New Bargain "Pre-Modded Tube Mic" For The Soldering Skill Impaired...

Oh good, Mr. Joly has read my post. A few corrections:

I got fired (yes fired, summarily, on-the-spot canned, woke up one day and with no warning already terminated) as moderator some months ago now . . . October? I forget exactly. So feel free to start spamming here again, it won't be me stopping you. Yeah, I might still report any spam posts, depending on my mood, but I have no idea what the mods will do. Maybe they will ban you, maybe they won't. Up to them. They said I wasn't fired because of my hardcore stance against manufacturer spam, but since I wasn't really given a reason, I am not sure.

But while we are on that topic, remember how you threatened to sue me? As far as I know, that threat still stands. And remember how I didn't ban you when you said that? And how you said you were leaving for a board with more progressive moderation, meaning GS?

Well, haven't they banned you at least once and warned you several more times? And you didn't even threaten to sue them, did you? So who is looking more progressive now, Mr. Joly? :laughings:

Anyway. Now I will just heckle you as a regular member :D

OK, GS, why don't I post there? Well, because unlike you, I don't think it's a progressive board at all, actually I think most of the discussions there are terrible. There are, of course, many exceptions. The Remote board is really good, so is Geekslutz. I mean the Geek board; narcoman, John Roberts, Dave Collins, Paul Frindle, those guys are scary smart. There are many real pros that post there (although many of my personal favorites, such as Mark Linett, seem to hardly ever post anymore :( I mean he ought to have one of those guest spots Jules likes to do, really).

So what's my beef? Well, the rest of the board is about half full of nimrods. Nothing wrong with being a nimrod, I ain't all that bright, but I am self-aware. If I don't know something, I better not pretend I do, because nobody likes getting their head handed to them on a platter. I also don't try to pretend I have always been an idiot savant. Read something I wrote in 2003, it might be kinda embarrassing, who knows?

But GS, no, e'erbody with a cracked copy of Waves and a not-quite-paid-for-yet Reaper license feels completely justified in belittling the scientific method and insulting those who actually do have a vague idea of what they are talking about. Do we have those here? Yeah, a handful. GS has thousands. You know this; sometimes you even suffer at their hands!

The solution is tighter moderation, and part of that is giving the manufacturers the ol' heave-ho. Again, look at the Remote board, that is a tightly run ship (way too many stickies though, very annoying). Compare and contrast to Low End.

Low End is entertaining, I give you that. And there are a few brave, good-hearted souls who inhabit that land; may they receive a rich reward for that thankless task.

So GS is your playground, at least until they ban you again. Enjoy!

Anyhow, I trust that you totally concede my point about male speaking voices and 8kHz peaks, given my overwhelming evidence to the contrary of your original claim?

You know, it's kind of funny, five years ago you stated that many if not most Chinese mics couldn't be improved much due to capsule limitations. Maybe that is still true, I don't know, or maybe the Chinese have gotten that much better, or something. It is an inevitable force of commerce that they eventually will, if they have not already. I can't compete with a $110 M179, so I don't really try (uses too much current though). It's not hard to imagine that in ten years a reasonable quality mic will be $20. Well, in 2010 dollars, that is . . . and when that day comes, there will be shootouts that show there ain't all that much difference between the $20 mic and the $2000 mic, just as your shootouts more or less show that now. It's just precision machine work, and that keeps getting cheaper.

This is why I like the cheap electret capsules. They are cheap not because they sound cheap, but because there are 1 billion of them made every year, so there are incredible economies of scale involved. And since they are so cheap, it's cheap to select them for even tighter tolerances than the manufacturer ships.

Look at it this way: if Apple demanded a high-quality large diaphragm capsule be embedded in every iPad, well that would be 17 million capsules last year, right? How much do you think that would cost Apple? Couple dollars a unit?

I mean look at the iPad, that thing is a miracle. This 1950s technology we play around with (and encase in shockingly primitive industrial design) is hobbyist stuff. If China can do iPads, they can do K67s. It just isn't that hard.
If I had the dough at the moment I would love to have one of these mics to evaluate.

I think the whole premise is correct. A pre-modded mic for those who want better, but dare not venture into DIY. partner/engineer and I spent the better part of last evening auditioning 4 prototypes for the new Stellar CM-5 (C-12 style) tube microphone...we also auditioned some of the competition, to best compare and see where this new mic would fit best...Peter at Stellar asked us, as well as some other studio staff, to volunteer their input as to any preferences among the prototypes...two were 2-stage cathode-follower based, the other two were single-stage plate-follower circuit designs...definately alot of variation among them, but we quickly settled on our favorite...

...once the choice has been made, an additional round or two of revisions will be made, and then re-auditioned...the final prototype will then be sent to the factory, along with a proper schematic, for duplication...production samples will follow, and if all goes well, the mic will go into's fun to have a voice in the process...


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Are these still available somewhere? I e-mailed the guy through ebay, but he did't repond

Yes they come up in small batches all of the time. Try e-mailing again for Kidvybes had stated that there were was some trouble with out of the county e-mailing but I had thought that he gotten that sorted out.
How can a person with so much talent record such a gem out of fresh air and still manage to mix the guitar too loud.
Seriously: I am in awe!
I'd love to hear a line or two on those vocals to get a bead on the mic but....................... wow!
Are these still available somewhere? I e-mailed the guy through ebay, but he did't repond

...unfortunately Peter is very busy and slow on the draw when it comes to fielding emails...a new shipment of CM-6 mics have cleared customs and are undergoing preliminary burn-in testing...a new batch should be listed over the's best to check this link (direct email link is enclosed) to see when the CM-6 is available:

...when it is, act fast, as there are many inquiries for this bargain priced gem...

Seriously: I am in awe!
I'd love to hear a line or two on those vocals to get a bead on the mic but....................... wow! me Jim...this mic excels on vocals...and it flatters many different voices, as it retains a very natural/neutral tonality...what goes in, is what comes out...truthfully, I have not heard a tube mic anywhere near this pricepoint (new or used) that touches this mic...get one before the price increases (it's inevitable)...
Do the CM-6 show up on that page when they are available Kid?
For all that is at that site is 3 ribbon microphones and the rest of the listings are for tubes.

And how much longer of a wait with the 5s
Do the CM-6 show up on that page when they are available Kid?
For all that is at that site is 3 ribbon microphones and the rest of the listings are for tubes.

And how much longer of a wait with the 5s

...Yes, the CM-6 will show up once they're listed (it's best to use the sort setting "newly listed" on the upper right hand side)... far as the CM-5 goes, Peter is working on revisions based on the input he received from those who auditioned the first set of prototypes...I'd say, the CM-5 is still a month or two away from being available (but worth waiting for, based on the CM-6)...