White Acoustic Panels

1.) What Rick said.
and my producers sell my cds so im making money ..
Then why the original post???
3.)Can we hear anything off the CD??? I'm betting I already know what it sounds like... :confused:

I think that's the first time I've ever been called 'Shitforbrains.' I think I touched a sore spot with someone.

I'm guessing that ALL 14 year olds are punks who would want to beat up your kid. Well, at least that's what it seems like you're thinking.

I remember when I was 14. I was a smartass sometimes, sure. Who isn't at 14?

I'd love to hear some music... Everyone's all ears here.
:D :D :D
Self importance? Pandmook, what do you do with that grey matter besides hold your ears apart?. I responded to Iced being a prick . It had nothing to do with me personally, UNTILL YOU started in with your bullshit. This is the last thing I'm going to say. When little pricks badmouth ANYONE here who trys to help them, I'll say whatever I damn well please. Iced isn't the first badmannered punk to post here either. Theres been plenty of them. I responded to them too, so don't get the idea I was picking on Iced. He acted like a prick and deserves what ever he gets here PERIOD. So get off your soapbox and crawl back under the rock where you came from.
He said "shut up" to thane1200 who, if you look, never helped him!
:rolleyes: Your wrong. He wasn't just rude. He was being a typical 14 year old punkass prick. And btw, I don't have a flabby ass, and I DO have the balls to not only speak up, but do whatever is necessary at the moment, INCLUDING KICKING ASS if its required. BTW Mr. Shitforbrains, I took on 3 punk ass teenager gang members who almost killed my son behind my home two years ago. They won't forget me. Their scars should remind them for life. Their lucky I didn't kill their puck ass.:mad: :mad: For you who think that just because you're a young man and think you can act and do what you please towards older people because you think you have physical advantage, you might think twice. You don't always know who you are fucking with.
So you're one of those types? Everyone at a certain age is a thug and should be looked down upon. I'm sure you don't look at your own son in that way! So, you've got something against every teenager except your own son. Well i'll have you know, i know a lot of teenagers(including myself)who would put their balls on the line to help anyone, maybe that is why i decided to help Iced, and i also know a lot of "professionals" ie. "professionals" at the hospital i attend regularly, who are only interested in themselves, ie. I had chemo last year and hav been taking magnesium and potasium suplements since then, i was recently told to stop them and had a checkup last week, they told us they'd phone with my results(which only take a couple of hours to come through), we had to phone today(a week later)to find out the results, which infact are very low, and now they're telling me if i feel atall unwell to come up straight away, if we had not phoned i wouldn't know and could've suffered a heart attack. And the excuse is that, they forgot to phone. Well that's professionals for you. Also if we had not went private to get the MRI scan i would be dead, because the "professionals" couldn't be bothered doing all the proper checks. I know you probably do not want to read my life story, but it's just to show that no matter what age, profession, or level of intelligence, there are nice people and there are nasty/lazy people, so don't just blame teenagers for everything because a very small minority of them have been horrible to you/your family in the past.
northsiderap said:
I think that's the first time I've ever been called 'Shitforbrains.' I think I touched a sore spot with someone.

I'm guessing that ALL 14 year olds are punks who would want to beat up your kid. Well, at least that's what it seems like you're thinking.

I remember when I was 14. I was a smartass sometimes, sure. Who isn't at 14?

I'd love to hear some music... Everyone's all ears here.
So you're one of those types?
And what would "those types" mean. If anything, YOU are the one stereotyping just by saying that mr. brilliant. :rolleyes:
Everyone at a certain age is a thug and should be looked down upon.
You are mistaken. And thats the difference between you and me. No, not everyone is a thug at a certain age. Only those who ARE thugs.
So, you've got something against every teenager except your own son.
Again, you haven't got a clue. I've personally opened my home to 4 teenage boys and one girl when they were homeless, at one time or another. I've given a job to a half dozen or so. You don't know diddly shit about me or my attitude towards teenagers. If they were the badge of a prick, just as an adult they deserve what they get. PERIOD. Contrary to what you think, being a teenager does't exempt them from responsibility from their actions.

i'll have you know, i know a lot of teenagers(including myself)who would put their balls on the line to help anyone, maybe that is why i decided to help Iced,
So do I. And I helped them help themself. They were good kids, who would NEVER tell someone who helped them to "shut up". Frankly, if I heard my kid do that, he knew what would happen.

Son, you are preposterous. This is it. Last word on the subject. Either you are a punk or you are not. Act like one and you reap the consequenses. PERIOD.
You want to stand up for poor little ole iced? Go ahead. That tells me something about YOU.
Now fuck off .
I would also like to hear some music iced, im sure its fabulous if your WHOLE SCHOOL knows about you. Thats impressive. Mabye someday you can entice people who like you just for your music. Ever play live? Mabye Rick and I could come see you perform?
Sorry guys.. im not gonna put my music out up for people to listien to ... due to the fact i dont want it getting downloaded.. then it gets added to search engines and all this shiz.. i just wanna stay local right now... .. i would redirect you guys to me site but its currently down ... but besides the bad news .. i have a CD "Left Behind" comming out the 30th .. Hopefully .. it was delayed from last monthy to this month due to ... not enough time .. but it will be selling for around $10.00 localy here .. and if intrested ... well let me know .. i dont mind shiping.. AGIAN it wont be out till the 30th! or later .... i Hope not later .. but if i have to then i will
Oh. and i dont play live OFTEN .. i may off and on for like parties or b-day partys .. but thats it .. i havent performed live in about 2 months ... but i dont know
And what would "those types" mean. If anything, YOU are the one stereotyping just by saying that mr. brilliant. :rolleyes:
You are mistaken. And thats the difference between you and me. No, not everyone is a thug at a certain age. Only those who ARE thugs.
then stop treating us like them then, we are, well, I am no thug or punk. I meant one of those types who thinks anyone of a certain age is only out to harm etc.
Again, you haven't got a clue. I've personally opened my home to 4 teenage boys and one girl when they were homeless, at one time or another. I've given a job to a half dozen or so. You don't know diddly shit about me or my attitude towards teenagers. If they were the badge of a prick, just as an adult they deserve what they get. PERIOD. Contrary to what you think, being a teenager does't exempt them from responsibility from their actions.
Did i say it did? No, i just said that you can expect that from people that age. Ok i don't know you, but from what i do know i will make judgement, and from what you've been saying, it seems that everyone at around 14 are the only ones who cause trouble and we should be looked down upon.

So do I. And I helped them help themself. They were good kids, who would NEVER tell someone who helped them to "shut up". Frankly, if I heard my kid do that, he knew what would happen.
Well if you look back, like i keep telling you to, you'll see that thane1200(the guy Iced was saying shut up to)did not help Iced, he just took the piss cause Iced is young and claimed to be poor.

Son, you are preposterous. This is it. Last word on the subject. Either you are a punk or you are not. Act like one and you reap the consequenses. PERIOD.
You want to stand up for poor little ole iced? Go ahead. That tells me something about YOU.
Now fuck off .
I am no punk, I'm a decent guy who doesnt like to see someone get trampled on for something silly like saying "shut up". May I remind you, that you have said a lot worse thing directly at me, ie. last 2 words, and all Iced did was say "shut up" to some guy, thane, who was taking the piss, and Iced even said "lol" after it! So you would cross the street if someone was getting seriously hurt? You'd let someone shit all over a young boy because he said "shut up" to someone who was taking the piss and then got set upon by everyone around him because they thought they were talking to him. Well THAT tell me something about YOU. Yeah lets stop all this arguing and get back on the really subject, ok?
pandamonk said:
Hey i will demand respect once I've earned it, but do you see meeeeeee demand respect? No!!! Ok Rick may be "generous with his help as he is knowledgeable" and he has actually helped me on an occasion, BUT, THAT does NOT give him the right to go around treat others like shit. I agree I do need to EARN my respect and I will be spending a long time on here trying to earn everyones respect, But i will not earn a few people respect and then DEMAND it from others.

IF and when you do something that deserves repect, I will give it to you. You won't have to demand it. Before that, I will give you COMMON respect, something that apparently you have no concept of.

Again, Rick HAS earned the repect here. You aren't earning anyone's here. Except maybe Ice's, but that's only because he apparently only gets posturing and bravado.
lol... its a personal site .. i have to pay for one by them ... so i decided f-that i can make one for free.. so yah :p
man this is crazy. you don't have to impress anybody here, just don't be an ass and you'll get your questions answered. this ridiculous attempt to make yourself look like a big deal in your city isn't fooling or impressing anybody.
im not trying to make me look like a big deal..... someone said .. so your not discoverd yet .. and i said i an in my area (town)
fraserhutch said:
IF and when you do something that deserves repect, I will give it to you. You won't have to demand it. Before that, I will give you COMMON respect, something that apparently you have no concept of.

Again, Rick HAS earned the repect here. You aren't earning anyone's here. Except maybe Ice's, but that's only because he apparently only gets posturing and bravado.
I never meant that i would demand respect, i don't even remember typing that. I think i meant "I will not". Yes Rick has earned respect with a few people here, but obviously not with everyone or he'd have EVERYONES respect, which he doesn't. I know i haven't earned any either, and i don't expect any. I only argued for Iced because i saw that he was being unfairly treated, ie. he said "shut up" to thane1200 who was taking the piss, then everyone jumped on him, he only meant it, i think, towards thane1200 and everyone but thane1200 took it to heart. Does that not seem rather daft to you? So i jump in saying hey wait a minute he only meant it towards thane(who didn't help him atall), why are you all getting uptight about it? Then, because i'm speaking against the crowd, they turn on me. i mean, WTF?