My Corona

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You so eloquently skated right by the two facts you totally screwed up about.. Where he invested the 10 billion and that he is "expecting" a 20 to 1 return on his investment...just completely wrong on multiple levels

You said
Over the last 20 years he has invested 10 billion dollars into vaccines. He expects a 20 to 1 return on his investment or 200 billion dollars! His numbers, his words.

Numbers are right but the words, where,when, why and how are all fucked up.

Truth is he invested in 3 different CHARITIES of which one is related to the development of vaccines..
He didn't invest 10 billion dollars in a vaccine company hoping to turn 10 billion into 200 billion
Fact is that 10 billion dollar investment has already generated 200 billion in benefits to all 3 CHARITIES that are all helping under developed countries.....One of which is somehow related to vaccines.... The info is above ....not a dime going back to Bill Gates

You said
Now to sell that amount of product, one needs a demand for that product.........
Enter worldwide fear mongering in the form of this pandemic.

So what are you saying here?...He's already succeed in getting the 20 to 1 on that smart investment of which he took ZERO.....Can you elaborate on his fear mongering and involvement in this pandemic and what his motivation might be?


All of my allegations in this post (which I’ve provided no links for) are fully documented. But because I’ve provided no links, does that make me a liar? I guess in your eyes, yes.
Passive aggressive again...good job! So you ask "Does that make me a liar?" No it doesn't and I never used that word. It means your allegations are unsupported and based upon the factual evidence I did provide appear to be distorted and blown way out of proportion.
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Dude, you’re just trying to pick a fight. Im done. Done with this and done with you.
You can have the pleasure of feeling victorious and right, I’ll give you that.

Wifey says “Are you arguing with the idiots on the internet again?” :) Well, she’s right.

And just because I can’t or wont provide the link to the interview I have to deal with your, yes, your passive/aggressive attacks on me.
I ain’t playing this game. Besides, even if I provided the link you’d argue that too.

So in the interests of peace, I’m bowing out.
Add to that the fact that I hate typing on a smart phone:) it’s not worth my time and energy.
I have REAL work to do.
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You know...I wouldn't even care if Gates was making any money off his vaccine it really isn't important here.

What is important is that Gates sucked up the WHO and it's director, who only got his position thanks to China's support...and then when this virus broke out, the WHO and China did a shit job of sharing info, in a timely manner...and now Gates is pushing for some vaccine he's baking.

There's just a bit of stink to the whole thing. would stink less in my mind if Gates had simply invested 10 billion, and WAS expecting a profit. At least that's straight business.
Instead Gates has some far left ideas, and his plan on how to deal with things smacks of more rigid control of the population.

Now, AFA giving up rights, and waiting for time to tell if in fact we are...well, it's going to be kinda too late. I mean, if you need to first give up your rights before you can see that you are.
There are groups...mostly made up of the elites...who want to keep the masses on a short leash. Right now, fear is the leash.
Have you noticed how much the liberal media keeps pounding on the fear-n-gloom stuff.
Gates is right there...doing the same thing...using fear to get people to accept his way of thinking.

So really...who cares about the money aspects of what Gates gave or what he's getting...that's not the important point.
Most of these guys who give away lots of money, expect something in return...there's always a price to pay.
It's just like the House Dems wanting to push out another 3 trillion in bailout money...they make it seem like it's money falling from the sky, free for everyone...but they are definitely expecting something in return if that bill gets passed. They are trying to buy the election.

Who was it that said...nothing is really ever free....?
Paranoia. Conspiracy theories are best when they can't be proven. We never went to the moon....right? The old......politics is behind everything......idea. The old....nothing is for free idea. The people who give money away can't possibly really just want to help.......certainty.

Anger. Don't let it take over any part of your life. If you do....that's on you.......not anyone else. Because you can't control something doesn't always make it wrong....or bad. Because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them an idiot.

Naivety.'s true that money is power......yes really.'s not true that everyone with money is evil or has bad intentions......yes really. Money has always been a part of every election. The left is not full of whiny.....everyone is a good person.....idiots. The right is not full of......less educated paranoid......morons. Believing things like that can't be smart though......right?

Twisting the truth. The need for people to be right is so powerful that people try desperately to contort the truth into anything but.

This thread is devolving and demoralizing IMO. Yes....before you say it.....I'm aware that I don't have to read it.

With respect to all........
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We will get through this. It's just going to take some more time...ugh! ..and the current situation really is a sad state of affairs...who'da thunk this is where we would be 3 months ago? 90 days in the hole...

90 days in the hole  5-18-2020.jpg
Paranoia. Conspiracy theories are best when they can't be proven.

When government shuts down businesses and tells people to stay at the point where in some states/towns they are arresting people for violating those things...that's no longer about paranoia or conspiracy...that's actually happening.

From an article I just read today, about a NJ gym that decided to violate the close orders, and they reopened today:


The owners have said the decision to resume operations at the members-only facility was not about financial gain, but rather a question of Constitutional rights.

“We truly believe that if we don’t do this, in the end, we will have zero rights and no say in what happens,”


THAT is reality...rights have been taken away without due process. Yes, one can say it's all for the sake of some "safety"...but it's very arbitrary.
A few politicians decided what should close and what should stay open...what is considered "essential" and what is "non-essential"...and based on those decisions, they are taking away rights.

Now we can imagine that as soon as the virus goes away (which it appears may never happen), everything will go back to normal...but now there is precedent where any time "safety" concerns are raised by some individuals, it affects everyone without question.
That is the way rights are slowly diluted and taken away...and like a shot of Novocain, because we don't want to feel any numbs us, until one day we realize how much has been taken away, and it's not coming back...all in the name of government protection.

Many of the people driving these decisions are not even elected officials....people like Bill Gates, who use their money to push their agendas, and every celebrity that has something to say for the media to promote into group-think propaganda.

It's not all paranoia or's actually happening every day if you take notice.
Mickster is right! This thread has become demoralizing.
And counter productive.
A few days ago, TAE had posted a link to an article posted by referencing a supposed guideline as to how GOP (Republicans) should continue to attack China.

I can understand TAE's eagerness to defend the business friends he has in China.

I read the 57 pages of recommendations that the GOP was supposedly told to adhere to.

Had TAE done some research and simply done a Google search....He would have discovered.......
"O'Donnell and Associates is a solutions-focused government relations firm, providing results to New York's most successful leaders, entrepreneurs, advocates, and activists."

My eldest daughter is a board member of a major U.S. company. She traveled to China last year on business trip. The Chinese government didn't allow her to bring her personal cell phone or any other device to allow her to remain in contact with her teenage daughters for the duration of her "business" trip.

Knowing that the Chinese government has total control of every email "in or out" of the country says that TAE should be extremely wary of the emails he receives from supposed Chinese friends or business associates.
Last year, if someone said to you while you were enjoying your lounge on the beach taking in the beautiful sunset coming down over the horizon of the pacific ocean, “ Hey man! Next year they’ll arrest you for that! “

What would you say? No way! You’re fucking crazy! Get away from me you nut, you ‘conspiracy theorist’ ect ect.

Yet this year it’s a reality. In Ca the little perfect hair, perfect teeth, fake smile, tinpot dictator has made this so.
His highness has ‘allowed’ people to go back to the beaches LA county.........

You MUST practice social distancing
You MUST keep moving (jogging, walking)
You MUST wear your mask at all times unless you’re in the water, but have to have one after you get out.

And.... You MUST NOT sit and lounge on the beach, sunbathe, etc.
You CAN get arrested for that

Now if that’s not an example of loss of liberty, I don’t know what is.

What harm is there in sunbathing? How does this endanger anyone’s health??

Only a moron would enact something like this. Which means they should be voted out or fired. Unless of course you’re ok with leaders who are morons ruling over you and deciding what you can and can’t do with your life.


You’re dealing with a power hungry tyrant (s)

Things like this are happening all over the world!
The initial intent (stated intent) was to have the lockdown for a couple of weeks to “flatten the curve” . Well, its fucking flattened!

World wide, some 318 or 19 thousand people have died. Out of 7 billion some people???
Thats Nothing!! Not to minimize death, it’s always tragic, but on the planetary scale it is miniscule.

Yet for this ‘pandemic’ , government’s are telling you what you can and can’t do. They are shutting down people’s lives and livelihoods and bankrupting people.

But hey! You can go buy pot! Essential. You can go buy alcohol! Essential. You can go to Wallmart! Essential.

Wake the fuck up people! This is not about the pandemic, it’s about people control!

It’s about driving mom and pop businesses out of business and leaving the spoils to the big corporations.

On a business sense, it could be called a hostile takeover.

It’s about increased surveillance

It’s about more top down government control

It’s about big pharma profits.

And a lot more.

Yeah, I’m that guy you met on the beach last year. ;)

Its here..... I told ya so.

Ps. I know i said I was bowing out. But an anonymous forum member PMd me and suggested I stay in the fight. And they were right.

The media will bullshit you, the government will bullshit you, The experts will bullshit you.

More people need to speak up while we still can, and at least TRY to counter all this nonsense and take back our lives.

There are those that will say I’m crazy and when this pandemic is over things will go back to normal . But NO. They won’t. Haven’t you heard all the “New Normal” talk??

If you think the government will give up their newfound powers you’re mistaken

Witness the patriot act. And being in the airport for 2 hours for all the “security” measures in the war against terrorism.

Yup. Freedoms have indeed been lost. Not paranoia, not conspiracy theories. A fact of our lives.

What’s it gonna be like for our kids and grandkids???
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Mickster is right! This thread has become demoralizing.
And counter productive.'s a demoralizing topic to begin with...and I don't know if there's anything that anyone could say that would lead to productive results.

Everyone is frustrated...regardless what you think about the virus or how we should deal with's a frustrating situation.
I feel bad for the people who are being driven heavily by fear...and I hate the media and our local, state and federal leaders who are endlessly promoting it, and using it as a tool...instead of maintaining a cautious view, but with a optimistic outlook. Calm down those who are very scared...give people a way to see past this virus in a positive way.

I was out today, and had to stop at the pharmacy and then a went to a couple of supermarkets.
So in the pharmacy...they have lines on the floor at the cash register tell people how far back to stand. One thing I can easily measure with my eyes, is basic length, and 6 feet is easy to estimate, especially when the floor has 12" tiles. The lines they had drawn were at least 8' apart, so I ignored it and stood exactly 6 feet from the register, since there was a women checking out.
The cashier calls out to the people behind me, who were also 6 feet back...but not on the marked spot...and neither was I. She then waves her arm at me, "you need to move back"...I looked her and said, "I'm exactly 6 feet away, whoever marked these lines needs a new tape measure, they are 8 feet apart".
She shut up and didn't say anything more...but then the woman who was checking out says, "The lines are there so you don't have to think about it".

Now...I was real close to saying something, "Lady, that's your problem if you don't want to think, and choose to just do what you're told...but I prefer to use my brain and think for myself"...but, I let it go.

That's how many people are. They don't want to think...they want to be told what to do.
The term sheeple comes to really is applicable in this virus situation. Too many are not wanting to question or think...they're working on fear, and so they just do what they are told.

Then when I went to one of the supermarkets...there was a somewhat odd/funnier thing...but one that also underscores just how deep the fear has been planted in the minds of some.
Everyone was wearing the obligatory masks...most only putting them on when walking through the doors...and taking them off as soon as they stepped out...which shows just how much people are getting to a point of frustration and tedious obedience about the current "rules".
Anyway...there was this one woman, who had on a serious mask, not one of them homemade things...then she was also wearing a pair of ski goggles...and she had rubber gloves. Plus, she had on a baseball hat pulled way down...but then, she also had a light winter coat that was down to her thighs...AND a hood that she wore over the baseball hat and snug right up to the mask and goggles.
I about serious overkill...but it was obvious that woman was afraid to go out in public any other way.

Other than that...the supermarkets were pretty full...not super crowded...but plenty of people out and about.
It appears that you guys have taken my quote about paranoia completely wrong. It read:

Paranoia. Conspiracy theories are best when they CAN’T be proven.

That’s a reference to those who want to label some as conspiracy nuts even in the face of the obvious. There certainly ARE conspiracy nuts........on both sides of this topic. Don’t let my statement hit a nerve if that’s not you.
Knowing that the Chinese government has total control of every email "in or out" of the country says that TAE should be extremely wary of the emails he receives from supposed Chinese friends or business associates.

You are absolutely right that the Chinese government absolutely controls and oversees your internet connection while in their country and is very clear and obvious about it. No Facebook, No Gmail and quite a few other sites are totally blocked. Enter VPN. Nuff said. No shit, true story my American partner who I lost to a brain tumor last year was once sitting in his hotel room in China scouting the internet about some political stuff cause he liked to be in the know and an official warning popped up on his screen that he was being monitored and that this site was not to be accessed in China...He totally freaked out shut down his computer and sat there shitless that the "officials" were going to break down his door any minute and haul him away...Obla dee obla da life went on...

I'm in the stone business, he was in the cabinet business, his Chinese partner had a billionaire friend that was taken into custody a few years back when they started coming down on corruption and that man has not seen his family in at least 3 years...gone baby.

No you mind your P's n Q's when you're in "their" country...kind of My football , my rules... With regard to the phone thing I have no idea what your daughter does but in 13 years, 100's of trips and at least a year of my life I and my associates have always been allowed to carry our phones.. Other than the internet restrictions and just being polite and honest for me it is no different that hanging in So Cal...Well they talk funny and the food is different but they do have KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Coke, Pepsi and McDonalds. My 50+ year old nephew is a big wig in the amusement park biz and oversaw the Fantasy land sector of Disneyland in Shanghai. He lived in Shanghai for over 3 years other than dealing with the fact that some Chinese workers can be a little lazy, less ambitious and are more protected from getting canned, he and his wife who worked at a dental office while there had a fricking awesome time...Now he's overseeing a project in Dubai :eek: He's a bad ass brilliant mofo.

back to the e-mail...yep they sure do monitor and your phone text and your wechat... and if you think that isn't happening right here in the U.S., right now without your permission dream on. Certainly not openly and certainly not on the scale that China openly does it but if you have the slightest amount of stink on you the powers that be can "unknowingly to you" monitor you in a heart beat..welcome to the real world.

With regards to the "O'Donnell and Associates" thing I'm not sure what you are trying to say...I posted it because what it represents is a bunch a of whacky, inaccurate and in some cases out and out lies and misrepresentation of what China is and represents and is being passed around as the GOP "play book". trust me "O'Donnell and Associates" didn't create it out of the goodness of their heart or because they are U.S. patriots...somebody paid them to organize that packet of "Public Relations" AKA propaganda.

My point was not to bash Trump per se just point out there is a lot of purposeful misinformation being distributed about this virus and China. I sure as hell hope and pray that we are not heading for world war III with them cause it wouldn't be pretty for either side or the world.

The memo was leaked this week just after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made two false accusations against China, one that the Chinese were guilty of a “lack of transparency” regarding the virus and another that China had refused entry into its country to inspectors from the U.S.

The record shows that China had informed both the World Health Organization and the United States on Jan. 2 about the disease and that during the month of January the U.S. had two top-level inspectors in China as part of the WHO inspection team.

So the secretary of state goes out publicly and tells the people of our country 100% lies about China and that is OK?

Other than utter ignorance,I really can't think of any other reason other than political that this intentional "China sucks, blame it all on China" campaign is being propagated by the GOP. Dude I did not vote for Hillary but I sure was bummed that the Donald was my only other choice. He is not all bad, but what a twitter maroon... Wish we had a better option than him for the next 4 years but it appears we're in for another 4. Damn....

I totally get the "I'm out"..."hell no, no I'm not out" cause I said the same thing several pages back and yet here I am posting :o

Hard to keep your mouth shut when you're passionate about something.

Sorry that we got sideways man and sure didn't mean to get you as pissed off as you got.

You're a good guitar making dude with good intentions..we just don't agree on everything....that's ok cause we're Americans and we have the right to speak our minds freely...kind of sort of... Don't yell fire in a theater. oh wait we can't go to theaters anyway..:laughings:

At least we agree that Newsom is an idiot ...
It appears that you guys have taken my quote about paranoia completely wrong. It read:

Paranoia. Conspiracy theories are best when they CAN’T be proven.

That’s a reference to those who want to label some as conspiracy nuts even in the face of the obvious. There certainly ARE conspiracy nuts........on both sides of this topic. Don’t let my statement hit a nerve if that’s not you.

Nope. Not me. Your quote/ post was fine. You simply woke (re-woke) up the topic. :)

[MENTION=1094]TAE[/MENTION] I imagine many of these discussions would go a lot smoother if conducted face to face over a beer. A two dimensional conversation where ideas and concepts are converted to ones and zeros somehow is severely lacking many things.

On China.....

Never been, but have friends and associates that have been doing business there. I don’t know much but have heard some tales.

My own opinion is that we’re getting into an era of China bashing. It seems we, as a country, always need an enemy, a scapegoat.

There’s always a boogieman to be feared, hated, despised and often times attacked.

Reminds me of little kids pointing the finger. He started it!

With this virus, it ‘seems’ we’ve had our own hand in it and been involved financially with the Chinese lab as well as others.

All I know for sure is the world is a fucking

I’m sure China has it’s bad, and its good, and cant really blame them for acting in their own best interests. To quote a lyric from James McMurtry “I blame the men that made the jobs go away”.

Now we’re addicted to cheap products, and in terms of production, dealing with a beast that’s gotten out of control.
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Yeah...that "song" pretty much describes what everyone is feeling...some about the virus, others about the over-reactions to the virus. :)
Ok this one is golden......they gonna make make mo money, mo money, mo money, on this one...Gotta love the creativity that some folks have....

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