Any young engineers here? ( 25+ under)

Nothing new really. Waiting on a guy to help us cut and hang the doors, but he's dead busy atm. After that, it's just soldering, and absorption panels to make, and a few small things, and it should be ready. :D

Btw, you know anyone who wants a drumkit 4 xmas? I have 2 to sell, and time's really running out, lol.

Also, i thought you were younger than 26, lol.

Nah dont know any one but Ill ask about.
aye am an Ol bast*rd. :D


mixes sound like shit hitting toiletwater, group-members more concerned with groupies than money, and i use an old sock as a headband!!!!

i come here to vent and occassionaly learn something....
I'm 20, and right now, I can track better than I can mix. Getting better though!

+1 to the sentiment, -2 from the age.

I can set up amps, place mics, and play drums with the final result in mind which makes mixing easy.... But I still can't do it! Trial and error - I'm not hoping to run commercially though, just communicate the exact sounds I want to a professional engineer and help him achieve it as a player!
I'm 20, and I am working on my thesis for "Sound Operator" and "Music Production".
But that doesn't necesarily mean that I make good mixes :rolleyes:
I just turned 21, always been into recording but spend all my time and money on guitar gear. Now that I have a solid guitar rig I am working on getting my studio together. Its coming along pretty good so far, I am exited. I have listened to everyones pages they have posted and it all sounds really good. As long as everyone in putting up links... here is my band, Were from phoenix. My guitar instructor recorded us at his home studio.
I'm 18, go to to listen to a few crappy bands I've done. I don't think my stuff is amazing. But it's not bad.
I'm 17, just fool around with a firepod and a few mics. Hopefully I can record my band's demo in a few months just for fun and to put some music out there to give ot others.
I'm 18, I've been messing around with recording for about 5 years now. Here's a new mix I recorded/finished today. The piano and synths were MIDI, but the miked stuff (drums) comes in around 2:40. I used what I had to record my drums (MXL 990 for overhead, SM57 for kick drum); the low toms didn't get picked up very well. The bass was DI'd into my Presonus Inspire.
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I started out about 14 making stuff on a tape deck, with radio shack mics...

Now I have a house that I am turning into a full blown studio, got a treated room that sounds good, a set of good tools for mixing and Logic is my DAW of choice these days.

I stumbled into an archive of this forum somehow and fooled around for months one summer learning all kinds of things, the mixing tips really helped me move along now I am about to open my studio to produce others talent. Mixes are only as good as the talent going into the preamps...
I am 20, studied sound engineering here in Quebec (Canada) at CEGEP with great engineers.

I started this forum probably 4 years ago and I was aon the harmony-central forum at 13-14 years old.

The internet was a definitive influence in me becoming an AE.

Thanks Harvey...