Where's The Advice... Another BS Site

why dont you hire sonicalbert?? his reply was pretty professional, if you ask me. At least it was pertinent and correct! Isnt' that what you want?

If you really feel like you need to whine, try harmony central amps forum......that place will give you something to whine about!!!
Man, I just read the original question you posted that got all these people to jump your case for being impatient.....

Look at it this way:

What if I loved to take Sunday drives and I joined a "Sunday Driving" forum......then I post a question asking "How do I synchronize the 2005 Allison permalloy timing chain with the Grody Bonded platinum valve rockers by running everything thru a Milwaukee MLP4800 laser guided metal lathe while performing microneurosurgery with my hands tied behind my back??"

Then get mad cuz nobody posts a comprehensive reply within 4 hours??

same thing....

besides, when you do finally get the answer you are looking for, I'd be interested in seeing where it came from....which forum did you say that was giving you complete answers to that question??
soundchaser59 said:
why dont you hire sonicalbert?? his reply was pretty professional, if you ask me. At least it was pertinent and correct! Isnt' that what you want?

If you really feel like you need to whine, try harmony central amps forum......that place will give you something to whine about!!!

Pfft. Open Jam makes the Amp Forum look like a cross ProSoundWeb and the McNeil Leher Report..
Man, I was just talking about this in a different thread. Instant gratification, no desire to figure out the puzzle, just gimme the answer!

How follows why, and how becomes clear when you learn about why. If you don't learn why, then you'll never understand how. And in this eneavour, hooking up the gear is just the first in a long, never ending series of hows.
Robert D said:
Man, I was just talking about this in a different thread. Instant gratification, no desire to figure out the puzzle, just gimme the answer!

How follows why, and how becomes clear when you learn about why. If you don't learn why, then you'll never understand how. And in this eneavour, hooking up the gear is just the first in a long, never ending series of hows.

But Why? :)
Robert D said:
Man, I was just talking about this in a different thread. Instant gratification, no desire to figure out the puzzle, just gimme the answer!

How follows why, and how becomes clear when you learn about why. If you don't learn why, then you'll never understand how. And in this eneavour, hooking up the gear is just the first in a long, never ending series of hows.
Well said, sir! :cool:
Robert D said:
I knew this thread would eventually degenerate to something worth talking about. :p
Degenerate? I'll let you know I am drunk right now...so....you can just...well....get me a beer or something.... :p
LOL...ay ay ay!!!!!! Threads like this one are the reason i really like this forums...not only you guys give some non sense really good advice, and are patient when you encounter a newbie...

but you don't hold shit back...if it sucks, it sucks...if it stinks...the answer is "take a bath"

...if you are an inpatient idiot with nothing else to do but whine...then we get this very entertaining thread!
I forgot...i posted a thread on this forum about advice on a song in a genre that almost nobody here is familiar with...no answers yet...that's about 20 minutes and nobody even said hi....im mad now...

lolololol just messing around...i post here cuz i know when nobody post in a thread i have started...is 1 of 2 things....either they listened to it and had nothing constructive or helpful they could possibly say...or they are not familiar with how the genre i make music for is supposed to sound like...so therefor they don't even try.

It's all good and that's how i like it...!
Original And Only Post Was A In February. Apology. Long.

FOR MANY OR MOST THIS MAY NOT BE WORTH READING...Might be heaps of spelling and gramatical errors, fooled around in school playing sports, music aand girls, payin for it now.. So, with this in mind...

First I wish to apologize to each Member of this Forum for my "original" Post. I was in desperate need of, what I have since learned was a matter of a Click. It was: The "Dawning Of A DAW Nightmare".

Now, a year or more later and becoming... "seasoned" Back then I stumbled into Home Recording. "My problem would be resolved... Damn, this Internet is cool" But, I got Nothing... Perhaps I confused it with a sort of Chat Room. Which I never joined because of my slow typing skills. By the time I pecked out an answer they had been there and done that. Anyway, it took too long. Like in Beverly Hills cop... "I like to do things fast, fast, fast... you know.... movin'". There was some funny stuff written... I would have kicked my own ass had I read that Post! However, is there a "Home Recording Hotline"? When I go to the Internet Doctor I don't want to wait for a letter in the post to tell me the best thing to use to throw up the 5 grams of hash I had to stash at the Airport... I joke...

Someone made a remark about the Lion King, Yes, I was the Lion King, I was the Lion King. Prior I played a role in Melbourne, 8 Songs For A Mad King. I started calling myself King, since there were already too many Michael's and after Michael Jackson's last charge, I no longer used that name. Hence, King. At least for myself, if no one else. Walt Disney's Lion King is spectacular, but the absolute worst "Gig" I have ever had. Everything was terrible, even though some of you would have loved to earn the money I did, it was not enough. So, the Lion king remark was funny. But, totally wrong. Some of the best musicians I have ever heard were gathered to play. I'm from NY. I know good musicians and these were "Great" both playing written or improvised, brilliant, so don't rag on these, whoever, you were, because any of them would leave you for dead. And were you a "real" 'Musician' you would have never made such a rookie statement.

Being from NY could explain my "Do it yesterday attitude". When I called for anyones help... word of encouragement... That Post was in Feb. I just got it, boy did I get it, yesterday or something... Just one long day it seems.

I was surrounded/overwhelmed by all the new stuff. I had to call the Retailer to ask how to turn the Computer on! I'm not an Engineer, I am becoming one in my solitude and endless hours of learning... It's been a 3 year steep 'Learning Curve'. Prior I was a performer...

Been in many studios, as a singer. Always was amazed at the Engineers ability... Now, I know... Engineering is a long, endless gig... a love hate thing with me... I love fiddling around... I hate the endless hours... I'll take performing over Engineering any day! No offence to those of you who "love" it and know what you're doing... I applaud you, but give me the 15 minutes of fame over the 15 hours of... "I'll continue tomorrow" anyday. I want my life back.

I'm a victim of the DDDD Syndrome took all my money. "Dames, (very "Old School", like me... But it has a 'D') Drugs, Dentistry and DAW. There was even a reply that I was a 'Sissy'! Hardly, I had a 'Hissy Fit' but I ain't no punk. No, hell no. In fact when I die I'm gonna track god down and kick his/her ass for making my life so damn difficult... So, are we clear about my desperate call for help? It was desperate. I needed help. Then. On the spot. Not ponderment... So, that's why I left... Wasn't nuthin' happenin'!

I eventually Mixed 14 Songs, which were recorded in a 'Professional Studio' Great Gear, German Studio. Brilliant musicians (Lion King)... I got them at a bargin, they normally get stupid money in the studio, they were friends, and who can't use cash money for doing what you do... It's like... Money for nothing...

Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Brass, Percussion, South African Background Singers, Flute and Keyboards. All Audio. All great when played together, but damn... Indivual Tracks sure sound different in the quiet of ones Studio. It sounded like crap! But, I paid! Cash! I'm still occassionally cleaning some of those Tracks.

"Master, what is this thing called MIDI?" I will only ever use musicians at the gig...Has anyone had to Mix 60 Tracks average per song, plus, not know anything of what you're doing? I was suicidal... Big Time Hissying. Hissy... Hissy... It's not a bad thing just not a normal thing for a man named Bubba... No, I'm not a Bubba... It was for the "Dramatic Effect" Theatre... Which "can" be a bit 'Sissy'. I digress.

So, I'm learnin, cleanin, fixin, mixin, crashin and burnin when I Googled: 'Recording'. Home Recording appeared. I registered and Logged On and asked a simple, which in fact now I 'Know' was a simple Question.

Here I was sitting in front of Brand New Everything. Biggest Baddest G5, Processors lights, buttons, switches, t.c. electronic M-OneX, VoicePrismPlus, SPL's Qure and Tube Vitalizer an Avalon 747 and some Line 6 less important but added colorfulness to my otherwise Uniform Amptown Professional Black Flight Cased "Stuff"... Yep, that Lion King gig made it possible for me to build one bad ass studio... Great, cool, I'm badd, ah,but, what does it do?! How does it work?

I can't tell you how much I spent on Home Visits. A Tech would walk in "Click or Double Click" something or push a button on the Mixer I'd give them money and they would be gone... 5-10 Minutes... The only reason they stayed longer was for the coffee, cakes or a smoke. I'd work again until the next, "That's right, Hissy Fit". Actually, I was very cool under the circumstances. I must admit however, now that I think of it, it did seem like everyone was screwing me... "I feel so dirty and used".

I found Home Recording and sai:"Thank you god, you just may have saved my iFoot kicking your omnipotent iButt." I only wanted to know how do I Get the Hardware into the Software. It was so simple...

It was explained to me when I bought it, it was explained again when the Tech Installed it, probably another time along the chain, but I was still dealing with and confusing everything... Info Overload... "Now which button do I push to START the Computer let alone Open A Sequencer... Do I need this... Sequncer thing?! How much!!!" Each time I walked into a store it cost me thousands, you don't hear me, tens and tens and... Right, moving on. It was a joy giving a home visit guy 100-200 bucks... That was easy. Small change.

I shall never Post such a long communique again, I promise. This 'Long Winded' Post was to apologize for my act of calling this Site, Your Hood, 'BS'. Sorry about that. But, if I went into a store or business and asked a question and was ignored I'd walk out too. I felt that either no one had the answer or was waiting for someone else to answer first... "Perhaps they are shy?" At any rate I apologize for then and now. In fact, I might have many answers "Grasshopper". I have been to the Mountain Top... I'd rather have my feet on the ground instead of my iAss in this Chair...

So, I berry, berry sorry... I be's good from now on... otay? We be helpful, an nice, creative, collaborative, peaceful, funny an happy, happy, happy. (But, remember, if you wanna be startin' sumpthi' bring it!)

In closing, finally, dig this. Took the Tracks to New York from Hamburg, for 'Mastering' at 'The Hit Factory'. Planned the trip, two Round Trip Tickets, Hotel in Manhattan, Food, Cabs, etc., etc., etc. I walk in to the 'Hit Factory' Flight Cased 17" PowerBook, in the Professional Black Flight Case attache Case. DVD's of the Music when lo and behold, I done walk into a serious big full on star studded party going on. All the Big NY Rappers, pretty women everywhere, champange, smoke, coke... Everythang!

"Hi, what's going on?" "It's our last day. The Hit Factory is moving to Miami!" God, I's a comin'.
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I didn't read that last post cos I'm lazy. You people should show more respect to the author of the greatest thread ever....well, it was ok I guess....
I've been around a lot of theater types in my day.

And they're all pretty much a bunch of drama queens.

Even the ones that are pretty tame ... are still a lot more dramatic than the average Joe. And the ones that think they're not that dramatic ... actually pretty much are, and they either don't know it or they're in denial. But whatever weird thing it is about being in shows ... pretty much lends itself to some severe menstrual-like mood swings, and I just assume King's initial post was one of those moments.

But it's okay. You're one of those theater dorks, and the theater dorks are totally okay by me. I don't always like to admit this, but I actually used to be one. :D But I'm reformed now, and life is good.

King Music said:
You got the first part right, anyway.

Apology accepted, but you're still a drama queen.

One of the first lessons I learned in life is "The more someone talks defensively about something, the less they really know about why they're defending it."
MadAudio said:
One of the first lessons I learned in life is "The more someone talks defensively about something, the less they really know."
Oh yeah?? Well you're wrong about that...You don't know what you're talking about...what are you picking on me for..I'm right ner ner
watermelon said:
Oh yeah?? Well you're wrong about that...You don't know what you're talking about...what are you picking on me for..I'm right ner ner
You were right until I edited my post, but now you're wrong! :D