Billie Eilish

Yeah, their books would.
Yet, this could be said of so many peoples since recorded history, and yet, isn't it interesting how, even when we're shown to be hypocrites because our own has shat on someone else, there has always, eventually been a groundswell against that kind of behaviour.
I was just using it as one example? I am sure there are thousands of others It was used to show our concept of good an evil which I believe, there is really no such thing.
Good and bad I define these terms quite clear, no doubt somehow
But I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

Ethics Schmekics .....we're all wrong. The Coyote never feels an ounce of remorse as he chomps on the baby rabbits head. Big fish eat little fish ( well except for most whales which aren't fish anyway). Birds mercilessly chow down on bugs and other birds eggs. Nature is a brutal bitch. A lion or a Grizzly will have us for lunch and lick their chops doing so.

We are civilized and we set rules and boundaries but in the most evil man; or woman, there's a little bit of you and me and vice versa. :eek:

But Billie Eilish is a bad ass no matter what! Just saying..... :laughings:

But Billie Eilish is a bad ass no matter what! Just saying..... :laughings:
My daughter was on to her since she started and really likes her. I haven't really listened. From what I have heard my daughter play for me, everything was in the right place, she could sing, whoever was playing whatever could play, but, I was neither impressed or depressed and as my sig says.. It didn't sound bad so it must be good. I'll take the dukes word. Elvis may be king but the Duke has the last word.
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My daughter was on to her since she started and really likes her. I haven't really listened. From what I have heard my daughter play for me, everything was in the right place, she could sing, whoever was playing whatever could play, but, I was neither impressed or depressed and as my sig says.. It didn't sound bad so it must be good. I'll take the dukes word. Elvis may be king but the Duke has the last word.
I like your sig cause Duke had that one right...My 17 year old grand daughter is not a Billie fan. Maybe it's a genuine dislike or maybe it's just hip to be 17 and not like her. As an old fart musician, singer and songwriter.. I am impressed by all the she and her brother have accomplished. I truly enjoy some of her stuff especially the unplugged live stuff...that's where the rubber meets the road and they definitely pull off great performances. Sounds good to me anyways,
Billie Ellish reminds me of some of the songs written and recorded by my youngest daughter twenty years ago when I would on occasion add a guitar or bass.
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You mock me but I am saying Billie is a good singer. Nothing is new
Dude I'm not mocking you brother...It's all good, you're entitled to your opinion and I'm cool with that. I was just reflecting with Randy (60's guy) those bitchin times back when our daughters had the time and willingness to jam with us...that ship has sailed least for me..They are busy making lives of their own with kids of their own to raise....just reflecting on a time that is gone.. dem was the days