Exporting Audio in Sonar Question


New member
I am working with SonarXL and CoolEditPro and I want to export my midi tracks to an audio file that I can use in CoolEdit to add my guitar and vocals. I record the files as a stereo track in Sonar, but the file doesnt have all the pans that I had in my mix. Is there something I need to do when I arm the file?

Thanx in advance!
This sounds like a problem I have had in the past.

I have a MOTU 2408 mkII for my digital IO. I also have
an XV-5080 synth/sample playback that I run lightpipe to
the MOTU.

I have the XV-5080 sending out stereo left to channel 1 and stereo right to channel 2 (or visa-versa). But I always forget to pan the motu inputs hard left and right. I have to bring on the MOTU console on the computer and set pan on the those two channels.

I hope you have the same issue and this solves your problem.
Do you have a soft synth or hard?

Good luck,

wow - I posted a reply last night and it's not here... anyhow, thanks for the replys guys, I really appreciate it. It turned out to be a setting on the mixer window, which I would have assumed to be default at a stereo mix, but it defaults to a dual mono mix... and I was too lazy to look it up... so I only have myself to blame. doh!

But thanks for helping out! As far as the synth goes, it's just basic gm midi from my soundcard. I'm not much of a keyboardist so I have to put the keys in note by note on the score window.