White Acoustic Panels

Pandamonk, you clearly have your head up your ass. Why don't you pull it out and REREAD this thread. I don't NEED to earn a fucking thing from him or you.
On the contrary, I gave him the BEST advice he could get regarding his "panels". TWICE!! :mad: Frankly, I don't know where you are from, or who raised you, but in my part of the country, when somebody asks for advice, and then has the audacity to tell the advice "giver" to SHUT UP, chances are they'll get their ass kicked clear up to their ears. Maybe thats what he really needs, as its plain as day, no one has taught him shit at home.

BTW, heres one more bit of advice Mr. Brilliant.. The next time you NEED something from somebody, I suggest you don't bite the hand that feeds you. You may get your fucking head knocked off.
I never said you did definitely NEED to earn anything for either me or him. ALL i said is, if you so desperately want it(respect)like you seemed at the start, then you have to earn it. If you don't want it, you don't NEED to earn it, but from your comments at the start, you seemed very angry that you were not getting it, so I assumed that you wanted it, and therefore told you, you need to earn it first. Hey i never said I'm "Mr. Brilliant", I merely stood up for someone who was being picked on/bullied and who retaliated and got into shit for it. It seems to me that it is YOU who thinks you are "Mr. Brilliant", so brilliant you can demand respect without doing anything(helping us etc)to deserve it. It seems that you are the one with head so far up your own ass you cannot see that you were the one demanding respect and when we didn't give you it, as you did not deserve it, it was you who went off in a mood. Again, i never said you NEED anything from me, i dids say, though, that if you want something (respect) from me or iced, then you are going to have to earn it. I'm from Scotland, raised well(I and many others feel anyway), I don't even think he was telling YOU to "shutup", he was telling "thane1200" to shutup as he was "taking the piss", and you, thinking the world revolves around you, took it that he was telling YOU to shutup. Well, i believe, if someone asks for advice people should reply with good advice, not take the piss because the guy is young and poor. If they are not going to give good advice, they should not reply at all, and if they take the piss THEY should be the ones to "get their ass kicked clear up to their ears".
turnitdown said:
What Rick said...... exactly..... :D :D :D
The original poster (I forget his name, but he has that "big record deal...") proved himself an idiot, by asking a question that any 'search' would have answered, and then telling everyone to "Shut up... I know what to do..." when given good basic advice....
And my daughter is 14, but isn't anything like him, so you can't blame age... :p
The search may have given him an answer, but who's to say it would definitely be right? There's a lot of shit on the internet so the best idea is to ask the people who know what they're talking about, or should anyway. Then if someone, who should know better, starts taking the piss, then fuck them. He came asking advice n got the piss ripped out of him because he is young and poor. People gave him advice but not the advice he asked for and one even made fun of him. If you were in that position, would you not act like he did? If not, why not? You're asking hoping to get the best answer and people are just being arseholes, would not tell them to shut up and find out how to do what you want elsewhere?
got the piss ripped out of him because he is young and poor.
No Kanye West (HA! That was a good reference!! <pats self on back>) ;)
I "pissed" on him because he asked for help, then said
Shut up ... lol ... i have a plan already for what ima do .. so .. yea
That's the last time I'm gonna tell you why I think he's an asshole. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO W/ BEING YOUNG AND POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You sound just like Kanye.....
pandamonk said:
If you were in that position, would you not act like he did?

Ahbsoilutely not. I was brought up better than apparently either of the two of you.

The snot asked for advice. After he cried poor, someone jokingly said "use your daddy's tools", ADDED A SMILEY, to which our young snot replied that he already had a plan. Then YOU jumped in. That's what started this.

Unfortunately, a lot of people come in here asking for help but don't like the replies they get. Many of the cry poor, and argue that becuase they are poor, the solutions they propose are as valid as the those that cost more, and when they are contradicted they cry elitism. This happens not only in this forum, but all the others too.

No one HAS to help you. And Rick is as generous with his help as he is knowledgeable, if you'd take the damn time to do a little reading. You may not like the way he gives out advice, but that's just too bad. As far as I'm converned, Rick HAS earned repect here. Come back if and when YOU'VE earned some.
sorry pandamonk and iced, I guess I may see where you are coming from, but Iced was way out of line on this one. He clearly disrespected Rick, and continued to do so after Rick attempted to help him out. Im only sixteen, and I really dont see how you could do this kind of shit to someone who knows so much. Rick has helped me a lot during the time Ive been here, and I think he absolutley deserves your respect, sight unseen. Mabye once you learn enough from people like him, you can start to get some respect, but until then, Im pretty sure its Iced and Pandamonk against the world.

P.S. How much are you paying that talent agency?
its funny as hell. lookin at what yall have to say .. it just cracks me up...

Ok for the fool who was talkin sh!t about how i said i was poor then i dont have a prob with money .. well... i said i was poor becasue
so i was seeing if anyone knew a place were i could get some bass traps CHEAP!
and again i have money but i dident want to spend a frickin a$$ load on this shiz..

Me against the world?? thats funny.. naw, not the whole world.. just the people that fuk it up :p

And how much am i paying my producer.. thats not to be discused... Not suppose to release info on that .. due to i get a discount.. and i dont know.. they just dont want me telling people... i dont really understand but.. w/e
And how much am i paying my producer.. thats not to be discused... Not suppose to release info on that .. due to i get a discount.. and i dont know.. they just dont want me telling people... i dont really understand but..
Your "producer" is a lucky man to have such a gullible "talent" for him to make money from..... :D

If I were you, I would believe "everything" he says, and keep writing out checks to him.... ;) I'm sure he'll make sure you become famous. :D
w/e i dont pay much ... and infact i pay half price .. (Off the normal) and i pay half of that cuz my parents pay half and i pay half so .. it works.. out ... and actully THEY are pretty good.. been with them awile now.. and everything is going good
so you didnt really get discovered, you just have to pay them to get you a "career" in music or whatever it is that you are doing?
turnitdown said:
No Kanye West (HA! That was a good reference!! <pats self on back>) ;)
I "pissed" on him because he asked for help, then said
That's the last time I'm gonna tell you why I think he's an asshole. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO W/ BEING YOUNG AND POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You sound just like Kanye.....
No no, it was because he was pissed on that he said that
fraserhutch said:
Ahbsoilutely not. I was brought up better than apparently either of the two of you.

The snot asked for advice. After he cried poor, someone jokingly said "use your daddy's tools", ADDED A SMILEY, to which our young snot replied that he already had a plan. Then YOU jumped in. That's what started this.
If you didn't notice, Iced also wrote, lol in his statement, showing that he was having a laugh too, then Rick attacked him because of it. I don't care how much better you, think, you were brought up than us. If someone shits on you, you are not going to sit back and take it, if you do, you're an idiot.

fraserhutch said:
No one HAS to help you. And Rick is as generous with his help as he is knowledgeable, if you'd take the damn time to do a little reading. You may not like the way he gives out advice, but that's just too bad. As far as I'm converned, Rick HAS earned repect here. Come back if and when YOU'VE earned some.
Hey i will demand respect once I've earned it, but do you see meeeeeee demand respect? No!!! Ok Rick may be "generous with his help as he is knowledgeable" and he has actually helped me on an occasion, BUT, THAT does NOT give him the right to go around treat others like shit. I agree I do need to EARN my respect and I will be spending a long time on here trying to earn everyones respect, But i will not earn a few people respect and then DEMAND it from others.
notbradsohner said:
sorry pandamonk and iced, I guess I may see where you are coming from, but Iced was way out of line on this one. He clearly disrespected Rick, and continued to do so after Rick attempted to help him out. Im only sixteen, and I really dont see how you could do this kind of shit to someone who knows so much. Rick has helped me a lot during the time Ive been here, and I think he absolutley deserves your respect, sight unseen. Mabye once you learn enough from people like him, you can start to get some respect, but until then, Im pretty sure its Iced and Pandamonk against the world.
He disrespected the person who took the piss, telling him to "ask his daddy to use his tools" or some shit like that. But Rick is so wrapped up in his own self-importance, that he did not realise that the "Shut up" was not directed at him, and only after he started his assault on Iced did Iced and I start disrespecting him. Yes he may have helped YOU, but that does not give him the right to act so horribly to Iced when, clearly, Iced's "Shut up" was not aimed at him.
so you didnt really get discovered, you just have to pay them to get you a "career" in music or whatever it is that you are doing?
:D :D :D
But Rick is so wrapped up in his own self-importance, that he did not realise that the "Shut up" was not directed at him, and only after he started his assault on Iced did Iced and I start disrespecting him.
Self importance? Pandmook, what do you do with that grey matter besides hold your ears apart?. I responded to Iced being a prick . It had nothing to do with me personally, UNTILL YOU started in with your bullshit. This is the last thing I'm going to say. When little pricks badmouth ANYONE here who trys to help them, I'll say whatever I damn well please. Iced isn't the first badmannered punk to post here either. Theres been plenty of them. I responded to them too, so don't get the idea I was picking on Iced. He acted like a prick and deserves what ever he gets here PERIOD. So get off your soapbox and crawl back under the rock where you came from.
Kill the little bastard

I say we find out where this kid lives and string him up by his testacles! That'll show him!


No really what the hell? People are waaaaay to grumpy or something. You guys are probably venting because some 14 year old was rude to you on the street and you didn't have the balls to stand up for yourself for fear of getting the sidewalk mopped up with your flabby asses. Go ahead, take it out on some kid who's studio you might work in someday.
Actully i am noticed ... threwout the area i am in.. like my whole skool.. well most have heard me or have my cd .. and my producers sell my cds so im making money .. so i dont know.. im doing well i believe
Me a punk lmfao ... i dident flip out on anyone you guys did .. all i said was shut up i have a plan or somthin like that and did u notice IT ALSO HAVE LOL IN IT? so i was directing it as a joke .. lmfao you guys are funny
You guys are probably venting because some 14 year old was rude to you on the street and you didn't have the balls to stand up for yourself for fear of getting the sidewalk mopped up with your flabby asses.
:rolleyes: Your wrong. He wasn't just rude. He was being a typical 14 year old punkass prick. And btw, I don't have a flabby ass, and I DO have the balls to not only speak up, but do whatever is necessary at the moment, INCLUDING KICKING ASS if its required. BTW Mr. Shitforbrains, I took on 3 punk ass teenager gang members who almost killed my son behind my home two years ago. They won't forget me. Their scars should remind them for life. Their lucky I didn't kill their puck ass.:mad: :mad: For you who think that just because you're a young man and think you can act and do what you please towards older people because you think you have physical advantage, you might think twice. You don't always know who you are fucking with.