Which Sticks Do You Use?

which brand do you use?

  • Easton

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Pro Mark

    Votes: 43 23.6%
  • Regal Tip

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Vater

    Votes: 22 12.1%
  • Vic Firth

    Votes: 80 44.0%
  • Zildjian

    Votes: 12 6.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 11.5%

  • Total voters
Heh :D Yeah. One of the most important things about being a drummer is knowing when not to play and when not to play too loud.
A friend of mine used thunder rods. I used to use lightening rods, oh the attack those babies had...whoa nelly!
I've been playing with ProMark 7As (nylon tip) for about 10 years now....

just recently (past 8 months) I've been playing with a new band and we tend to get quite loud at times (and the studio that we practice in is a very 'live' room) - I'm at the point where I need to upgrade my sticks to something a bit heavier than the 7As as I've found that not only have I been breaking a good number of sticks, but I've been having wrist issues....the beginnings of what may be tendonitis. I think that I'm letting my wrists/arms do too much of the work...as opposed to the sticks.

any suggestions? for an upgrade from 7As to something with a BIT more girth...not too much though as I hate the feeling of playing with clubs....:D

by the way, I don't like Vic Firth 7As. while on that - is there any explanation to their being no standard in stick sizes??? very annoying:confused:
Greykitty, you use the same as I. The ProMark 5AB american Hickory. Maybe you need to try using the hickory instead of the oak, it is alot more durable. I bought some vic firth stciks one saturday night, and they broke mid service that next sunday morning. The pomark's last forever. I have never broken one yet. The tips just start to get gnawed up after a month of beating the crap out of them.
This is a great topic, I've learned so much. I might try doing an article on drum sticks. I never thought that there would be a need for advice for them.
Its all in the bag....

Interesting post....
Currently residing in my stick bag are Vic Firth 7AN's, SSG's (signature Steve Gadd's) and probably my personal fav's, the SD5 Echo's. Of course the reason I like the Echo's so much is because they allow me to play quieter (which is good in small venues) and play with really good sensetivity and dynamics.
The bag also contains a set of Hot Rods and Cool Rods which can be a great choice for all acoustic sets or something a little more lively than brushes.

i buy these cheap nasty factory seconds (premier i think) 7A's... i play loud heavy rock and go through quite a few sticks... sticks are quite expensive here in australia aud$23.00 pair.. i get 3 pairs of seconds for that hereand those three pair last longer than one pair of promarks or whatever....
Zidjian Dipsticks (5B)

I normally use Zildjian Dipsticks (5B)
I have a shitload of cheapies laying around as well.

I noticed that as my playing has evolved, and improved over the last couple years the less sticks i brake. I purchased the Jon Tempestasignature sticks when i first started..those fucking things were like bassball bats. I don't know how anyone can play with sticks that big and heavy. Anybody use those Ahead sticks with the replacable metal shaft. My drummer uses them and they are really nice...he actually breaks them, which i couldn't possibly do even if i was trying.
i've yet to find a stick i'm happy with 100% of the time.

lately i've been using the Pro Mark 707 wood tips, which are sold as the Simon Philips sig series. i love the bead on those things, although i find that i tend to shave it down over time. haven't found anywhere that has really good prices on the sig line sticks, though, so i tend to play em beyond their retirement age and bust out new sticks for recording or gigs. and they're ok when flipped over and used as double-butt end--good attack and a pretty fat sound from such a skinny stick.

when i'm really looking for that rock sound, i just flip a pair of 747's over and use them buttended. i always figured there was a reason Professor Peart did that. the taper also makes em fit/feel better in my hands, too (same with the 707's).

JBlount, here's a piece of trivia for ya--back in the Trax days, before Carter got his endorsement with promark and his sig line, he used to use promark 5b's "the natural" series sticks (remember those?). i've got a half dozen of his in the basement (some signed, some split, some not, all played). no one wears sticks out in the pattern that carter does.....it's like they've exploded from the middle out, about 7 inches from the tip. i feel bad for his drumheads. :D

lately, i've been having a problem with my sticks sliding out of my hands......but a little 220 grit takes that problem away. still sucks having to rasp up brand new sticks....

I use Vic Firth 5A wood tip. I play blues, and soft rock. Sometimes I change to 7A same tip and brand. For acoustics I play with Pro Mark Hot Rods.

i just found out that the seconds mentioned in my above post are vic firths 7a (wood tip) not premiers... funny that, i had never liked vic firths.. strange how the mind works
i play hardcore/metal in the vein of hatebreed/all out war and no stick lasts longer than one set for me. i have paid the $30 for a pair of aheads and broke them. i play my kit like a redneck treats his girlfriend, i beat the shit out of em.

i use the AHEAD LARS SIGNATURE STICKS. they are not 2 heavy and not 2 light they r just right becuase i play heavy metal. and they are durablee and when they break all i have 2 do is unscrew them and put on the replacements which cost around 3 dollars so they are good enough 4 me.

No matter what brand, I always use 7A sticks because I've found that my playing is dramatically better with a thinner stick. My favs are the Promarks, but I've practically beat them down so much that there are so many rimshots on them you can't even see the logo anymore.

Never ever ever ever ever buy Vater sticks. They break on the first strike. I used them in a jazz gig once (7As) and the first time I hit the crash cymbal in the first fill of the first song the stick snapped in half, so I had to play with the handle end for the rest of that song.

I also like to use timbale sticks when I'm playing r&b/funk/soul. They give a really ambient feeling, especially on cymbals, that is delicious on the more funky genres. I have a pair of Zildjian timbale sticks that they gave to me for free at Guitar Center during the last hour of one of their laborday sales because noone else wanted them.
I use the Aquarian 5B graphite sticks with the red grips on them. I don't know what any of you guys think of them, but I love them because of their durability. I go through wooden sticks like crazy!
Yeah, mrface. Thats a long time ago, trax. Thats cool about you and hanging out with Carter, he is the biggest influence on me. And not just the skills, its his personality and friendliness too. He just comes across as the nicest dude on earth, even on stage.
For all those rock drummers out there that like to go full out, I have the perfect stick for you!

Try the pro-mark: millenium II 5B New generation...they're made of japan oak so they're virtually indestructable. I've been using the same pair for the past 4 months and the durability has been flawless.

The only downside is that they are heavy as hell compared to american hickory. You could also use them for training sticks to build up your speed because they're so damn heavy compared to hickory. Anyway, I've adapted to the weight nicely and I'm confident that they'll last a long time, even for the heaviest of drummers.