Recent content by Guitar Jim

  1. G

    What is the absolute best mic (under $200)?

    Forget it, I'll go elsewhere where I can get replies that are mature.
  2. G


  3. G

    Analog transfer from VF80 to computer ..... noise problem. Help.

    I like to transfer my own original music that I record on my VF80 to my computer, and I do it via the headphone output on the VF80 to the mic input on my computer and record it with Audacity. I've been doing it this way for 10 years now, and I'm very happy with the results and sound quality...
  4. G

    Stereo recording......mono playback.

    I have 2 Studio Pojects B1 condenser mics. I'm 100% happy with the recorded tone I get using them. I record my live singing/instrument accompaniment in stereo using both mics at once. What's the best mic positioning for me, that will provide good stereo sound yet at the same time still sound...
  5. G

    Help please! My SP B1 mic has suddenly stopped working.

    I've had 2 Studio Projects B1 microphones for about a year. They have both been treated very carefully and have had little use. They've never been dropped. I've stored them both in their plastic pouches they came with (I've kept the silica patches in the pouches as well; not sure if I'm...
  6. G

    Fostex VF80:recording a CD, I need quick help please.

    I'm entering a songwriting competition, but I'm afraid I've left things a little late, and I have only 3 days to figure out how to transfer a great stereo VF80 recording I've made to CD, using the VF80 internal CD. I'm VERY technically challenged when it comes to this sort of stuff. I've made a...
  7. G

    Reverb settings for VF80.....advice needed.

    When I listen to my recordings that I make on my VF80, before I add any effects, I like what I hear; the sound quality satisfies me. I record live to 2 tracks using 2 Studio projects B1 mics for a stereo recording. I sing and play acoustic lap slide guitar. I do no overdubbing. All I would like...
  8. G

    Expensive mic? Not necessarily necessary.

    I've just listened to an amateur home recording. It was done with one cheap lapel mic. It was a solo recording of a lovely fiddle tune played on a mountain dulcimer. The recording sounded absolutely beautiful. Yes, the tune is great, the dulcimer player is a suberb musician and the instrument is...
  9. G

    Behringer MS16 speakers.

    Has anyone used these speakers as budget monitors for home recording? I know they're cheap, and I know they're probably crappy compared to *real* monitors, but is there anyone out there who uses them and maybe likes them?
  10. G

    VF80.... do I need powered speakers?

    Here's the story.... yes, yes I know I'm a total dummy at this stuff but please try not to laugh ok. I just plugged in my newly acquired VF80, followed all the instructions, and to my amazement I actually managed to successfully record my plugged in acoustic guitar on track 1 after only a short...
  11. G

    Bought a VF80 from US;do I need an adaptor for use in Australia?

    I recently bought a Fostex VF80 secondhand on Ebay. It was made for the US market and I live in Australia. It's just arrived. I've been told I need an adaptor of some type because of the different voltage systems. I then emailed Fostex in the US and was told the VF80 will accept AC voltage from...
  12. G

    Solo vocal/acoustic guitar; are Studio Projects B1 mics ok?

    I will take delivery of a Fostex VF80 digital recorder/CD burner in a few weeks. I'm considering buying 2 Studio Projects B1 mics. My music is strictly solo..... just vocal/acoustic guitar recorded live ( no overdubs). I have several questions: (1) While I realise the equipment I'll be using is...
  13. G

    I wish to digitally record solo guit./vocal and burn to CD (non computer based) Help

    Hi, I made some inquiries here some months ago about recording on my computer but I've decided not to go with computers .... too big a learning curve, too many choices, too many things can go wrong, plus I'd have to seriously upgrade my lousy computer. I need to digitally record live...
  14. G

    I have several newbie (*extremely* newbie) questions

    My computer is pretty underpowered for recording to say the least.... 63mb ram, 20 gig, Intel 6oomhz, cheapie internal soundcard that came with the computer. I know I can get increased ram without any problem though. I just wish to record live acoustic guitar/vocal for personal use...
  15. G

    Computer recording help needed ( the basics)

    Hello, this is my first post here. I am an experienced singer/songwriter/acoustic guitarist; been doing it for decades. I know heaps about that stuff but close to ZERO about achieving a good quality vocal/acoustic guitar recording onto my PC. Heck, 3 years ago I didn't even know how to use a...