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  1. J

    Love Is Made of Blood and Bone

    I fought with the verse 1 vocals for a while but finally left them as they were with their flaws. I had a lot of trouble with mixing the chorus vocals too, not sure if I ended up with the best option or not. Thanks for listening! I appreciate comments on whatever about the song, not just the...
  2. J

    All Land is One Land

    Here is the second version: It's really not that different. I changed panning and levels, and reduced the kick quite a bit in the chorus. Bunch of other minor changes... I experimented with taking out different tracks here and...
  3. J

    The Bullet on its Way

    My latest cacophony. I appreciate any ideas for how to improve it! Feel free to comment on mix, arrangement, words, whatever. Thank you!
  4. J

    Philip Glass Explains it All

    Hello! I don't have that much time to do this anymore, but here is something new... I always appreciate any reactions whether it's on mixing or my crappy vocals or the lyrics or whatever. Thank you!
  5. J

    I Wanna Do Somethin Weird to Ya

    This one is kind of a mess, there's a lot going on here! I'd appreciate any feedback, feel free to comment on whatever.
  6. J

    Rabbit Can Read

    Hello! Here's a new song, I'd appreciate any feedback on it. Feel free to criticize whatever. My goal is to have five as-finished-as-I-can-get-them songs by the end of April. So thanks for any suggestions you have to make this better!--Jessica
  7. J

    Tuva Or Bust

    New song! I'm interested in any type of feedback, feel free to comment on lyrics, melody, meaning, vocal performance, mix, limitations of midi instruments, white people rapping or whatever, etc. Thanks!
  8. J

    What is rep power?

    What is it...should I be giving people "rep points"? Do people get annoyed if I don't give them rep points when I should? In general what is the protocol for this? I looked around using the search engine but couldn't find anything addressing this on a basic level!
  9. J

    Unring the Bell...take Prozac first Alright, so...I'm ready for some feedback on this. There are lots of things I don't like about this one but this seems to be the best I can make it right now, so I'm hoping for some new ideas. The #1 thing I don't like is that...
  10. J

    Having a heck of a time deleting silence in vocals without clicks!

    So frustrated... Logic X. I've tried using the scissors tool, and the strip silence function, and the marquee tool. I've tried using fade-in/fade-out in the inspector. It seems no matter what I do, there are always clicks here and there at the end of the region, and they are hard to get rid of...
  11. J

    "Ride" --> how do you feel about the midgets?

    Hi everyone, It's been a couple months since I've been on here, I've been learning Logic X and the new flex pitch (which is great!) I'm about 75% done with several songs, so here is the first. This is the best I could do right now and I'd appreciate any feedback...
  12. J

    "The Noise" fixed up some...maybe I am pretty new to this, so I appreciate any feedback. Last time I posted, a lot of people said the chorus needed background music so I added that. I still don't like the stomp sound either. I spent some time looking for another sample and...