And today's American mass shooting....

Because you're dismissing the French Revolution, which is an archetype of Liberal ideals and probably one of the most relevant connections to have been made thus far.
It obfuscates the real issue here that republicans won’t do shit stopping mass shootings. We don’t need a philosophy discussion about the French Revolution.
Look at the riots after George Floyd: Those were in response to police brutality. That was a revolt. I’m not going to defend the opportunists that used those protests to commit acts of violence or property crimes agains innocent businesses etc, but at least police brutality is an obvious wrong, and an example of the government not treating people like humans.
So do any of you Liberals or ... err ... small c conservatives support such "revolts"?
So do any of you Liberals or ... err ... small c conservatives support such "revolts"?
Already said what I have to say about that in this thread. I support peaceful protest and I don’t defend the opportunists that used them to loot etc. It’s in this thread. Do you support selling AR15’s to anyone that wants one? That’s what this thread is about.
You’re the one blaming 1% for the other 99%.

99% wore a "right wing" patch?

You are failing to get my point. You are being dense and willingly ignoring evidence both documented and plain to those with eyes to see, and a mind geared towards the rational. To take a gun and shoot people is rooted in madness. It is an act of an unstable mind. The "progressive" mindset, modern day liberalism, the notion that all before is a lie and must be destroyed in an effort towards some undefinable eutopia, it is fueled by anxiety. Anxiety that leads to existential and mental instability. It is witnessed by such things as calling someone a racist is not enough, they are now Nazis. Regulating abortion to exclude women killing a baby up to the moment of birth is to deny women healthcare. By law no minor can irreversibly alter their as they were born body surgically is genocide of transexuals. By God we must even save the planet! All of these things, all of them are part and parcel the doctrine of progressivism, modern day liberalism, the Democrat party. All of these things, all of them are anxiety inducing precipitators of mental instability and illness. To say liberals are batshit crazy may seem harsh hyperbole, but it is a documented fact. Why would it not drive you fucking mad?
Bullshit, and I ain't no liberal. I'm a small c conservative, and when I see bullshit I call it out.
Get a grip.

That's bullshit. You're no different than Leddy who rather than call heterosexual men heterosexual chose to use the term "Cis". You ain't no conservative, big C, small c, or otherwise, and neither is Leddy.

But what the hell, let's play this game. If you are a small c conservative, would it be fair to refer to you as right wing? And further, would you dare to proclaim the same in the presence of those who aren't particularly fond of persons such as yourself being a right winger?

Fuck no, you ain't conservative little c or big C, and if you were, you aint got a hair on your ass enough balls to ever stand in public and proclaim you are a "right winger". I mean, you do have enough intelligence to understand to be conservative is to be politically right, yeah? No? Yeah, no.

Seriously, you guys should stop the whole "I'm really actually conservative" charade while at the same time typing on the internet ad nauseam liberal/left lunacy.
Talk the talk, walk the walk. Give up your own gun (or guns)

Never know, you may snap someday and go visit a trump rally. ;)
The anti gun control crowd uses this tactic all the time. If democrats propose background checks, the republicans say “see they want to confiscate all your guns”. It’s impossible to discuss something as basic as stopping gun show loopholes or private, undocumented transfers, because you exaggerate that to mean giving up everything.
No. 99% are hetero males. Cis was to emphasize they were not trans.

Nah, you’re just wrong. The USA doesn’t even make the top 10 list of most liberal countries, yet our mass shootings are off the charts. Care to guess why?

'cause those in the top ten don't allow gun ownership?

Where's my prize? There ought to be a damn prize for hitting the nail in the head so often.
The anti gun control crowd uses this tactic all the time. If democrats propose background checks, the republicans say “see they want to confiscate all your guns”. It’s impossible to discuss something as basic as stopping gun show loopholes or private, undocumented transfers, because you exaggerate that to mean giving up everything.
Ultimately that’s what the government wants. Giving up everything.

The bottom line is this. We have a god given right to defend ourselves, our families, and our property.

It just so happens that currently a gun is the best tool to do that. Maybe in the past it was swords, maybe in the future it’ll be star trek phasers or light sabers, but right now it’s guns.
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Ultimately that’s what the government wants. Giving up everything.
So rather than consider that might be somewhat of an exaggeration, we’re instead going to maintain status quo where thousands of people get slaughtered going school, church, the mall etc?
So rather than consider that might be somewhat of an exaggeration, we’re instead going to maintain status quo where thousands of people get slaughtered going school, church, the mall etc?
No it’s not an exaggeration.

And taking away weapons from peaceful citizens is punishing them for the sins of a crazy few.

We need to find the root cause of all this violence in today’s society.

Not take away honest, peaceful people’s way to defend themselves.
Where I live there are areas where the sheriff might not be able to get out there for a half an hour. You can bleed out before they show up.

Edit: Thousands? That in itself sounds like an exaggeration. Thousands. Over what time frame?
No it’s not an exaggeration.

And taking away weapons from peaceful citizens is punishing them for the sins of a crazy few.

We need to find the root cause of all this violence in today’s society.

Not take away honest, peaceful people’s way to defend themselves.
It clearly is. Trump, a Republican, couldn’t even get bump stocks banned after the Las Vegas massacre. Had to do it by executive order that was then stopped in the courts. No one is coming to take away your guns. This ridiculous fear is causing children to get slaughtered in their classrooms.

As I said to Mick - if the root cause is society, why doesn’t this happen as often in other similar or more liberal countries?
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On one hand, you have the a

It clearly is. Trump, a Republican, couldn’t even get bump stocks banned after the Las Vegas massacre. Had to do it by executive order that was then stopped in the courts. No one is coming to take away your guns. This ridiculous fear is causing children to get slaughtered in their classrooms.
You can’t prove that. I can’t either. So let’s just leave it at you believe what you want and so will I.