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  1. Xeries

    The Little Shop of Lryics by Wig Nelson

    You can download the book from my website for free. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.The Home of Wig Nelson'''s Books and Music Wig
  2. Xeries

    T. L. G.

    Hi folks, I haven't been to this forum for a long time. I thought I'd start hanging around again. Here's a tune I know you haven't heard from me. Just a tone poem for a Drop D git. Wig SoundClick artist: Soundscapes - page with MP3 music downloads Go here and play song number 12 Wig...
  3. Xeries

    End of Days

    Here's a tune that I wrote some time ago. I plan to re-record it in the near future because I have ordered a new Taylor nylon string guitar. I am interested in some feedback regarding the composition. It's not for everyone. I understand that. SoundClick artist: wiggymusic - I collaborate...
  4. Xeries

    TLG Study 1-7-13

    SoundClick artist: wiggymusic - I collaborate with artists all over the world through the internet. Wig
  5. Xeries

    The Frisbee Dog

    Just a little ditty about my dog. Pardon my sibilance. SoundClick artist: wiggymusic - I collaborate with artists all over the world through the internet. Wig:)
  6. Xeries

    A Better Man

    I'm not sure if I posted this or not here. I added some elements today so I'm posting it again. I hope I haven't gotten away from the minimalistic sound I was hoping to get. This is a very loose study, but given the subject matter, it seems to work. Please comment on the mix. I know the...
  7. Xeries

    The Fools You Bet On

    Here is a song I'm thinking of including on a new album. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Wig SoundClick artist: wiggymusic - I am a studio musician only who collaborates with artists all over the world through the internet.
  8. Xeries


    This is an idea I kicked around for an instrumental a while back. It's a little repetitious because it's only a study for a completed work sometime down the road. The last minute and a half are the sound I'm looking for. I should just shorten it down to two minutes. See what you think...
  9. Xeries

    Ohm Valegatos

    Not sure if I posted this before. I added some guitar and flute yesterday so I thought I'd post it again. It's from a scene of my newest novel. Check out the novel here: This link takes you to the song: SoundClick artist: wiggymusic - I am a studio...
  10. Xeries

    I'd like to share my new website

    Go to You will find both my print publishing company, Xeries Press, and also my music publishing company, Wiggymusic. Many addresses get to the same place: and Wig's Website Order one of my books from Xeries Press for 10% off the price and...
  11. Xeries

    I'd like to share my new website

    Hi All, I have developed a new website for my printed work, Kindle books and my music. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. It's pretty easy to get around. Just use any one of these addresses: Enjoy, Wig
  12. Xeries

    My CD Get There is now available at CD Baby

    A lot of you guys have already bought my CD. Thanks for that. At the risk of shameless promotion begging, could you please give me some kind of review at CD baby? I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Wig
  13. Xeries

    Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

    Here is an updated version of Giving Thanks Wig:)
  14. Xeries

    Hold Me Over - New Wig Tune

    This is a C.C. tune I just did. Wig:)
  15. Xeries

    Something for the Kids

    Here is a link to some work I did on Youtube: If you watch, please vote whether or not you like it. Please share this with young children. Thanks, Wig:)
  16. Xeries

    My Lobotomy Baby

    Sorry guys, I found that I already posted this one. I'll post Taxi Whore instead. Here it is: Please tell me if I've already posted this one and I'll take it down. Thanks Wig:)
  17. Xeries

    All There Is - From the CD Get There

    No interest in this one as in no replies. I'll post another one in a few days.
  18. Xeries

    Receive my CD for $5.00

    Hi all, If you live in the U.S., I can ship you my CD called Get There for $5.00. Interested parties should PM me for details. Wig:)
  19. Xeries

    New song by Wig Nelson

    Tabled for repairs for now. Wig:)
  20. Xeries

    Wig Nelson's album Get There is available . . .

    . . . and makes a very nice gift. I can send you 1 for $6.00, 2 for $9.00 or 3 for $12.00. That includes shipping. PM me if you are interested. Wig:)