When should I master??? please help

Apology unnecessary and accepted ... ;)

So, ... curiosity's eating me alive. What's the name of those T-Racks mastered platinum albums? You didn't "bluff" there, did ya?

Long Wave, I didn't mean to come off that sharp. I guess that was the Scottish in me kicking in. I think everyone has points to this discussion.

I know that the last couple of Kentucky Headhunter albums were mastered with T-racks and they went platinum. Also Nasville P****Y was done with it. (What an awful name for a band).

I know that Ric Wilson a grammy winning engineer uses it also. I think he was engineered for people like Disney, Jon anderson and some others.

I heard Ty Tabor from King's X uses T-racks now in his Mastering house. But that is about all I know of specfically.

jwn, this isn't a stab at you...

but WHY!!!! why in the world are these mastering engineers buying T-Racks, when they could get real valve compressors or eq tools!! most of these guys can afford the things!

if it was something like a softsynth emulator of a prophet 5 or something, then i might be persuaded (only if the sounds were spot on), cus those instruments have tuning problems all the time.

it just puzzles me. ahh well.

did a nu metal band today.

i wont say anymore... (i dont like nu metal much)

Re: Dennis...

zip said:
Heck no man...

I realize you know better! :) I was being a bit facecious... ;)

Well, Zip....I did ask the old T-RackS question over at the Mastering Engineers Weboard.... Sorry, but it had to be done and I figured since I don't have anything to lose except being banned I would risk the beating. Chris Johnson replied with quite a lot of information as well as insightful reflections of the current status of the music industry. Bob Olhsson also replied. Im shocked in some ways because they both hinted to sort of what I said on one of the threads about mastering at home with sound forge like tools. I asked specificallly for comments that I could quote in this bbs, but I think in the interest of this bbs I won't. But for those interested, my beatings can be seen in the "The Anything Goes Lounge" at this site.


I recommend anyone even remotely interested in Mastering to read up and even ask some questions. But most of all read the FAQ section on the first page. These guys are the ones who really know what their talking about.

Damn Dennis...

..you have the BIG kahunas man!!

I'll read all about your beating a bit later...

ps (I had no idea you did that - which splains' yer response:D)
thanks for taking plunge, atomic. was great reading the opinions of the pros in that field.
MasterMix price comparison

If anybody is interested in knowing MasterMix
prices, in 1997 it cost me $1600.00 for 12 songs.
Ken Love did the work. It took him 8 hours.
$220. bucks an hour - ouch....

I was happy with the results, not my empty wallet....

Hey Chuck, would you like to fill in the blank space on what you did for recording, post mastering duplication and distribution? Did you get your investment back?

A good mastering job with little results

Hi atomictoyz,

I recorded my first project at a commercial studio
using 3 ADATS through a Mackie board. I decided at
that time I would never record to digital again since
it was so difficult to warm the guitars. Since that time
I have been doing my second project at home on
a MS-16 Tascam analog unit (1"). I use a Neumann
MK147 mic for just about everything. I like the results
much better now. - Mastering will still be a major player
in this project since it made a great difference last time.

I used Discmakers for my duplication service.
I was extremely impressed with their graphics
department. I ordered 1000 CDs and cassettes.
They were great to work with, but very costly.

I did the marketing outreach myself. I put the product
in Christian bookstores on consignment. I also took the
Amazon.com route but Havn,t sold much there.

The return on radio air play was fairly good, but it
didn't sell many units. I even had a seven state
satilite FM station (Billy Graham's WMIT) rotate one
of my songs for 2 weeks. I was happy to get a radio
spot, but for some reason, the songs didn't do much
more. I thought it was amazing that the music director
aired the song, but it eventually went to file 13 - ha.
Oh well, that is the facts of life in my ball park

Now, I have given many units away as gifts, and
tried to gain some lessons from this experience.
Since I love my music, the financial loss dosn't
discourage me from continuing the joy of recording.
However, it would be nice to get some investment

Maybe I went astray on the mastering thread here,
sorry, but it all relates. Any advise????

atomictoyz, did I fill in the blanks for ya?
Just out of curiousity, I went over to the T-RackS website and read the reviews that they have posted. Its an impressive list of magazines that have given them favorable reviews, but...

There is a common thread that runs through them. They all say something like "T-RackS is a good tool to add to your mastering toolbox."

Now in review language, that a strong hint that you wouldn't want to try and do it all with this program, but that it has its uses in certain situations.

Take care,
Re: A good mastering job with little results

Chuckschwandt said:
at home on
a MS-16 Tascam analog unit (1"). I use a Neumann
MK147 mic for just about everything. I like the results
much better now. - Mastering will still be a major player
in this project since it made a great difference last time.

atomictoyz, did I fill in the blanks for ya?

Thanks Chuck :) To sum it up then, your not just messing around, your goals are to sell some records and get onto the radio. Im not sure what it would cost, but Bob Katz does an excellent job on acoustic projects. I think of Mastering as an investment, if you expect a return..you have to invest in the product.

I love the MS-16/MSR-16 1" machines, Im jealous now, my biggest mistake, is passing up buying a 2" 16 track that used to be owned by Neil Young, it was expensive at the time, but would have been well worth it.

a great product from high end used gear.

Hi atomictoyz,

Yes, I love the analog unit. - Have you checked out the
ebay site lately? It has much recording gear. I have bought
many different things there, and havn't regreted yet.
Just type in the type of gear your looking for, and it
will probably have it.

I have a friend that bought a studer 1" 16 track analog
unit there for $1700. !!!! -

Those of us who don't have money hanging on trees for
new gear need an advantage to produce a great product
for mastering. Buying used gear can help get us there.

Take care,
Chuck :)