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  • Somebody swiped a case o' beer and a whole bag of Wavy Lays outta my truck! If you guys see 'im, just shoot him in the ass and call me! Thanks! :eek:
    I've no idea what the i stands for but it's different to the 12-it doesn't use jaz discs.
    My deeps came with no manual and I had no idea whether it had the effects on board coz apparently, if they haven't, the effects stuff still shows up in the menu. They just don't work ! When I got the manual and read it, I followed the
    instructions and couldn't get them to work so I assumed mine didn't have them. Later, I thought I'd try again and I was amazed to hear this cavernous reverb !!
    I don't know if you ever go on the Akai forum
    but I've found it really useful and some of the guys there have explained how to work with the effects.
    I'll keep my ear to the ground about the 24. I won't use the jaz discs one but I will have to buy a back up 12i one day.
    Yeah, I'm on the bottom rung of the deepster pool with the 12i. But I think it's a fantastic piece of kit and it does everything I want except backwards recording, which was one of the great things about analog, just flipping the tape round and recording and then hearing it all backwards when the tape was the right way around. I understand the 24 can do that. :cool:
    It's crazy from our perspective that Akai have discontinued all their DPS recorders although I guess that they feel the writing is on the wall as the computer DAWs continue their march towards world domination, like the intergalactic republic. We analog/standalone DAW types are getting to be like Jedi by the time of "The empire strikes back" !
    With Asda (owned in England by Walmart) doing three cases of Budweiser for £20 (world cup fever), tomorrow, I'll have beer ! :D
    Tell the wifee munch says Co` latha breith sona dhuibh! :drunk:

    Just get her the gun, you'll spend all day at the tattooist and eventually leave with the first one she saw. :D

    Cool on the bass traps. :cool:
    Hey bud, what's happening?

    Just getting set for a weekend of camping, fishin, quad biking, might even do a few laps on the motocross course on my buds 450. :D

    The wifee 'n me maybe gonna give it another shot too, slowly though dude, I ain't rushing into anything.

    It's all good bud, haven't seen that chick again, shame, she had a lovely bar. :D
    Lol, I know but the chicks tell me I look good with a helmet on. :laughings::laughings:

    More guitars to fix up eh? cool, I used to do that a lot then sell em' on ebay, I like doin the re-finishing. :cool:
    Hey dude, date went good, all the right things happened and I don't walk funny anymore. :laughings:

    Maybe see her again but I got my eye on sumthin. ;)

    Started doin motocross, I know, I'm too old an prolly gonna maim myself but wtf eh? :laughings:

    How's you and the family?
    It's on the 15th bud, it's her birfday, I gotta a nice wee surprise for her, I'll wrap it up well to make it seem bigger though. :D
    Did you guys find the peanut butter in the end? ;) :laughings:

    That festival thing sounds like a great opportunity man! I'd shit myself!! 6000??! :eek: :eek:

    But then again, it's not me. It's you :D

    Who've I been doin? Just the girlfriend... doin it goooood :D :drunk:

    I've been workin on some tracks with a band. Lots of headaches trying to get it sounding perfect. And I'm still not there yet :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Would you care to have a listen? :D
    Hey dogdude how ya doin?

    Got my boy for this whole weekend, got a date with a cute wee blonde, owns a hotel, with a bar, yes. :D

    All is good with the wurld again. :D
    Hey dood, what's happenin?

    Kinda quiet at my end, well apart from the wife leaving, a fallout with the neighbours a family feud and some other stuff you could hear a pin drop. :laughings:

    Seriously though, how are you bud? everything good? :)

    Finger good?

    Talk to me, I get all scared and shit by myself. :D
    That was a fantastic story, I loved it :D

    "You wanna fuck or do I have to apologise" is probably one of the best lines I've ever heard in my life :laughings:
    Ah no way man!! How'd ya mess up your finger??

    Nothin new here man, hasn't been in over a year. Haven't been able to write. Well, I've been able to, Im just picky as hell. I always want to write somethin more-than-special, which really means somethin, and I never feel like I can do it. :o

    The only stuff I've been workin on has been posted in the clinic, and it's been other bands work, or the "Creep" Radiohead cover we recorded a year ago.
    I guess America isn't as fucked up as this country is on this "delightful holiday"... Luckily I stocked up yesterday, and am having a few cold ones. I tip all of them in your direction good sir! Any new tunes from the Dogbreathaliser?
    Did she make you sleep out the back garden again? Poor Pooch :(

    It didn't really go as hoped for me either, came down with a chest infection the day before. Didn't stop me drinkin though :D
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