My Corona

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I find predictable "sweetness" boring, and contrived.

Yo Miro curious do you have kids? That's IMO is some damn funny "syrupy" shit not something you'd really share with a kid but a very broad stroke view of the situation with much better outcomes than we'll ever see... a fresh breath of comedy in a very sullen time of the world as a whole watching a train wreck happen in slow motion. We can all see it, but like in a dream where you are frozen and can't run ....all you can do is try and scream. like in the first video. :guitar:
TAE wanted to know why it was I distrust O'Donnell and Associates.

God knows that there are so damn many politicians hiring companies who employ youthful idiots eager to write negatives and assemble a list of website links in attempts of diversion.

As of today.......38.5 million people are filing for unemployment because they have lost their jobs due to this virus. People have not lost their jobs because Trump is.....POTUS.

People have lost their jobs because State and local politicians decided to shut everything down and issue orders stating that all businesses were to be shut down unless deemed to be an essential business.
People have lost their jobs because State and local politicians decided to shut everything down and issue orders stating that all businesses were to be shut down unless deemed to be an essential business.

Our criminally insane governor, just a day or two ago, had the nerve to go on TV and practically demand that Ca get a one trillon dollar bailout. It was needed because of Covid.

I couldn't resist. I left a comment saying ...
“ it’s not the fault of the virus that you ‘need’ this money! It’s YOUR fault because you shut everything down!!”

Yup, they like to blame everything on this virus when the harm, chaos, misery, worry, uncertainty, etc, is ALL because of these shithead’s actions.

And then they have the fucking nerve to get on TV and lie to us and preach about saving lives.
All while they’re ruining them!
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Our criminally insane governor, just a day or two ago, had the nerve to go on TV and practically demand that Ca get a one trillon dollar bailout.

As the nephew of Pelosi...I'm sure he expects Aunt Nancy to push through a new bill in the House for his trillion! :p

I'm just wondering when the ugly reality will hit all the people who support these politicians who are both destroying our economy, and at the same time putting us in a very, deep debt hole with the bailouts needed to cover the destruction of our economy...that this is simply not going to work, and that the "cure" is going to be 10x worse than the virus, and for a much longer time.
As the nephew of Pelosi...I'm sure he expects Aunt Nancy to push through a new bill in the House for his trillion! :p
I'm just wondering when the ugly reality will hit all the people who support these politicians who are both destroying our economy, and at the same time putting us in a very, deep debt hole with the bailouts needed to cover the destruction of our economy...that this is simply not going to work, and that the "cure" is going to be 10x worse than the virus, and for a much longer time.
In addition to what you’re saying, there’s further damage. With the additional monies on unemployment, there are many not wanting to go back to work. Why work when you’re making more money sitting home playing video games and watching Netflix.
With some of these proposals they’re creating a whole new welfare class.
And who’s gonna pay for that?? Us.
Yes...the Democrat liberals definitely want he US to become a welfare state.
They want the population to be more dependent on government...rather then less. It creates a situation where those politicians guarantee lifetime jobs for themselves, while keeping the majority of the country on the government tit...and grateful for the little bit of milk they can get from it...and then they don't have to work.

There's an old saying...the best cow to milk, is a government cow.
I'm just curious how/where all the money will come from with so many people collecting support from the government...businesses going bankrupt...fewer new taxes coming in...???
Maybe they figure they will tax the rich (a popular liberal view)...and that will cover the debts...but the rich didn't get rich by being stupid. If their profits are being undercut by excessive taxes...they cut production, layoff more people, or simply declare bankruptcy, and they can certainly live 5 lifetimes off the money they already have, while everyone else stands in line for their quart of government milk.

IMO...the apocalypse will not come from a nuclear war...or from aliens...or from some virus...
...rather it will come from extreme liberal thinking, because when the money runs out, so will the progressive ideals that are not founded in reality...and then get ready for a real civil war.
It may sound very Sci-Fi...but not all that far fetched if our country becomes a completely socialist government welfare state.

Oh yeah...but lets worry some more about the virus, and the need to keep everything shutdown for a few months...someone will bail us out, I'm sure of it. :rolleyes:
But look on the bright side, Miro. The government will have kept us all safe.

Yeah, I know..."we're all in it together". :rolleyes:

Only thing that keeps me me.

I love all the new "PPE" stuff they're selling on TV. How quickly some have found a way to make a buck off the virus.

If things really go to shit with the economy, and all the things it touches (which is...well, everything)...
...the best PPE will be a loaded S&W.

I am just glad that I don't live in any city/urban environment...those places could get ugly with a collapsed economy.
Yeah, I know..."we're all in it together". :rolleyes:
How can we all be in it together if there’s social distancing?

Which brings up an interesting observation.

Social distancing ONLY occurs with people you don’t know.

For example. Two or three coworkers go to lunch . The new guidelines are in place with limited occupancy and tables at least 6 feet apart. Yet each of these tables has people sitting down NOT ‘social distancing’.

I’ve been noticing this every where I’ve gone. The social distance only occurs with people you don't know or people outside of your circle.
No one cares that there’s groups with social intimacy that are physically close. But don’t dare cross that line and enter a stranger’s personal space.
Family’s don’t distance, friends don't, co workers don’t etc.

Technically, if social distancing helps control this virus, it would stand to reason that it should apply to all. And all people, if you know them or not, should be apart.
But I think most see through the bullshit and are just playing the game......or........ they truly are fearful of strangers.

Either way this insanity needs to end. People need each other. They need to exposed to other’s outside of their own small trusted echo chamber.
But since the advent of social media there has been much more isolation in general. We’re being trained and conditioned to have superficial relationships with those who think like us but to the detriment of not dealing with people in the real world.

How many are on FB with their FB friends but don’t even know their neighbors??

I fear most will get used to this social conditioning (social distancing) and be totally fine with it.
And you know the old saying..... divide and conquer.
And this ‘pandemic’ is surely being used for that purpose. (Amongst other purposes)

A scary new world is ahead of us if we let it happen

And just take a look at music. Once we all got together in person and wrote, played, or performed some music. Now different musicians in different locations are having ‘virtual jams’ I've seen this with quite a few major artists.
While some will say it’s good that musicians are adapting to the current circumstances and still playing, still, it sets a precedent of musicians not having to be physically together.

Through technology more and more isolation is coming about.

Hmmmm. Just something to think about.
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I've heard a lot of people (mostly in the late 20's to early 40's) saying how they're glad we have mandatory social distancing because they never like the idea of getting too close to people at work or out in public...or the whole "shaking hands" thing.

So yeah...when you have people texting each other from across the room...or preferring to type messages rather than just make a phone call and actually have a real's no surprise that many prefer being isolated and only engaging in pseudo-social activities....all that "virtual" nonsense.

TBH...I've not cared to see/hear any of those virtual music performances, etc...because while they may be OK as just something to do while we are shut in, the idea that it may become the norm, is pretty stupid.
Many are not expecting any kind of live music stuff to happen until sometime next I'm not sure how that will affect the whole "going out" thing on a Fri/Sat night to have a few beers with your friends and hear some live music...or to go to a big concert.

Here in NY, the bars/clubs/restaurants are pretty much still closed to the public. Not really sure why, because there's bigger crowds at supermarkets and Home Depot than I've seen at many bars and restaurants....and everyone is OK with that.
It seems we're now heading to June 1 as some new target date...but lately, there's not much to be heard from our NY leader, Adolf Cuomo.
He does his little news thing when it suits him...and he's "looking at the virus numbers" as part of his decision making...with most of that being driven by what's going on in NY City...which is total BS, since the rest of the state is pretty much not having any significant spread going on.
It may be that NYC will stay shut into July...which is insanity... and when the temps go up, people will go nuts inside. This coming week it's going to be in the '80s!
Here in New Hampshire, restaurants can open for outdoor seating or takeout/delivery only. A few places are having entertainment outside. Whether they can sustain that is another story.
I went to my first concert in 3 months yesterday afternoon - drive-in style, outside in the parking lot of a small concert venue (500 seats). They constructed a stage outside their front door with a decent sound system, got the town permits to do it, serving food ordered online and delivered by golf cart. Cars parked every other spot so you can set up chairs in the empty spot to your left - no mingling/walking around. They sell 75 tickets, $75 a car. YOu can find articles about it online ( and other places).
Two men each stood atop their mountains shouting down at the world what they saw, perceived and believed. The world looked up and shook their heads in sadness. Silly fools.... It was so easily seen from down below that their perspectives were completely biased...They just didn't know what they didn't know...:eek:

It's all about perspective....

Here in New Hampshire, restaurants can open for outdoor seating or takeout/delivery only. A few places are having entertainment outside. Whether they can sustain that is another story.
I went to my first concert in 3 months yesterday afternoon - drive-in style, outside in the parking lot of a small concert venue (500 seats). They constructed a stage outside their front door with a decent sound system, got the town permits to do it, serving food ordered online and delivered by golf cart. Cars parked every other spot so you can set up chairs in the empty spot to your left - no mingling/walking around. They sell 75 tickets, $75 a car. YOu can find articles about it online ( and other places).

My region of NY State (Mid-Hudson) is finally set to reopen on Tuesday, the 26th...I guess in some kind of "phase one" mode (I haven't bothered to see what that really means, or how many phases there will be).

All I can say is that most people are now simply going through the motions of "pseudo-safety" practices because, well, that's what others are doing.
Things like pulling out a mask as they walk into a store, because the sign says to...and then quickly removing it when they walk out.
So the same thing with this "soft" social will be only a matter of a couple of weeks or so after "re-openings", and people will simply push back toward pre-virus normal (I truly hope so, instead of following all the "new-normal" propaganda), but there will be a lingering mask/distancing thing, that for some who are more concerned, will still continue...until it all starts to look like a Monty Python sit....and there's no real direction.

I really want to see how many activities are going to be doable while always keeping masks on and 6''s just not possible...but that's the thing, people will still believe in "pseudo-safety" measures, and do them when it's convenient, and when it's not, they wont.
Will that really make us any safer or promote less spread...?...hard to say, but it's not going to make the virus go away anytime I think we just get on with it, and do our best, which means some people will still get infected and get sick...or we go into total socioeconomic collapse by staying inside for another 6 months or more if we're waiting for some guaranteed, 100% safety.

I for one am so glad to see people going back out and getting somewhat back to normal...'cuz the last two months were kinda nuts, and IMO, had little impact on their intended target....but a lot of impact on everything else.

It's all about perspective....

That's the same guy who did that other "Aww, that was cute" you posted.
It's so contrived, and dumb...but I guess he figured enough people will think it's meaningful. He already had a captive might as well make some more.
I thought both videos were some bullshit ‘be happy in your prison’ type videos.

In general, with lifting of the lockdowns. I see more normal people acting normal.

However for businesses like a restaurant, they risk loss of license and fines for violating the health guidelines. So they are still under the boot of the very government that created the problem of the lockdowns to begin with.

All the stupid, hippyish, feel good, videos aren’t gonna fix shit!
That's the same guy who did that other "Aww, that was cute" you posted.
It's so contrived, and dumb...but I guess he figured enough people will think it's meaningful. He already had a captive might as well make some more

I thought both videos were some bullshit ‘be happy in your prison’ type videos.

Glass half full, glass half empty, light a candle, curse the darkness, Mr. Bright Side, Mrs. Debbie Downer ...I enjoyed both of the videos from my mountain top view. They made me fell all warm n fuzzy inside....With 6 million million views I guess there are a lot of people that felt somewhat similarly.. :laughings: :guitar: :drunk: Good on him!

With 4 million views bet that ol guitar rat RFR will like this one...for a diversion from all this Tom Foolery :D

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In general, with lifting of the lockdowns. I see more normal people acting normal.

Yeah...I'm counting on both human nature, and the generally "had enough" attitudes most Americans take after being somewhat patient. :)
Time to get on with life, and get back to normal...but, there's still a lot of snowflakes in fear-mode...throwing up red flags, and trying to undermine any attempt at getting back to normal.

With 6 million million views...

It's no secret that millions of people will watch the most dumbest shit on YouTube....especially these days with everyone staying home.
So don't be swayed by the numbers...because when people get really bored...weird/dumb stuff becomes entertaining. ;)

I'm guessing he's extremely bored to take the time and make those...or he's counting on the millions who like watching dumb shit, so he makes dumb shit, and maybe gets some $$ kickback from YouTube....and YT throws in some ads, and they make some money.
so he makes dumb shit, and maybe gets some $$ kickback from YouTube....and YT throws in some ads, and they make some money.

Well when it comes to being #1 at making dumb videos at 8 years old little Ryan is the top youtube earner in 2019 with a sweet 26 million clean sweep...damn! 8 years old and 26 million bones...something tells me his Mommy and Daddy are getting a piece of the action...maybe :eek:

[MENTION=1094]TAE[/MENTION] Nothing there. You post a vid????

Never mind. Showed up upon second look.
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