the original owner and your product S# (which is in the letter, but they will want you to tell them anyways). Then the registration will be transferred and you will be the permanent legal holder of the software.

You can re-sell it if you want to, but whoever buys it after you is out of luck as far as the registration goes. It only transfers once to keep people from doing what Lopp said.

You can see how easy they make it for buyers of used software to get it legal with Steinberg :D
Too many hoops to jump through!

But I guess the old maxim is true:

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want"

But at least I have SX and am beginning to get a feel for it.


I've been reading this and associated threads over the last few days and while not condoning or condemning the pirates, it does make me wonder about this new generation of computer based musicians to which we belong.

Most artists feel the need to rebel, to fight against the system or fight some or other corner, go against the accepted norm - we have ideals and beliefs don't we?

But what I find strange is that in our ideas and beliefs (certainly if the views expressed n this and other forums is anything to go by) is that big successful businesses, like Steinberg, are being so vehemently DEFENDED!

They charge us too much for the software and almost non-existent support (well, here in the UK anyway). They don't even give us printed manuals for our £500. They provide buggy software that is released too early in its development and subsequently needs bug fixes and then start moving into hardware like Houston which is again buggy and overpriced. Is this overcharging because so many people rip off the software? Well, no actually. They charge that because it is the optimum price for their profitability.

Every company picks a price that will sell the most number of products to maximise profitablity. If they reduced the price would less people use rip off copies? No. Because the people who use rip off copies do it because they can and don't care about the consequences.

They are ripping off the people who are inclined to buy legitimate copies. The upgrade path is expensive too, so they don't really help their existing users. So, before you get too defensive of this company, why not first question their motives.

I'm not defending the pirates, but neither would I feel comfortable defending a company like Steinberg (or any of the other names in this market) who go out of their way to rip people off.

Please remember, you are not paying for the pirates, you are paying for the profit that Steinberg and its shareholders line their pockets with.

And personally, if I was paying for pirates, I think I'd feel more at ease with myself than I do at present giving all my hard earned cash to a few fat cat company directors who probably care a lot less about music and a lot more about money than the pirates, who are after all fellow musicians and who I like to think I have a lot more in common with.

Think beyond your own reasons for defending this company (ie, I paid for it, so everyone should have to) and think about the sort of person or artist you really are. What do you really stand for?
I always feel all kinds of different things about this issue. On the one hand, stealing is wrong, and people shouldn't steal. If you have a program that you absolutely need to do whatever it is you do, then pay for it. Period.

However, these programs also cost way too much. There is no way in hell that Cubase is worth $600. Even $500 is way too much. I mean, FruityLoops does 80% of what Cubase does, but it costs $99. It doesn't record audio, spot to film, or sync to timecode, and those are big issues for some people. But is recording audio worth $400? I could buy at least two really fantastic apps for recording audio at that price, and still have cash left over for a nice ($39) Fruity softsynth or sampler.

In addition, when you buy FruityLoops for $99, you get free LIFETIME upgrades. This is something that every company should do. They way Fruity gets added revenue is therefore twofold: 1) their users stick to the platform (because they get exciting new features every 6 months or so), and because their users stick to the platform, their word of mouth recommendations are very high; 2) they sell a bunch of additional toys and tools, like synths, sample players, and add-on-utilities, as extra cost options for between $19-$39.

These other companies just screw people. I know they claim it is due to piracy, and I'm sure piracy affects their bottom line in real ways. Having worked for digidesign, I know that there are a lot more plugins out there in use than are paid for, even by "name" producers and engineers. But how many more "normal" people would own legitimate copies of Cubase if it was $200 instead of 500? I for will not buy or install products like this that cost so much, and require periodic, extremely expensive compulsory upgrades. This is the same reason that even though I write technical manuals for a living, I will not buy or install Adobe products on my home machine. I always insist on getting a company laptop and company-licensed software. Why? Compulsory upgrades, that's why. Adobe releases a new version of their flagship products (Photoshop and Illustrator) every year like clockwork. And the upgrade price for a registered user is (I believe) $249. Anyone who follows this knows what a rip off it is. The differences between Photoshop 5.0, 5.5. and 6.0 were incredibly slight. I mean, there were differences, but it's not like 1/3 of the functionality was new. Yet for each upgrade, the price was 1/3 of the cost of totally new software.

This, to me, is something I look at when I purchase software. Not how much does it cost and how useful is it right now, but how much will it cost me over time...

And by the way, SCI, you are doing the late great company SCI (Sequential Circuits Incorporated) a great disservice by using their name. Grow up and pay for your shit. Better yet, go get FruityLoops and n-Track, improve your skills, and learn a thing or two.
you certainly thought that one out Rock and you do have some
valid points. The point of many on this thread though, is that
many board members also directly draw their salary from
computer hardware/software sales or licensing. I know I do.

Another point is, if you can't afford the software, you probably
wouldn't know how to use it. I'll be honest, I tried a ripped copy
of Cubase about two years ago and I couldn't figure it out. It's
only when I bought a cheaper "inferior" product (Cool Edit 2000)
did I understand the fundamentals of the software. By the time I
understood the processes, I respected the industry enough not
to rip it off.

practicing morals is easy as long as the threat of being caught exists.
The challenge lies inside you when no one is watching.
Rocky Racoon said:
Every company picks a price that will sell the most number of products to maximise profitablity.

No shit.

I'm not defending the pirates, but neither would I feel comfortable defending a company like Steinberg (or any of the other names in this market) who go out of their way to rip people off.

Rip people off? Give me a fucking break. They sell product to earn a living. If they sell a good product and make a huge profit, great. We want to encourage people to produce good products by rewarding them.

News flash: If you don't like the product (i.e., overpriced, poor support, no manual), don't buy it. There are cheaper products out there. However, the people that want to pay for quality will continue to do so.

Its just that I see a lot of people defending a big corporation and it makes me wonder, that's all.

I think that Cubase is the best product of a bad bunch, but its not even close to perfect, yet they charge a lot of money for it. Having paid that money, some people (myself included) feel that they could do more to ensure the quality of that product and show some support to their users. Unfortunately when you pay the money, you don't get the support, manual or reliability you expected from the product

It just feels like they simply don't care about anything other than making that sale and it's us, the musicans, who are their target for this greed.

I've been playing guitar in and out of bands for the best part of twenty years and been spending a lot of money over that time. More recently, I've got into the whole recording music on a computer thing, and frankly I've never been treated so badly by a company serving musicians in all that time than I have by various software companies.

I'm not just singling out one company, just using them as an example (what Logic recently did to their PC users could be another example) - and I'm certainly not saying that piracy is a good thing - I just can't understand this deeply felt need to defend a major corporation when they obviously don't care about us.
I had to reply to Rocky's posts...and I must say that I agree when he says that he doesn't approve the piracy but also doesn't give a stuff about those "fat cats" :D as he calls 'em....and I ,my self,
am surprised how much people here defend the s/ware companies.....
no offense, but that's how I feel....
The reason you see so many people defend Steinberg here is because it is a forum dedicated to *suprise* CUBASE! Wow! What a concept. Rocky, you don't think piracy affects software companies? Have you looked at Sonic Foundry's stock prices lately? I'm praying they stay above water or support for my investment in SoundForge 6.0 is f-ed. You bitch about support from Steinberg. Well guess what...with the money that they have they hire people to devolop and fix code. More money probably means more people working, that is the general rule of business. More people working means a bigger company putting out more products which hopefully in turn are BOUGHT and the cycle continues. You want faster updates and better service? Encourage everyone you know to pay for what they want to use and not steal it and you may find your complaints get fewer or disappear altogether.

You ask what kind of musician am I? You thought that musicians are rebels going against the grain right? Well, I have to say I fit that description to a large degree. I am against racism and random and senseless acts of violence. I am against killing our environment and poisoning our water. I am against unregulated businesses pumping crap into the air and destroying the ozone layer. I am not for nukes, but not against wars. I am for personal freedom and don't think the goverment should be crawling up our asses. You want to smoke weed, I'm down with that, just don't stumble while your eating your munchies and knock into me. If two people both want to fistfight, I think they should be able to without going to jail.

You know what I am not against? The idea that a man can have an idea...a dream...and that he can take that dream and work hard and make it a reality. You know who Steinberg was started by?? A man with an idea. Like any good product out there. You know what the result of having a good product is? Growth. You know what comes with growth? Business getting too big for one man to handle and so it becomes a company or a corporation. So where in this chain does this company become evil? When does it become acceptable to steal from them? Why shouldn't they get paid for over a decade of dedicated producing of product for our artform? Last time I checked Crayola sells a hell of a lot of crayons and markers. Their company is huge! QUICK EVERYONE!!! RUN TO YOUR LOCAL STORE AND LOOT CRAYONS AND MARKERS!!! THEY DON'T NEED THE MONEY! THEIR HUGE!! AND AFTER I BUY MY CRAYONS SOME OF THEM SNAP AND THEY DON'T FIX THEM FOR ME! Sound retarded Rocky? Well it is.

I support capitalism. I believe in working hard and trying to be successful. Let's just say Rocky, that you get an advance from a record label and that advance let's you do nothing but work on your music. You make the best album since Dark Side Of The Moon and the label tells you "Hey! This is sweet. With the money this brings in, your'll be able to bank 90% and use the other 10% to live on while you make your next album. You get all excited and think you finally made it. You walk down the street and everywhere you go your hearing your tunes playing. Every car and store has your beautiful music pumpin'. You look forward to getting your first check and are thinking of all the things you can do with your money.

Only instead of a check you get a drop notice. The label dropped you because they couldn't even recoup the advance. There is no next album. There is no career in music. And you have everyone whole stole your music to thank for that.

Now you really want to tell me you wonder why so many of us support Steinberg? Because at one time, Steinberg was started by a guy like you or me who had a dream. Why should he be punished for hard work and being a visionary? I wouldn't do it to you, and I would hope the same in return. Unfortunately my parents generation seemed to raise a bunch of spoiled children who have turned into spoiled adults and who feel entitled to do whatever they want whether it is right or wrong, as long as it gets them what they want (and in some cases as long as their is little chance of being caught). I personally find it sad that people don't even see what is right anymore. Maybe I'll write a song about it.

So what kind of musician are you Rocky? The kind that's a thief or the kind that wants to rebel in a noble way with a greater purpose?
Bass Master "K" said:
More money probably means more people working, that is the general rule of business.

...yap..that's all we can say "PROBABLY";) ;)

It stopped meaning that a long time ago;)