Can Someone Send Me Cubase Please?

shut up i can post under my name and i will do... sorry for offending you people but i never knew shit was so legit around here. all i asked for was a copy of cubase now shut up. once your a respectable artist you get my respect now link me to your music so i can see what u got.
Your shit is fucking WACK!!

Don't even bother trying to get a crack of Cubase. It will just go to waste.

Later BEE-YACH!!

The most sadistic, you think not?
- Necro
Nigga, I don't even fucking rap cause I would have to hang out with broke ass punks like you if I did.

I've been listen to hip hop for 14 fucking years and every time some fucking unsigned dumbass gives me a fucking demo to listen to i want to stab myself in the face cause its so bad!

You sound like everyother wannabe fuck who thinks he can rhyme. then you have the fucking nerve to come here and ask someone to send you Cubase for FREE!!!!! NIGGA FUCK YOU!!!!

Every person one this board worked hard to buy that shit. just like every other piece of gear we own. Why don't you get your fucking head out of your ass and get a fucking job cause i can tell this, you ain't gettin signed anytime soon.

Just try and come to NYC with that bullshit you call music and heads will tear you apart!
Track Rat said:
Is it just me or has there been a recent rush of dipshits to the forum as of late?

Nope, it's not just you. And you're right in that there aren't many. It's just that they don't ever shut up and seem to take over.

"lady, your feet are almost as big as your mouth"
-- Clint Eastwood (High Plains Drifter)
yo where do u think i am now fool..... i am at work earnin ens.

i been rappin since june i gotta lot to learn but tell me this how many uk artists u heard..... none cos they all wack. im trynna do somethin great so dont fuckin judge me.

Track Rat said:
Fair enough. I listened to Accross The Globe. This is basicly a sampled loop of The Eagles "Hotel California". Don't let Don Henley hear this or you might end up in court.
If you want to blast my humble efforts check out Back At You.
Unfortunately, all the instruments were actually played and I wrote the music.

SHIT MAN U KNOW YOUR SHIT.. anyway i dont make beats jus yet its some amerteur beat off

check out fake ones and choir if u got time.

Vurt said:

"lady, your feet are almost as big as your mouth"
-- Clint Eastwood (High Plains Drifter)

Actually, the line goes more like this:

Man with no name: To your feet ma'am (takes swig of whiskey), they're almost as big as your mouth.

Carl :p
Nigga, Save your fucking money. Go out and buy Cubase then shut the fuck up!!

No love for SCI

I would like to take this time to apologize to all the members of this board for the anger fit I just had. sorry.
Krakit said:

Actually, the line goes more like this:

Man with no name: To your feet ma'am (takes swig of whiskey), they're almost as big as your mouth.

Carl :p

Ah...there we go!! I thought I was missing something
yo you all talk shit....... yall are like 30 and 60 yrs old i checked ya ages. im 17 and you frontin like mutha fuckas.
Think about it like this SCI, it's like walking into a bar where cops hang out and talking loud about what a badass you are and how you'd like to do some crimes. You don't think someone's gonna thump on your head?
SCI said:
I appreciate people pay a lot of money for this but this is for personnel use and we are not all rich like all you rich peoples im sure a lot of people got dodgie shit oh well its life deal with it. If you wanna pay for it fine but I need a quality setup. This program is overpriced anyway because its for record companys n shit to go and buy that’s where they get there money back. So if u don’t like it fine but call this stealing okay im jacking muther fuckers for a music program right whatever.


somebody hook me up with a link n stuff please.

First of all, I doubt you will find many "rich" people here, and the ones who are worked for their money they didn't steal it. I don't have one piece of pirated software on my DAW. If I need something I work hard and save up for it. Why do you want a crack? Don't you f-ing know that the shit won't work right anyhow? Then we'll have you clogging up the forum with posts about how Cubase sucks and doesn't work right.

Record companies buying Cubase? I've never heard of record companies buying Cubase, just recording studios and musicians like myself. You think I didn't have to sacrifice for what I have? Go read this thread which took a turn from the original topic :
it might do you some good.

If you feel the program is overpriced then you know why we hate people like you. It's price only goes up because of crack users like you. If you think it's too pricey, then you don't know or appreciate what the program can do and don't deserve to use it anyways.

Why don't you do the right thing, download a DEMO which is offered for free from Steinberg, or save up $75 and get Cubasis which will probably do what you want anyways.

And lastly, don't come in here asking for someone to help you steal something, and then get all attitudinal when your called a thief and treated as one.
aight im sorry for asking this question i didnt mean to offend anyone.
