The Fools You Bet On

This has all the earmarks of Wiggymusic.
The haunting melody, the guitar & keys etc.
The drums are a little too loud - particularly when the toms walk across the soundstage.
there's an occasionaly other trill or near gliss that is a it too far forward as well. the electric licls are def too loud given the stylistic contrast they should be very prominent or subtly mixed in & panned to the sides.
Wig, your voice is THE element & it should ride the rest.
Lovely song -
Beautiful song, i think a nice balance, i think there are some timing issues with some of the strumming, and the electric lick pop out a bit too much, like rayc said.
Nice job
Oh yeah, this has Wiggymusic written all over it, beautiful song!
How have you been, bro? Piano sounds really nice, is that a plug-in or real?
And of course your haunting voice really is the element. The lead guitar sounds a bit too loud, maybe you should try to pan further it so it doesn't disturb the voice.
Very nice!
Thanks my friends for the very helpful feedback. I will indeed cut the git back as suggested.

Joey, I've been good. Been a writer mostly since hanging here last. Working on my seventh novel.

I'm giving away a free e-book called Sirens today at Amazon's Kindle Store.

Download it to your e-book reader if you can. If you can't, let me know if you want me to send you a PDF of the file.

You can download a free program called Kindle for PC to read books on.

But very few people read nowadays.

I'll go & find it. I'm introducing my class to ebooks this term. We're doing Watership Down as a multi media unity - the novel, the movie the audion & e books. - Uinsg Windows EReader for the kids who aren't too flash at reading novels (it'll highlight the words as it reads them to you) but if Kindle reader is free I'll try that with them as well.
PS, I really ejoyed the last CD of yours.