What's the highest level of education you've completed?

What's the highest level of education you've completed?

  • High School Drop Out

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • High School Diploma

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • A.A.S Degree

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Votes: 16 40.0%
  • Master's Degree

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • PHD

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • College Drop Out

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
My quals aren't on the list.
I have a D. T. ( The Diploma in Teaching was the required standard for primary school teachers when I trained - some folk did a B.A. at uni in a 2ndry subject & then a 1 year conversion course to do K-6 but, as they were subject & content specific in their training they didn't actually learn how to, um how can I put this, ...teach!).
These days you get a B. Ed. for the same course I did but you'd expect change in 30 years.
As far as I can tell I'm the least qualified person at my place of employment which is fine by me - it does mean that my chances of promotion are slim but then again I'm not ambitious - being a lazy yob who'd prefer to play with my guitar once I've done my marking & prep.
My missus is a Dip Teach + Assoc Dip Info Tech (Teacher Librarian) so she's the brains and the achievement of the household, (pity she doesn't cook eh?).
Oh, I majored in Visual Arts (specifically dry point etching - so always had access to that line "Would you care to come up and see my etchings?" - I even know the etymology of that phrase too).
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There's no poll option for my education....trade school.

I graduated high school, enrolled at a University, and found out I enjoyed playing music and smoking doobs way more than going to classes. Then I floundered around Community College for a while. After that I went to a trade school for audio recording, got certified in Pro Tools amongst other things. Now I work both at the school I went to, and for a locally owned studio as well.

I'm pretty lucky, I get to do what I've always wanted to do, and I get paid for it. :D
There's no poll option for my education....trade school.

I graduated high school, enrolled at a University, and found out I enjoyed playing music and smoking doobs way more than going to classes. Then I floundered around Community College for a while. After that I went to a trade school for audio recording, got certified in Pro Tools amongst other things. Now I work both at the school I went to, and for a locally owned studio as well.

I'm pretty lucky, I get to do what I've always wanted to do, and I get paid for it. :D

You're a beakhead, but I love ya anyways....:D
Hi. I'm lucky13 and I'm addicted.....to chicken beaks.....I smoke about a pound every two days. I realize I have no power over my addiction and that my life has become unmanageable.

Hi Lucky....and welcome to Beakers anonymous. Good luck with the beak problem...:D
Nibbled a few chickens feet, not bad. Oh, there is no option for college drop out, Phd/J.D. later. Like a bad recording, multiple drop outs, sputters, false starts, stalls. The recording of new fresh tracks with a differnet band and different studio. Altogether a different outcome. Go figure.
Sorry for the double post. Someone said, "doobies", LSS I worked for a company and one of my supervisors (sort of) looked at me with a blank stare after I siiad the word "doobie" in context of a client discussion. Bear in mind the staring person was 18-21 the period where that term was of common usage. "What is a doobie?" Clueless. One short jab at academia, she has master in social work and certified Drug and Alcohol counselor. I no longer work with that institution.
I did poorly in HS, 1.4gpa..all attitude not apptitude...or something...then 3.4 in EET Ass degree...just finished a course in Management at UT which was even easier because its all about Human touchy feely stuff and not really quantifiable data....

and its all fried stuff man....it doesn't make anything happen. The piece of paper can help get a "role" job...a "drone" job....but as I rot away in age, I see this even more.

the end of my class the instructor put on a slide show that ended with John Lennons Imagine Album picture...IMAGINE was in large font.

I thought...Lennon never even went to college and wasn't even trained in music? Why are they showing this? This is fried shit man? I spent 3 months to get cert'd and I already have the Original Imagine album....

it's all fried man....szzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzlllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeee fried humans trying to find out who they are with a piece of paper.

I guess its the system, if you have to abide in the system of material things then its important.

And there are Online Diploma places that can give degrees out for Life Experience, I work for a 30yr Exp Manager, whose 65.. that doesn't have a degree? Me and a PHD work for my boss without a Degree?
So it just adds to more confusion in my cluttered mind.

and we work at a college.

jelly....jelly brain mush....in the end, our brains turn to mush because of thinking too much. thats my current philosophy on mush brains.

I need to go eat, its 12...I'm not really hungry but they say its good to eat at Noon....thats what I been conditioned to do for 47yrs.

like Elvis said thnk yu, thank yu berry mush....

I finally get what he was telling his crowd! get it MUSH....he was talking about MUSH
I know who I am...and if it weren't for that piece of paper(birth certificate), I'd be in real trouble!!!:eek::D
High School Grad in 75
(time to be in the Air Force)
Associate Degree in Nursing 84
(time off to have kids)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2008

Master of Science in Nursing/ Family Nurse Practitioner 2011??
(although my current class is kicking my butt! Will probably have to settle for a B)