Wish me luck over here....


I've been having some health issues the last few weeks (actually longer than that, it just caught up with me a couple weeks ago), & haven't been around much at all because of it. Some of you guys know things aren't entirely rosy here for me, & all the stress I've been under has finally busted my ass....I had a light heart attack the 9th of this month, & the doc is trying to get everything under control for me, although it's gonna be a rough ride, I've gotta go through with this...

I don't know if any of you guys have had any heart problems, but if that was a "light" heart attack I had week before last, I'd sure hate to have the real fuckin' deal. Felt like someone jumped on my chest, choking me out so I couldn't breathe, while twisting my arm & upper torso like Stretch Armstrong all at the same time...I'm doing much better than I was just a few days ago, but I still have my moments where things just aren't "right", but I'm tryin' to hang tough....

Again, a couple/few guys here know what's been goin' on, just letting all of you know I'm still alive...for now....:D.
Stay Strong and keep a positive attitude man!

Prayers and a big dose of ultra positive instant Karma coming your way!

That's absolutely no good minerdude, but medicine is pretty good with hearts these days... my mother, who's 85, had a "minor" heart attack a year or so ago... and she's still around and doing fine. You'll be good, I'm sure.

Actually my mother didn't even tell me about hers, but that's a story for another time... :D

Good luck with it all.
My dad had a minor heart attack at 81. He was thinking of retiring from work at the time, but that kind of cemented the decision. He's 85 now and still kickin. He bought 10 acres somewhere and has a hell of a garden going.

Glad to see you're still with us and have a sense of humor. Take care of yourself and remember, you are now mandated to keep us up to date.

Best wishes, always.
Just letting you guys know I'm in the hospital due to another heart attack that happened Wed night. I'll probably go home today but it's been pretty rough. I've got a couple major blockages they tried to fix with stents, but no luck so we're gonna try the medicine route.

The first attack I had wasn't shit compared to this one & all the doctors said I was really, really lucky I pulled through.....

Hopefully things will get back to somewhat normal before too long.....
Jesus man. No good at all. Are we talking blood thinners etc? I believe you've got to be quite strict with diet with Warfarin and some of the older meds, so if that's what they're putting you on, do exactly what that tell you. Good luck and thanks for checking in. Keep us posted.
Man, that's tough, hate to hear it. Hang in there and stay confident that the docs will get things straightened out, back on your feet....and picking them guitars.

Very best of luck.
Yeah guys blood thinners & other meds to help with the blockages. I already know what I'm up against because I saw my old man go through the same thing about 5 times. But the doc did say if anything else happens it'll most likely be open heart surgery. Sure hope not.

I'll have to change my diet & give up smoking which is gonna be hard but if I don't I won't be around to pick any guitars. This last episode was about 14 hours of excruciating pain & I really don't wanna go through that shit again. Doc told me I'm lucky to be alive this time around....
Man, I hope this all works out for you. All I can offer is prayers.

Quitting smoking is hard. I don't know why this addition is so hard to quit, but it is. Try the patches or whatever assistance you can grab to help you.

Lucky for you, we live in a time where they have made a lot of improvements in heart medicine.
Damn miner, sorry to hear it. Keep your head up and do the things you need to do to stay alive. Smoking is a damn stupid way to die. I'm pulling for ya over here. Good luck. :)
Good luck. I smoked for 30 years, stopped 14 years ago - when I think of how much gear I could have bought for all that tobacco money ....
Damn miner, sorry to hear it. Keep your head up and do the things you need to do to stay alive. Smoking is a damn stupid way to die. I'm pulling for ya over here. Good luck. :)
Been wondering where you've been Greg. Shit just keeps getting worse for me it seems, but I'm alive.

Never did hear anything back from Shawn so dunno if he liked/hated or what man.....

Doc just came in and I'm probably gonna go home this afternoon. Been a long 3 days for me....
Been wondering where you've been Greg. Shit just keeps getting worse for me it seems, but I'm alive.

Never did hear anything back from Shawn so dunno if he liked/hated or what man.....

Doc just came in and I'm probably gonna go home this afternoon. Been a long 3 days for me....

I'm around! I don't think Shawn has given the amp a good run through yet. He goes out of town for work most weeks. We have a big gig coming up so he's still using his standard rig for the familiarity. I played with your amp a little the other day. I love it. That volume drop between modes is more extreme than I thought though.
Hey Miner, glad you're still around, hope you get better. I quit smoking about 6 years ago - it wasn't so hard, I used patches to stop me from strangling anyone. I know lots of people who use those vapouriser e-cig things nowadays. They work out really cheap and don't have most of the horrible chemicals they put in cigarettes.
Yeah I tried to get the vol drop on "tape" last year when I first got it but you really have to hear it in person to know. I sure miss that thing but I'll get lined out again eventually

I meant to tell him to put the extra power tubes in it to try. To me those 34B's made it a little too spongy, even for me

Great fuckin amp but again I'll get another one eventually. My doc has already suggested I file for disability so maybe this streak of bad luck won't last forever

It'd be nice just to walk to the mailbox to get paid.....hahaha

Be sure to tell Shawn to try those other power tubes man I liked the originals better, he might too
Hey man, you're in my thoughts. I wish you the best.

I can't imagine what it would be like to quit smoking, but if my life were dependent on it, I'd like to think I would find it easy. I just hope they never ask me to quit coffee....
Take care of yourself and come back strong.