Any young engineers here? ( 25+ under)

I'm almost 22. I think my stuff is okay considering what it is...not really that hard mixing songs with just 2-3 acoustic tracks. :o I sure wouldn't call myself an engineer though...
This is the first time I've posted on here although I've been reading the forum for a year or two.

I'm nearly 24 and although haven't really got into recording seriously (yet, usually due to money issues :() I've done a few bits including my band. We did an album back in February but our drummer was off travelling round the world so we had to get it done pretty quickly. There are some tracks on our MySpace page however I can't link to it because I haven't posted enough. We're a punk band called Suspect Package if that helps ;)

Also a quick thanks to all the clever people who post on here, there is so much to learn and it's nice that people will actually spend the time to answer sometimes the most simple of questions!
hey...all you can really ask for is that each mix is better than the last

i honestly don't think the stuff i've done so far is bad at all, but i'm not personally blown away by it. the problem i've been running into over the last year or so is that none of the bands in my area want to spend the time/money on proper preproduction, tracking and mixing. if someone's only going to pay me $50/song to track, mix, and master, i'm not going to pore over it for days to find that perfect mix. i'll make sure that they're satisfied, but i'm usually not - it's just not worth my time with all the other things i've had going on over the last few years.

as a result, i've been spending all of my time lately working on a project of my own...i'm hoping that if i can release a project that sounds pretty damn good, people will listen to me when i tell them that it's worth it to pay for a couple days worth of preproduction, or when i tell them that they'll need multiple guitar takes to get the sound they're looking for.