The New Tone Thread

I was asked to post this here so I will and expand what I did a little I guess:

Well here is my attempt at this kind of tone. Guitar (humbuckers, dimarzio)--->seymor duncan twin tube classic preamp pedal--->70s bassman--->vintage 30s--->sm57 (just one)--->profire 2626

Just the guitars no post eq or any processing (well... haha they are panned)

With drums and bass and a dump @150hz and 7Khz on the guitars (plus it's loud):

Picture of the eq I have on the guitars (this was NOT applied to the raw ones provided):

I really don't record these types of tones much honestly. I think my recto could do something similar to this possibly. The Bassman is 100 watts to cranking it is fucking insane (although it does break up nicely at higher volumes).

The actual settings for everything:

Ibanez 7 string Dimarzio Blaze bridge possition--->

(70s silverface bassman 100 normal ch):


It's probably important to note that this is not a stock Bassman 100. It's been modified by

I've had it side by side with a stock silverface bassman 100 and they sound very different.
Ok after the last going off of people critiquing my stuff my guitar tone got a lot of attention. not much of it good. I decided to start from scratch again. So here is a bare bones clip, (It is just a quick clip of the song "Jane" by a band called "The Loved Ones" i didn't write it)

If people could please advise me what to do to sweeten it up a bit that would be a major help. I don't really want to do much post-processing i'd like to start from the source inwards, but i am open to suggestions in that arena.

My room isn't treated so i am thinking the low's may be overwhelming and gross. Interesting though, after taking a break and coming back to it the gain seems a bit high, i don't love high gain punk rock tones so i may lower it after for personal tastes?? But i will await some responses first.

Fire away please.

Tone_test_1 by S.M.P. on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

So what is your set-up?

Guitar / amp / mic / settings?
So what is your set-up?

Guitar / amp / mic / settings?

I am probably going to get banned for saying this but it is infact a POD. Stating the set up part isn't particularly relevant, but, if you want to know

Guitar = Epiphone LP Ltd Edition Flame Top Alnico II picks ups / treble postion into L6 Pod (JCM900>V30'>SM57 On axis I do believe.) I have the room value set somewhere between 14 to 18 and a tiny hint of reverb, no delay. I never understood the use of delay on overdriven guitars? Not sure entirely of all the settings.

I mentioned in my own thread that after referencing it again on a few other places like headphones car and my junktop lap top it seems a little muffled in the lows and seems to almost be a little distant sounding ? ? ? ?
It's a recording site, I use a modeler for my tones.
Can I ask one more favor?
How about posting up an example of the tone that you think you got smacked around for.
It would be nice to be able to compare the before and after.

ETA: What you have here sounds fine to me...
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I am probably going to get banned for saying this but it is infact a POD. Stating the set up part isn't particularly relevant, but, if you want to know

Don't feel that way SP. Amp Sims are now, much to a purists dismay, a staple in the industry. It is a tool no different then a good rig set up or a rack with 20+ outboard signal processors. If the tools are in the wrong hands then the tools are useless and the audio will end up sounding like crap. If you know how to use a tool correctly the end result can almost always end up fooling anyone. And believe me it is possible to fool someone. It just takes a bit of time to wrap your head around the concept of what it is you are doing.

Don't think of it as dialing in an amp. Essentially what you are doing is dialing in the amp, the room and the EQ in one big swoop. I did read your thread and i think your line of thinking is correct, get the best posible sound coming in first so to cut down on a major eq fest later. . . . .

However, i think this may be more tricky if you are using fake drums. Which i believe you did tell me you are doing.

In anycase i just wanted to reassure you that your POD is fine, don;t let the purist crowd get you feeling down with their comments they make about fakeness or whatever.

Another thing you need to keep in mind with this site is most of the people are sound 'snobs' Their ears are trained to hear sounds and frequencies that the average end user will hardly ever notice. And for what you play dude, the kid in the Ramones shirt isn't going to give a shit if it sounds like your guitars were miced with a condensor at two inches off axis or whatever.

they are sort of the equivalent to that guy at the bar telling you that Alexander Keiths isn't a real IPA and it hasn't been the same since 1993 and they the fatc they are now brewing across Canada, rather then just halifax is going to chnage it for the worst.

Do you really care if ingredients changed in 1993? Do you care if the recipe changed in a particular year? ...No, you don't! Your just like any other good canadian sitting and chilling with a cool bottle of Keet's.

So moral of this long stupid rant, learn your tool. Not everyone has an environment to utilize a giant amp cranked to 11.

As for your guitar clip. It's sounds pretty good, I think the gain is a little more sizzly then crunchy, but from where i am sitting you did an pretty decent job of dialing in the sound of the room and cabinet. Kudos. IS it possible for you t omake it a bit more present it sounds like the mic could come closer. I know it is a pod but there must be a way to move that virtual mic a little closer to the source? BUT! Far less direct sounding then the guitars on your track in the clinic. Which if i were you, i wouldn't discard those sounds, I liked them and could see a place form them in other types of songs.

Also you should talk to Greg, he is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to punky stuff.
....the kid in the ramones shirt isn't going to give a shit if it sounds like your guitars were miced with a condensor at two inches off axis or whatever.


Also you should talk to greg, he is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to punky stuff.

He also has a Ramones T-shit. :D
Really good advice from Atom there ShanPeyton, really good. I'm starting to use real amps now, but I still use ampsims as much as I ever did. Like mentioned, not everyone has the luxury to crank their amp to 11, especially me. There are times I can, but I have to pick/choose when I can do that, so the ampsim route is still taken here most of the time.....

On the clips, I think they sound pretty good, but for me, it's not about how a guitar tone sounds on it's own, it's how it sounds in a mix/song.....

Keep at it, & it'll only get better, as you'll learn more & more as you go....

On the mic thing in the POD, I have the X3Live, & IIRC, you can move the mic closer/farther from the cab with the "Room" knob/function....
Would you be willing to consider posting a tone here, so the daylighters can hear what a ramones t-shirt wearing punk really sounds like?
That's excellent Greg, you just keep getting better.
You have spoken before about liking single coil pickups for chords.
I know that you are using the Gold Top now.
So, have you changed your thoughts about that?
Also, have you used the split coil thingie on your Les Paul for recording?
Do you think it makes for a good single coil sound?
That's excellent Greg, you just keep getting better.
You have spoken before about liking single coil pickups for chords.
I know that you are using the Gold Top now.
So, have you changed your thoughts about that?
Also, have you used the split coil thingie on your Les Paul for recording?
Do you think it makes for a good single coil sound?

Nope I still like singles. I used the LP only for this Vaginasaurus song because it's a slower song and I wanted a bigger, richer sound from the guitars. I have not recorded the split-coils yet, but they sound good. Not as good as the Strat for a single coil sound, but pretty good. The 57 Classic in the neck splits really nicely. The next few songs I've got on the fire are more energetic and have lots of Strat on them.
Hold on now, if memory serves i recall you not liking strats or tele's ?

What gives?

I like one Strat - my own. It's a 91 MIM, and it's not as bright and screechy as normal Strats. I don't know why that is, but it's pretty awesome. I don't ever do leads with it, but it's a great geetar for punk rock rhythms. Blazing powerchords through a tube amp sound great with that guitar. Very vintage punk sounding.

I do hate Teles though. Useless to me. There was one Tele that I liked - a G&L ASAT or something. It belonged to a buddy of mine and, like my Strat, it wasn't as screechy and twangy as Teles usually are. He got robbed though and it got stolen, so it's gone forever and there are no more Teles that I like.
I thought you liked Teles and hated Strats...???

Anyway, I guess since this is the new Tone thread, I'll ask the same question I asked you in your MP3 Clinic thread....

How loud did you track (and in general, on other songs) your guitar?
I don't mean the recording level going into the DAW...I mean the level of your amp?

And I assume that you used the Marshall rig on this song...?
I thought you liked Teles and hated Strats...???

Anyway, I guess since this is the new Tone thread, I'll ask the same question I asked you in your MP3 Clinic thread....

How loud did you track (and in general, on other songs) your guitar?
I don't mean the recording level going into the DAW...I mean the level of your amp?

And I assume that you used the Marshall rig on this song...?

No, I've always tolerated Strats and hated Teles.

I just answered you up there. I'll repost here:

Yup, the Marshall. I record pretty loud. I always have. Before getting this rig I used a bandmates JCM800 and I recorded it really loud too. Even though this head has a master volume, it still needs to be cranking pretty loud to get the power tubes involved. This is a 100w model, and I like it best with the master vol around 6. It will still go louder, but not much. After 6 or 7, it gets really power tubey, and the walls are literally shaking. It's unusable in this room at that volume unless I put the cab out in the hallway - which I sometimes do. But I find that for recording, keeping the master around 6 gets good results. For reference, at a club gig or band practice, this thing will totally overpower a whole band at anything past 5 on the master knob. It's a beast. Way, way too much amp for a drummer that records at home. But I love it!