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  1. N

    Melodic Hard Rock It's the site where my internet collaboration band offers it's new cd, the concept melodic hard rock album "City of Shadows". If you are a fan of the great hard rock bands like UFO, Scorpions, Judas Priest, etc, then you might really wanna check ReignmakeR out...
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    The Loud thing

    I've seen countless comments around fussing about the current trend in extremely loud recordings. I was wondering why it didn't bother me or most of the music listeners out there and then it finally came to me. Popular music(rock,pop,rap,metal,soul,country) is all about trends. Listen to any...
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    Can't Get the Mix Right

    Help me!!! I'm attempting to better my mixing capabilities and I need help. My mixes sound different on everything I play them(home stereo, car, van, computer, etc) and I'm not sure which sound to go for... So, please check out this link...
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    Splitting and Pasting Wav File Problem

    Yep, it's a newbie popping up cuz he's got a problem. I have searched every way I could imagine to and haven't found any similar threads, so now I ask of you: Why is it that sometimes when I split wav files in Cakewalk 1, it sometimes creates a 1 to 2 bar gap after the point I cut the file. I...
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    My half a song in under 30 minutes Sava - Bored. I was screwing around on a bulletin board while watching the making of Sum41's new video on mtv and wrote some joke lyrics to mess with a guy. Then I thought I'd get pretty goofy and record it real quick. So, less than...
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    Mixing 101 (almost dumb questions)

    I've read a bazillion articles everywhere going through the arcane aspects of mixing and I realize that there are tons of things that I am missing, that I should already know. So, I figure this would be a nice way to answer what must be really basic questions. I'll start with a few, hopefully...
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    Another Swamp Prog Metal song

    ok, taking some of the advice I got from the last track, I have applied those ideas to this track(once I get all 10 songs completed, then I'll go back and remix them together using the little bits of info I'm getting from each one of these)...
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    Swamp Prog Metal Song

    This song is posted as bait for a singer, as I'm not much of one. It's a swamp prog(my own term, since modern metal heads love sub-genres lol) song. The mix is the best I've come up with so far, but something about is still lacking. Any help is greatly appreciated. And any singers wanna...
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    Basic Mixing Help

    Please help me. The mix sounds ok, but it doesn't have any 'punch' or 'polish' to it and I have no idea how to add that little something extra. The song is Kung Fu Grip. It's in the Doom/Stoner rock genre. Now, I'm very happy with the...
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    Melodic Metal with Angelic Vocals

    The Spell is a song from my online collaboration project. It's a straightforward metal song with a sweet female vocal and a blistering guitar solo. What needs fixed for next time? and you can't hurt my feelings. :)
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    Sound Font Questions

    I was curious about which sound fonts people are using, my GM sounds are getting old fast. So, any suggestions for soundfonts titles for the various instruments: Piano Bass Cello String Section and a good synth lead tone like Jens Johansen has on the early Yngwie albums. Any other good...
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    Please listen and help with vocals.

    I have a new track on my page at called The Forgotten. I'm pretty happy with it, except for the vocals. I'm not much of a singer, so I need as many comments as possible on improving the delivery, but even more important is any help in mixing or fx to make them 'liven'...
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    Vocal Harmony Plug In

    Does anyone know of a plug in that allows me to do vocal harmonies? I've been trying to manually do it by adjusting the pitch of my vocal tracks, but they dont come out sounding anything close to natural.
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    Exporting Audio in Sonar Question

    I am working with SonarXL and CoolEditPro and I want to export my midi tracks to an audio file that I can use in CoolEdit to add my guitar and vocals. I record the files as a stereo track in Sonar, but the file doesnt have all the pans that I had in my mix. Is there something I need to do when...