a home recording studio suited specifically for rap


New member
I was wondering if someone could give me a list of everything i would need to have a killer home recording studio specifically designed for a rapper, u know like what eminem has at his home or sumthin. No need to explain wut things do just name them. try stayin round 3000$ give or take. thanks.

With the budget you're talking about you would come no where near close to a killer home recording studio. $3000 is a good start though. I don't know what Eminem has in his home studio or how that even matters.

Do you want to produce and/or record vocals? This matters greatly because you need specific equipment for both. If you're talking strictly production this is where you'll want to start:

1. Decide if you want to go with software or hardware (or a combination of both).
a. If you decide software you'll need a relatively fast PC and a good audio interface as well as MIDI ports. You'll also need a bunch of software; sequencing, sampling, virtual instruments, etc. You'll probably also need some sort of keyboard controller. ($750 - $1500 to start unless you have a PC that's ready to go)
b. If you decide hardware you'll probably want to start with an all-in-one unit like a groove box or a Triton or Motif. From there you can add additional sound modules, samplers, keyboards and drum machines. Be prepared to purchase a mixer and outboard gear like compressors, EQs and/or effect processors. ($750 - $1500 to start)

For recording vocals you'll need to:

1. Again decide if you want to go with hardware or software (or a combination of both).
a. If you decide software you'll need a fast PC with good audio interface (MIDI ports would be handy here as well). You'll need multitrack recording software capable of handling plug ins. You'll probably also want a wave editor. (shared with production costs).
b. If you decide hardware you can go with one of the Roland all-in-one recorders. Or you can choose a HDR like the Mackie units, but with that you'll also need a capable mixer. (starting at about $1000)
2. Of course, either way you'll need a nice condenser mic (Shure/ AKG)and most likely some sort of channel pre-amp. (starting at about $400).

There are other variables as well depending on what type of system you choose, this is just a general idea of what you'd be looking at. Either way I would say $3000 will get you started, but for a killer home studio (which after $8000 I'm still chasing) be prepared to spend a considerable amount more. Don't forget about the time you'll have to spend learning these devices.

Good luck.

DeJaBu said:
I was wondering if someone could give me a list of everything i would need to have a killer home recording studio specifically designed for a rapper
A karaoke cassette recorder, a Wal-Mart video cam mic, and a pair of Radio Shack headphones should just about cover it....!!!

:D :D

Still posting your genre-biased opinions I see..........

If you don't like the music we do, then why are you in this forum so much?

Just askin'!!!

Do you see these things??? --->> :D :D

They're called smileys.... they're used when people post things that are intended to be humourous....

If you look more closely, you'll see that I used them in my post....

Lighten the fuck up.... :rolleyes:
Can YOU see this thing =========):confused:

It is used as a symbol to show that one is confused about something.

If *****YOU***** look more closely you will see that I used it in my post.

can you see this thing 8============D

I don't have to tell you what that is used for, so just orally utilize it....

:D :D :D :D (you did mean these right):D :D :D :D
^hey hey.........didn't you see the :D :D :D 's?

someone once said,

"To he that fails to heed his own words...beware...for you never know who may be listenening."

Take it with you my friend...

And try to, as you say, "Lighten the fuck up"
IMHO, Blue Bear's intial post was not mean or caustic.....

I made the assumption that he was just being funny or silly.

The thing that confirmed the fact that he was "just joking" were the smiley faces at the end of his post.

Just my $.02, YMMV. :)
DeJaBu said:
I was wondering if someone could give me a list of everything i would need to have a killer home recording studio specifically designed for a rapper, u know like what eminem has at his home or sumthin. No need to explain wut things do just name them. try stayin round 3000$ give or take. thanks.

Well, for starters, you WILL NOT be able to have a home studio anywhere close to Eminems, for 3K. :(

This one piece alone will cost you $6,600.00 to $9,100.00.....


So, I think you need to "re-think" exactly what you can afford. :rolleyes:

Give us your new budget.........

let's see if i can just emphasise on what stray411 said on the software side things

for production/making beats/
low end
fruity loops-$139.00
high end
cubase 32vst or cubase sx-$500.00

for production/editing
low end
high end
sound forge-$399.00

for production/sequencer-sampler-recorder
low end
acid pro-$399.00
cool edit pro-$249.00
propellerheads reason-$279.00
high end
cakewalk sonar-$599.00
cubase sx-599.00
cubase vst32-$400.00
emagic logic audio-$649.00

for production and recording/all in one

propellerheads reason-$279.00
cakewalk sonar-$599.00
cubase sx-599.00
cubase vst32-$400.00
emagic logic audio-$649.00

here is a link to some demos-http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/news/755/

here is a link to some of the software i listed above and prices
one more thing

sorry for misspelling emphasize. besides that i'm a newbie in the production/engineer game myself. i'm from new orleans but my music has an up north flavor to it. holla back
thanks yall

um someone asked if it was for beats or vocals or both. it would be for both. and what is better, using hardware or software? And could 3000 get me started for now and i can add later?

yes i would be recording vocals, my recording studio would be for recording vocals and making beats and then be used to spruce up the vocals and put the stuff together and make the cd or watever i dunno technical terms. so is what u told me what i need for this?
For rap you just need a good mic, a good preamp, some good converters (probably only doing 1 channel at a time) and a fast computer with some softwear such as stated above. But remember good softwear is expensive and hard to use, it took me 2 weeks to figure out how to load a wave file into logic audio (a bit of an exaduration but pretty accurate). You don't even seem to know what anything does, and you don't seem to care. You just want the stuff and for it to work without questions, and that will never happen. The only way you'd beable to get what you were explaining is to go to a real studio. You get a pro sound, and you don't need to know anything.

Most of all you need some vision and creativity. Softwear won't make your music, you have to make it. I hear that way too much in this forum (honestly i don't go here much becuase of it), people just load up fruity loops, and play a bunch of the built in sounds and call it their new "track".

Maybe your wings aren't strong enough to leave the ground yet?

i dont know wut anything does cuz iv never looked into it. trust me, my iq is round 218 soooooooo, believe me ill figure the stuff out, i just want ppl to tell me what all i need and ill worry bout the rest.