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  • Guitargodgt
    To be honest I have no idea. I have never seen a stacked setup with an adat preamp added on so I'm not certain.

    If I had to guess my answer would be... probably. I'm guessing that 2 of them act as one device under the driver with a limit on how many channels can be "seen" by the device.
    Hi Guitargodgt, I saw your posts from a few years back regarding focusrite saffire devices. About the dual unit setups , is it possible to add the oktopres to the dual unit setups and set the master sync device's sync source to adat so both saffire will clock to oktopre?
    Hey. Hope you don't mind another Cubase question?!

    I've used JBridge to create 64 bit versions of the Antress Modern Plugins, but they just crash Cubase (v6.06). Have you known of this working - is it just me?!?!

    Cheers in advance, Matt.
    Hey Guitargodgt! Hope you can help me. Im using cubase 5 and am having a hard time getting a good monitor mix when doing vocals. I am using and MXL v88 condenser through a PreSonus audiibox. Im not sure if im using the control room monitor mix correctly. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
    Hey man, it worked when i reinstalled it, thanks alot for the tips, and i understand whats the difference between vst and vsti now.

    Thanks for the support!
    Hello Guitargodgt.

    When I read your quote "ask me any question about cubase I probably know the answer". I got quite excited. Here is a chance to finally ask someone a question that cubase customer suport (2 thumbs WAY down) have yet to help me with. so ill cut to the chase....

    I bought cubase 6 full version and lost the install disc and dongal while moving to new house. I have my old dongal with cubase 5 on it. So when i bought cubase 6 I took photos of all activation codes that came with the Box. Is there any way possible to get back to cubase 6? Or Am I totally screwed?
    "Ask me anything about cubase and I probably know the answer."

    How many lines of code are in the application, all supporting libraries, and the included plugins?
    Hey I heard a couple of your tracks on your site, damn dude, you are getting some fn awesome drum and guitar tones! I didn't have time to listen to em all, but I will. Great playing and mixes, I'm impressed, you're doing WAY better than most around here! Are you doing all the instruments and vox yourself, or you got a band or ?
    There is no error, its just that when i open new project a windows comes up and says missing ports
    Guitargodgt ... I have a question about ezplayer in Cubase. I can't figure out the routing if I want to send the tracks to different VSTis. No matter what I set channel wise in the ezplayer track midi routing settings ... the midi is echoed to each cubase hosted VSTi. I've been able to filter the channels in cubase to work around ... but this in not a very useful or time efficient process. Any ideas? PS ... I'm adding this to your tutorial thread, too. I just joined this forum for this specific question after finding your post while googling.

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