Search results

  1. M

    Arturia Microbrute and Akai Rhythm Wolf connection help...

    I just got the Akai Rhythm Wolf and have a Microbrute and wondering if there is any reading or instruction anyone here could direct me to about their connectivity and ideas with the Gate I/O, MIDI I/O, Pitch out, etc. I want to get the most out of their interaction. Thanks.
  2. M

    Cubase Elements 6 on a new mac mini

    I have been using a macbook pro osx 10.6.8 and running cubase elements 6. I just bought a new imac mini running 10.9.2. I have installed the program and when it comes to the register step (#3), it brings me to the steinberg page and the hyperlinks don't work. Is there a compatibility issue with...
  3. M

    How to do fresh reinstall of Komplete 8 on Macbook Pro

    I'm missing some soundbanks from Kontakt, Massive, Battery, etc. The sound bank files are empty. Not sure how it happened, but I have the discs, so no worries. I would like to reinstall Komplete, but don't know how to remove everything Native Instruments from my computer so I can do a fresh...
  4. M

    Doubt if you've ever had this problem ... Akai LPK 25, MacBook Pro, Cubase

    I just bought my second LPK 25 to use with Cubase on my MacBook Pro. I also have an Axiom 61 that I don't have any problems with. Had an Oxygen 61 that I never had any plug-n-play issues with. Turns out, I have loads of issues with the little 25 laptop controller. I bought one about a year and a...
  5. M

    Reinstall blues

    My HD crashed on Friday and the nice people at the Apple store were able to replace the drive. I started to reinstall Cubase Elements 6 and the service center is telling me the verification code is already assigned to another user. Me! I still have the receipt from October to prove it...
  6. M

    How to fully activate Axiom 49 with Cubase 6 on a Mac

    I just bought an Axiom 49. I am running Cubase Elements 6 on a Macbook Pro. I have been using an Oxygen 61 and it runs the VST's perfectly. I was hoping the Axiom would be plug and play. Not so. I went to the Avid site for the drivers ... M-AUDIO - Drivers and Software Search ... and it doesn't...
  7. M

    Song: Eva

    My friend and I just finished this (for the most part, unmastered as of yet) last night. If you had to pin down a genre, you probably would say something like dream pop, shoegaze, heavy shimmer guitars, lexicon reverbs on a lot of it. The vox are pretty heavily processed. That's the way we...
  8. M

    Finding my firewire on Cubase 6 for mac

    I just bought Cubase 6 Elements last night for my MacBook Pro. Everything installed right and it looks great. I can't figure out how to make it recognize my firewire interface. When the program comes on, it asks to map out the internal mic, L and R, but no selection that I can find to change the...
  9. M

    AKAI LPK25 = major headache!

    I have mainly used a M-audio Oxygen 61 for controlling the synths in my MacBook Pro Intel DuoCore, OSX 10.6.7, blah, blah. I don't ever have any problems with it being recognized in Garageband, or Reason 4. I also run Parallels and Win XP for Cubase 5. Again, very few probs! I bought this handy...
  10. M

    The song is called Eva. It is an original.

    Please give it a listen and tell me what you think. It is an instrumental. Eva (master) by only_me on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  11. M

    I took the plunge...

    I just paid for my very own license. :) Does anyone know of a down-loadable pdf instruction manual?
  12. M

    Cubase files interchangeable from Mac and PC?

    If I were to run Cubase 5 on both a Mac and a PC, could I transfer files from one machine to the other. Each one would be able to capture specific instruments. I have an analog to digital interface for the Mac (firewire Presonus Inspire) and a multitude of VST's for the PC. I don't have a...
  13. M

    Radiohead cover

    A friend of mine produced this for me in Cubase, Radiohead cover of "Lucky". I recorded all the instruments and the vox. I played his Variax for all the guitar tracks, just finished the the final mix last night. Take a listen and tell me what you think. It took us about 6 hours from start to...
  14. M

    Damper pedal / Garageband?

    I was trying to record my niece the other day playing the piano in Garageband. Using Macbook Pro with an Oxygen 61 USB. The recording sounded good while it was being played, but when it was played back, the damper pedal, or sustain was not holding the note. The piano came out all choppy, like no...
  15. M

    Mac Users, I Need Download Help Please.

    I found this nifty little software plug in and I want it very badly! I clicked on the download trial for Mac OS down there and waited for it to download. It created a 'removable drive' icon on my desktop. I open it up, and click on the install link. It asks...
  16. M

    Good and legit free VST's for Mac?

    Sorry to post something that I am sure has been posted a million times. But are there some decent free VST soft synths out there for Mac? I'm just getting the feel for my DAW right now, so I'm not at the level to know exactly which one I will want to pay for. I will be there soon, for sure, just...
  17. M

    Express vs. Pro

    What would be the one regret I will have down the road if I were to by Logic Express instead of Logic Pro? Is it a $200 regret? And can't I upgrade for about the same price if the regret is a serious one?
  18. M

    Reason 4 no sound ??

    Just bought my new macbook pro, presonus inspire, oxygen 61, m-audio monitors, and reason 4. i installed reason on our crappy laptop, before the mac arrived, and it worked great, sounded good. tried to install it on our super desktop, no sound. got the mac and installed it on the mac, again, no...
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    Firewire / USB

    I am getting a tax return back and my wife just suggested that I use it to buy my digital workstation (I had to pinch myself, and determined that I was not dreaming:laughings:). The catch is, of course, that she has use of some of the money as well. However, I will have about 2,000 to spend...
  20. M

    Acid Music Studio 7 Questions

    Couple questions for anyone that has experience with Acid Music Studio 7. If I bought the software (physical DVD/ROM installation version, not downloaded from Sony), could I install it on two different computers at my house, ex. laptop and desktop. And if I bought the Vista version (which is...