Where's The Advice... Another BS Site

Jesus H. Fuck! The apology was as annoying as the original question. Can one person think the world revolves around them and every freaking minor detail of their fucking life any more??? Ths even makes "Drama Queen" an under-statement.
On the plus side, I got to laugh at my own responses. I forget about little one-offs like those, and they amuse me to no end when I stumble on them.

Anyway, a tip of the hat to fruity for coming back to, uh, well, he claims it was an apology, so I guess I'll go with that.

As listed above, no one questioned your musicianship. It's just that we've all met theater folk, and they are pretty much all pampered prima donnas, sort of like pro atheletes, except skinny and gay. You know, the kind of guys who would wrap an "apology" in a 45,003 word autobiography.

EDIT: Ok, the above is harsh, but I am a jerk. To be clear, you're fine in my book, just a little on the frilly side.
MadAudio said:
One of the first lessons I learned in life is "The more someone talks defensively about something, the less they really know about why they're defending it."

My average post is just over 10 characters.
I was going to read it, but I decided to wait for the movie. I hear Richard Gere is playing the lead role. :D
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an attack on this crowd will get you nothing but get your neck in a Guillotine.

Its sounds like an inner struggle with yourself. "I hate you" wait "I love you".

This is a real cool community. Be patient and you will find what your looking for.