Worst Music Trends of All time

Oh, my God! That Swedish chick bears a striking resemblance to my niece, whom my sister (actually the girl's grandmother, it's a long story...) is preening to be an actress, or beauty queen, or some such rubbish. I love my niece, and she flat adores me, but gritting my teeth and biting my tongue instead of screaming "FOUL!" gets harder every day.

Man, that "Creed" vid was PAINFUL!

Harking way back, I remember having abject HATRED for Rick Wakeman- I thought his stuff was the most pretentious crap ever. Still do. Of course, I like Keith Emerson as much as I hated Wakeman, and really, there is not much difference...
For me, one of the worst music trends has got to be reunions. I can't abide them. I don't know which is the worse aspect of them, the bands trying to recapture something already gone or the fans trying to recapture something already gone.
Some bands had great stories that ended in the best possible way with their break up {The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Sex Pistols, etc, etc}. Then they went and left an untidy loose thread by getting back together.
Harumph !
Another negative trend has been auto tune and sample replacement.

:laughings: :laughings: :laughings:

OK,OK, before all you committees put a bounty on my head, let me explain. I don't mean in and of themselves. I think they're good tools, like any other. No, what I think has been an unhealthy trend has been their usage as standard. The idea that pitch correction or sample replacement is going to be used come what may. It may be here to stay, it may not, but sometimes, it can feel like those movies where the robots take over.