Radiohead cover


New member
A friend of mine produced this for me in Cubase, Radiohead cover of "Lucky". I recorded all the instruments and the vox. I played his Variax for all the guitar tracks, just finished the the final mix last night. Take a listen and tell me what you think. It took us about 6 hours from start to finish. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. There's a couple minor things that I can hear that I know I could have done better, but not bad for our first effort. We are recording some covers for him to be able to get his name out there ... enjoy!
I think this cover sounds way better than the original!

Especially for being, a first effort! :D

Keep on, Keepin' on!!!
Sounds great to me!

Would you mind posting your Mic,Pre and interface. Sound character is very nice. Good Job. Write a song!